Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 731: Trap & Revealed

Chapter 731: Trap & Revealed

While giving that order Tianlong Yun or the person he was impersonating at the moment looked exactly like a Young Master and an Officer that was wanted great achievements to his name.

Or in simpler words, he looked like a guy that was trying to capture an almost dying terrorist in order to increase his name and fame.

After all, Tianlong WenHe was supposed to be dead, what they had found was either his remains or some people from his party, which were either the mysterious guest or one of the ladies.

No matter what, this should be a situation that a man of his skills and abilities could handle easily. So it was no surprise that he felt pumped up and extremely excited.

The secretary acknowledged the order and immediately set off, while Tianlong Yun stood there with a weird and evil-looking grin on his face.

'Let me see what you have prepared for me!'

He was excited but not because he was going to capture the terrorists for his country, but because he was quite expectant towards the ploys and games he was being involved in.

In a short time, the team was ready for him outside, as he got into the Jeep in front and immediately made the sign to set off.

Since this wasn't supposed to be much of a difficult mission, and most of these guys had an idea what they were about to face, he didn't say much to them either.

In fact, that was only because he didn't really care whether these guys lived or died. They were the subordinates of the original guy, while he was just an impersonator playing the role.

There was no connection between them and him, and the truth was that it would be better for him if they died, like that he would have higher moral standing when he turned back.

With those thoughts in his mind, the caravan he was in managed to enter the doubted area in a short time, as he got out of the car, and then screamed to everyone in there,

"Spread out, search every inch of this place! I want that bastard alive!"

The soldiers and experts under him immediately acknowledged the orders and started searching the surroundings, while of them stood on his side as guards.

After all, with his status as an Officer, it was impossible to leave him alone, despite the experts of his family that were protecting him from the shadows.

Not long after they had arrived at the place, the secretary he had taken to accompany him, approached him and whispered in his ear,

"Young Master, what do you say of an affair in the woods? I am sure that it will be even more exciting now that you are married!"

While she whispered that, her hand had slowly made its way towards his thigh, while the guards had turned their heads on the other side.

No one wanted to offend a man like him that had their lives in his hands. Not to mention that with his identity he could make their lives more difficult to live than climbing Mount Everest.

Since he was impersonating the 1st grade Mayor Tianlong Yun had no other choice but to act like he was immediately tempted by the thoughts and offer.

At the same time though, he couldn't help but smirk, as it was as clear as day to him that this bi*tch had actually sold him, and that she was pulling him into a trap.

Still, even knowing that he didn't have any reason to retreat as he was confident in himself to crush whatever trap and hopes that this woman had to pure dust.

Thinking like that, he licked his lips, but one of his hands on her rear mountains, and then said with a lecherous voice,

"Very well, let's go!"

With that said, he awaited her to pull him in the direction she wanted, while telling the soldiers and guards behind,

"No one follows us! Otherwise, face the consequences of my anger!"

'Young Master please reconsider! This isn't our base, the terrorists are around here!'

It was clear that there were soldiers that didn't agree with his words and intentions at that moment, especially the experts protecting him in the dark.

Yet Tianlong Yun shot them down immediately,

"I said no one!"

"Yes, Young Master!"

It was clear that the two experts weren't happy with this situation. They didn't have much interest in seeing their Young Master playing with a secretary, but they were worried about his safety.

In the meantime, the secretary pulled Tianlong Yun towards a small opening, and then pushed him with his back against a tree, while she got on her knees.

If it weren't for the assassin hiding in the tree this would have been a perfect mouth service moment, too bad though.

Still, considering the timing and the situation he decided to play her game for a little longer. It would be just too wasteful to let go of such a service.

For that reason he just kept a lecherous gaze plastered on his face, as he looked at the beauty below him unzip his pants and reveal his dragon.

"Who are you!? Where is Young Master!?"

What he didn't expect though was for his disguise to be found this quickly. After all, he hadn't disguised his dragon, and it was now in its full splendor.

Still, to be found this fast and easy, just how small of a di*ck did that idiot have?

Well, now that he had been found out there was no reason to keep acting like someone he wasn't, as he just expanded his Laws Domain, and then a bone extended from his elbow.

The bone pierced right through the heart of the assassin behind him, while Tianlong Yun asked the beauty in a casual and cool tone,

"Was the difference that big!?"

"Yes, Young Master's little brother is much smaller than this, and the smell of it is much inferior as well!

Who are you!? Where is he!?"

"That was certainly an unexpected development, I was hoping to receive your service before actually dealing with you!

Too bad, it seems like that is impossible now!

So, what are you going to do about my agitated mood now!?"

"You think you have the upper hand in here? I just need to scream at the people around and unravel your disguise. In a few seconds, you will be put down and captured!"

"Whoa~! This is getting even more interesting, you surely know how to play around. It's just that, how are you going to unravel my identity exactly?

I am not some kind of idiot to wave my shlong around just so that people notice I am not who I am supposed to be.

I mean I have been all these days at the base and people haven't been able to find me, so how are you going to do it?

Furthermore, it's your word against mine! Who do you think those people would believe? Not to mention, that I only need to show them the corpse behind me to convince them!

Any other idea!?"

Hearing all that the secretary couldn't help but feel a bit hopeless as it was exactly as Tianlong Yun said, right now she was in a tight spot.

Sure she could fight against him and hope that she would win, but that was just empty hope. She could feel that the atmosphere around her was weird.

Extremely so!

No matter how much she tried, it was extremely difficult and almost impossible for her to gather energy and attack Tianlong Yun.

For someone with the strength of a Level 8 Soul Formation Realm expert, she was quite strong and capable of assassinating the original guy, but in front of Tianlong Yun, she was just like a little kid.

"Come on, don't tell me that this was all you had right? You better try your best, otherwise once I start you will never have another chance like this, you know?"

Those words were nothing short of a threat, and the secretary could feel her body shiver once she heard Tianlong Yun say something like that.

What made this situation even more difficult for her was that she had no idea who Tianlong Yun the person behind the impersonation was, and what was his goal.

That put her in a fix and confused her into how to approach this whole ordeal. At first, it would look like Tianlong Yun was here to save the original dude, but why would he do something like that.

Threatened with her life, her brain started to work faster, as the questions inside her started getting answers.

He had been in the base for quite a few days already, and he had even participated in the wedding with the vice-general.

Not only that, but during the morning she had heard rumors that Tianlong Yun and the vice-general had consumed their marriage.

If he was just the lackey of the original 1st grade Mayor then there was no way he was going to do something like that.

After all, that bastard would never allow someone to put a green hat on his head, and even less officially someone under himself.

This meant that Tianlong Yun wasn't on the side of the 1st grade Mayor, which gave her a bit of free space to work upon.

With this conclusion reached, she finally regained a bit of self-confidence, and considering the current situation, she touched Tianlong Yun's dragon and wrapped it with her hands, as she said,

"You know there is no reason for us to fight against each other since we want the same thing. Don't you think that it's better to make love, not war!?"

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