Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 707: Cannon Fodder & Goal

Chapter 707: Cannon Fodder & Goal

The arriving team of experts was clearly unhappy with the situation that they found everything, as they were clearly seething with rage and anger.

One look at their faces and expressions would easily describe their inner feelings, and even more when they landed on the ground and saw the state that all their people had turned into.

The general could be said to be the one looking the best at that moment, as all others didn't even have a full body anymore. Not to mention that there were also those who were unable to identify.

How could they not be angry and enraged, their 'tools' had been destroyed beyond recognition. It was not only great damage to them but also great damage to their face.

Who would dare to move against their people in their own country? It was clearly some people that didn't know how death was spelled and written and they would have to teach a good lesson to such people.

Especially seeing how Tianlong Yun and Tianlong WenHe were seating leisurely on the car's cover while having their legs over the general's head.

It was a naked provocation!

"How dare you vicious bastards do something like this? Do you know just whose people they are? Do you know just who you have made an enemy of?"

"Huh!? Why do they belong to someone powerful? They didn't look much though!"

"Someone powerful you say? You have gone against the people of the Marshal General! You have signed your own death!

We will make sure to mutilate your corpses, and make you suffer the pain of actually harming even one hair of our people!"


"Wha-What did you just say?"

"I said bullshit, there is no way the Marshal General is behind this. If he were, then he wouldn't have sent such idiots to deal with me!"

"You damn bastards~!"

The one who was talking to the newcomers all this time was Tianlong WenHe, he knew that Tianlong Yun didn't want to attract the attention of people, so he had to be the main star of the show.

But even then, he was smart enough to understand that this wasn't actually the work of that guy reigning over the country.

It was impossible for him to actually make a move on him, as he didn't remember actually having a conflict, or attracting his attention.

Things didn't make much sense! Only if he already knew that he was part of the Shadow Clan, and was also one of the Shadows, but that didn't seem really plausible.

After all, he had made sure to act his role and not show his traces. So it was impossible for him to actually know of his real identity.

Which left the only option, someone else close to him must be using his authority to actually launch an attack towards him and try to kill him.

But he didn't remember to have actually had hostile relations with any such person. Then who was the one behind this, and most importantly why?

The little conversation with the guy in front of him was enough for him to actually confirm half of his doubts, now he just needed to push further for the truth.

In fact, his doubts had been confirmed from the start, because the newcomers' team was surely filled with experts, but their strength didn't go beyond Nascent Soul Realm in equivalence.

Surely they could be considered a team of experts because not many people would be able to actually possess that strength and level, but against him they were useless.

While the Marshal General might not know of his affiliation to the Shadow Clan, he should have an idea of his strength, so he wouldn't send people to die uselessly but real experts that could fight him.

This trash were enough to make him break a sweat and cough a little bit of blood if he were alone, but he had his big brother Tianlong Yun behind.

As he was thinking like that, the leader of the new team who was dressed completely in an assassin's black outfit, jumped first with his hand extended forward.

His palm started expanding and taking a nice blue color, looking like some kind of big fluorescent palm light directed towards Tianlong WenHe.

This guy had the strength of a level 7 Nascent Soul Realm and using his palm technique his strength could be said to have reached the level 8 Nascent Soul Realm.

It wasn't bad, he could be proud of himself, and despite seeming to have a young voice Tianlong WenHe could tell that he was more than one century old.

In comparison to himself, he was a damn geezer that just had forgotten to actually die. Not to mention that he was extremely weaker than Tianlong WenHe.

Seeing the example of their leader, even the others didn't seem to hold back, as they jumped ahead at the same time, with their target being Tianlong Yun.

Since their leader had decided to deal with Tianlong WenHe and was even using his famous palm technique on him, they who wanted to curry favor went for Tianlong Yun.

The earliest bird could catch the food, this was the same situation with them. There was only one Tianlong Yun and there were 19 of them.

They couldn't allow even the slightest deterrence in their skills and attack, otherwise, their prey would be captured and taken away right in front of their eyes.

"Sigh~! Idiots overestimating their selves! WenHe deal with this pesky flies quickly!"

Instead of praising the attackers or crying in fear of what was about to happen, Tianlong Yun actually sighed and offended them more, while handing Tianlong WenHe his sword.

Whoever heard and saw him at that moment would think that this guy was truly unafraid of death or had some sort of psychological problem.

The truth was that Tianlong Yun didn't fear death, and even less dying in the hands of these greenhorns.

While he wasn't in prime conditions at that moment it didn't mean that he couldn't take care of these little bastards.

Since dealing with them wasn't enough for him to break a sweat, he just handed his sword to Tianlong WenHe to quickly take care of the issue.

Certainly, that didn't mean that he wasn't going to involve himself in the fight though, as he quickly spread his laws to block these guys from escaping or using too much power and raise a commotion.

Not that it hadn't already become a commotion, but he couldn't let it expand more than this. Otherwise, the people behind this wouldn't dare to appear anymore.

He needed the bait to look tasty and without problems, if he wanted to fish the damned big fish that was trying to see him as prey.

Taking the 'Life's Regret' into his hands Tianlong WenHe felt just like a tiger who had suddenly received wings, and he immediately disappeared from where he was sitting.

That's right he seemed to have disappeared into thin air, right in front of the raging newcomers that were preoccupied with currying favor.

Even the team leader, who had his full attention of fatty, didn't seem to be able to follow his presence, or even a slither of his shadow.

Things were most certainly extremely difficult and surprising, even more so considering that fatty was at least thrice his weight.

On the other hand, Tianlong WenHe appeared behind the crowd, and then made a horizontal slash towards them.


Even though he appeared on their weak spot, and made a sneak attack since they were all experts of the Nascent Soul Realm he thought that they would put up a little bit of difficulty.

Who would have thought that not only didn't they put up any difficulty, but the blade in his hands was able to cut through them like a hot knife through butter?

Not only that, but each and every one of his first four victims died even before he was able to make a sound.

Furthermore, he could feel that the blade seemed to be robbing something from their bodies, but he was unable to understand just what it was.

Still, that didn't mean that he had any idea of stopping what he was doing, as he disappeared from his spot once again to reappear on the other side and launch the same attack.


This weapon was truly a treasure despite cutting through so many bodies without trouble, it wasn't doing any big sound.

It was just like shooting a gun with a silencer! And for some reason, he felt that even that sound was there due to his own incapability.

If someone like his big brother Tianlong Yun were to use this sword, it wouldn't even make such a sound.

At that moment he once again felt the majesty of his big brother, and his desire to become stronger similar to Tianlong Yun started burning even brighter inside his heart.

From the start, Tianlong Yun had told them that he was creating the 16 shadows in order to obey his instruction in the future, but they had decided by themselves that they would get stronger to protect and help him.

After all, Tianlong Yun was the one that had extended them a hand when the whole world didn't even acknowledge their existence, and he was the one that had given them a place to belong to.

A family!

For that reason, they had discussed it together and made an oath to one day become strong enough to protect their big brother.

But no matter how much they tried the distance between them and Tianlong Yun was like an insuperable mountain.

That didn't discourage them though, quite on the contrary it made them even more determined to reach and surpass him.

To surpass their selves one always needed a goal

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