Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 723: Unexpected Complication

Chapter 723: Unexpected Complication

'Young Master!' x5

Fortunately, the 5 servants reached them quickly and in a few seconds managed to untie and separate the two men.

"You dawmn bastawrd dow you knoww who I am!? Do you knoww who you are deawling with? I will kill youw!"

"Youw just robbed those words from my mouwth you motherfwucker! Do youw knoww who my lawdy is?"

"Fwuck your lady! You thwink I gwive a shit about her!? I will bury youw guys together soon!"

Both of them seemed to be under the heavy effects of the liquor that they had drunk, but at the same time, they seemed to be blurting out their deepest secrets.

"Hoo~!? It seems like this lady has become that cheap in your eyes, 1st grade Mayor!"

While the two men were actually screaming, cursing, and insulting at each other, all of a sudden a military outfit wearing woman had appeared behind the two of them.

Her curves were average to say the best, and she didn't exclude much of a charm. She looked like a typical tomboy, or to be more exact, a tom-man, especially with the aura and killing intent she exhibited.

She looked like a cold-hearted and fierce general that was able to send his whole army to die just so that she could complete her goals.

It was quite a special, and unique woman. This was the first time that Tianlong Yun was actually coming across such a woman in this life.

Her special countenance and standing seemed to get spoiled by her harsh and scarred face, as there were more than two deep scars on her face.

It looked like someone had damaged and cut through her face many times, bringing her to the current situation.

It was a pity because Tianlong Yun could tell that were she not scarred like that, she would have quite a beautiful and cute face. A face that could compare to that of his wives.

No matter what world it was, and no matter what situation it was, people whether they were normal and weak mortals or experts they couldn't stay aside without actually comparing.

Even Tianlong Yun was unable to escape something like that, as that was the first thing he did the moment he saw this woman, which was immediately noticed by her.

One look at her temper and character, and he could understand that she wasn't the type to forget and forgive such things, and even less pretend she didn't notice them.

Even though he was supposed to be drunk, and not in control of himself, the woman's face still turned extremely dark and gloomy.

But now wasn't the time for her to deal with the character that Tianlong Yun impersonated, she was more concerned about that 1st grad Mayor.

This guy was a descendant from one of the big families in the capital, as part of their efforts to take control of the army.

There were many others like him all over the place, but there were only a few who managed to get high grades in military camps.

This guy could be called an exception, as he was extremely intelligent and resourceful, nothing like those common good for nothing second-generation silk pants.

She had tried so many times to trap him, but he had never made a false step, this was the first time that something like this happened.

Still, even this was too little, some empty threats said while one was drunk wasn't much of a proof or reason to put him in detention or kill him.

The truth was that she would have wished to let the matter proceed further, but this idiot had involved her in the discussion, and she couldn't stay out anymore.

In a short time, other people were going to arrive at this part of the camp as well, as these two idiots had created a big commotion.

"My lwady, my lady, you are here! You should ask jwustice for me my lwady! This man threatened to kill you and me!"

"I know, you don't have to repeat that you drunkard fool! Just step aside and let me deal with this!"

Her tone and her words were truly overbearing, making everyone feel as if she was some sort of Empress or Goddess.

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun couldn't help but have a feeling to punish her right then and there, but a gentleman can wait for his revenge.

Until now, he still had doubts whether he should turn this woman into his, but after this, there were no doubts anymore. Still, he did as he was told while keeping playing the drunkard role.

On the other hand, his 'good brother' seemed to have awakened a bit from the intoxication, as he turned serious and said in a fake ashamed face that was reeking of rage,

"Vice General Jeong I am sorry for my blabber just now, as I was intoxicated from alcohol and was having a fight with my brother!

It was nothing more than some cheap and meaningless words! I hope that you don't take them to heart!"

"Seeing you regain clarity and sense so quickly it makes me wonder if you truly were intoxicated 1st grade Mayor.

Furthermore, hearing rumors of your discontent through the base, it makes me feel that you were a bit too emotional saying those words!"

"Vice-general must surely be joking, how could I ever dare to think like that about my future wife!

Soon, we are going to be one family, surely you wouldn't think that I want to get widowed before getting married, right?

Those rumors are spread by those that don't want stability, and want to create division between us, my future wife!"

"Well, seeing the situation around here, and hearing your words it surely looks like it, 1st grade Mayor.

But I would prefer that you don't use those terms while we are both on duty, we should keep family matters and official matters aside."

"You are right! Just now it was my mistake Vice-general, it won't happen again!"

"I hope so! Well then since this is dealt with, I think that I should leave now before those guys who spread those rumors get more creative seeing what happened!"

With that said she didn't wait for the man in front of her to say anything else and turned around to leave. When she had taken one step, she looked towards Tianlong Yun and said,

"You come with me! Not only did you get drunk in base forgetting your rank and duty, but you even got into a fight with someone above your rank!

You are going to be placed on house arrest for one month!"

It wasn't easy to punish an expert, even if they were to be punished, the conditions of their punishments were much different from those of normal soldiers.

That was due to the fact, that should a master get angered and provoked he could burn the entire base by throwing away his life, while a soldier was unable to do something like that.

Strength, power, and connections determined the way you were treated and judged by the society.

Furthermore, if the vice-general lady decided to punish him more, then she would also have to punish the 1st grade Mayor as well, which was something out of her plans right now.

"Huh!? Why should I get pwunished!? Why only me!? I didn't do anything more than hwim! I don't accept this!"

Tianlong Yun was shocked by the discovery a few moments ago, as he felt like he had just been trapped in a family fight between these two guys.

But at the same time, he also managed to understand better the situation among them, and how to play it from now on.

Still, in order to create more waves and mud in this situation, he had to keep his act until the end, as he started screaming at the 'injustice' that it was done to him.

The vice-general lady heard his words with a pinch of salt, as her face turned even darker, as she said in a harsh and dominating tone,

"Are you doubting my decision!?"

At the same time, her killing intent seemed to bloat the room, as Tianlong Yun was completely detoxified, as he immediately seemed to be pushed back, and said in 'fear',

"Nnnn-No Ma'am!"

"Very well, then you are punished for 2 months! During this time you aren't allowed to get out of your quarters!"

"Yyyy-Yes Ma'am!"

"Hmph~! Trash!"

With that said the vice-general lady walked out of the quarters of the 1st grade Mayor towards her own, while 4 soldiers came to accompany Tianlong Yun to his quarters.

Normally, even when punishing an expert with house arrest, the guards would be normal soldiers. But Tianlong Yun could tell that each and every one of the four following him was an expert as well.

In fact, the aura and energy emanating from their bodies made it extremely clear that they were even stronger than the original Seo-woo.

It was clear to Tianlong Yun that the vice-general lady was keeping a tight lock on him, especially since she had lost track of him for some time.

Still, he didn't need to worry much, as his preparations about the next step of the plan were completed as well.

As a matter of fact, this vacation period couldn't have arrived at a better timing for him. With those thoughts in mind, he quietly went to his room and lay on the bed.

He could already feel that there were more than 20 bugs through his room, checking and recording every move of his, so he couldn't leave immediately

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