Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 626: The Impossible Love of Sonia

Chapter 626: The Impossible Love of Sonia

'Don't act extensively! Act like you are meeting your boyfriend!'

Since Tianlong Yun had decided to enjoy this trip amidst these weak human mortals, he would surely not want to attract the attention of the surroundings.

As for the second part of his statement he wanted to have a look at how she would react when she interacted with him.

For someone who had that type of instinctive hate towards males, this order surely would activate her self-defense instincts.

Just as Tianlong Yun thought, the beauty that entered the coffee shop seemed to flinch a bit at the order, but she still managed to keep her emotions in control as she walked towards him.

The moment she reached his table, she hesitantly brought her shaking hands towards his eyes, covered them, and then said with a strange voice,


Feeling her hands on his eyes, Tianlong Yun quickly brought his own above hers, feeling her tremble as he did so.

Then he slowly lowered her hands towards his lips, gave them a kiss, and said in a sweet and tender voice,


At that moment he truly looked like some kind of young man meeting with his lover, as his eyes seemed sparkling as he looked at her.

Even the beauty was shocked by what was in front of her eyes, as for a moment she forgot about her instinctive hate towards men, and just looked at him with a weird look.

Seeing her reaction Tianlong Yun couldn't help but think that it seemed like he still had it in him, but he soon broke her stupor as he said,

"Are you ready to leave sweety!?"

"Huh!? Ye-Yes I a-am!"

"Very well, then shall we leave!?"

"Huuhhm~! Ye-yes!"

After enjoying the coffee of that place, Tianlong Yun felt like he didn't need to care more about it, as he just left the money on the table and left the place.

The coffee was good, but it wasn't as good as the price suggested. Don't get him wrong, the amount he paid was nothing more than currency to wipe his ass after shitting, but the coffee was still not worth it.

With that done, he just placed his arm around the beauty's waist, and then lead her towards the exit, but he could feel that she had started to react a bit extreme to his advances.

She had started to tremble slowly, just like some kind of leaf falling from the tree, as her teeth were clenched forcing her emotions down.

Seeing that her reaction was a bit stronger than he had imagined, Tianlong Yun took his hand off her waist at that moment, and asked with a gentle voice,

"What is your name beauty!?"


"So-Sonia, since when have you had this problem?"

The beauty seemed a bit startled as he heard that part, but even though she understood that Tianlong Yun was just joking, she still said,

"My name is Sonia Grahubby"

But before she could continue she saw that Tianlong Yun's face went dark as he heard what she was about to say, so she quickly stopped herself from saying Master, and said, hubby!

Even Tianlong Yun couldn't help but get surprised at the way she referred him, but looking at her blushing and embarrassed face that seemed like she was seeking a hole to enter, he pretended like he didn't hear, and said,

"So, about your problem!?"

Sonia regretted saying those words, but the said words were like a released arrow it was impossible to pull them back, but seeing the way Tianlong Yun reacted, she breathed in relief and then said,

"When I was 8 years old, my step-father tried to rape me, and when I was 14 the boy I loved tried to do the same!

From that day I have abhorred any man! No man is good!"

Even though she had already told this story a few times until now, and in an even more detailed way, this was still a deep wound inside her soul.

One that she was unable to close!

Hearing that Tianlong Yun put a hurtful expression on his face, as he said,

"How could you say that about me wifey? How can you say that I am no good!?"

His words and his tone caught the gloomy Sonia by surprise, as she started to panic. Especially when he called her wifey, she didn't know how to react.

But even more so, when he said that she was insulting him. Considering his status, and his position she knew that her words would be enough for even her Master to punish her severely.

Thinking like that she couldn't help but quickly blurt out,

"No, no I never said that Grahubby was no good!"

"Then are you saying that I am not a man!?"

'Fu*ck me! When did I ever say that?' This was what Sonia was thinking inside her head, but she didn't dare to say that out loud, as she quickly tried to explain herself,

"No, no! I wouldn't dare! I wouldn't dare!"

"Then what are you trying to say!?"

"I was say-saying that"

"You were saying that!?"

"I was saying that"

"You were saying that you were in love with your Master, and I came and stole her from you, so I am a bad man too right!?"

"Ah~! Yes, yes! I was saying that What!? No, no! I wasn't saying that!"

At first, she thought that Tianlong Yun was giving her a way out, so she quickly tried to catch the vine of help and climb up. But it was only after that she understood that she had fallen deeper.

Looking at her panicky, and almost crying face Tianlong Yun understood that she was on tenterhooks, so he thought that this was enough for her, as he sighed and said,

"Sigh~! You don't have to hide it in front of me, not that you are capable anyway! Now tell me!"

Sonia was shocked as she heard that, but looking at Tianlong Yun's gaze, she felt like she was an open book in front of him, so she knew she had been caught, as she sighed too and continued,

"Sigh~! It's just like hubby says, Master was the one who saved me the second time from the claws of that beast, and the people behind him, and gave me another chance in life.

I don't know when, but since I was unable to approach men, and seeing her dazzling figure and spirit I started developing feelings for her!

But then I learned about you and knew that my chances were none even before I expressed my feelings to her, so I decided to just stay by her side and help her!

But, but, but when I returned this time and learned what happened, I couldn't help but feel an extreme sense of jealousy and anger, even though I know I am not entitled to!"

Sonia's love for Tianlong Meigui was the same as Tianlong Meigui's love for him. It was just like one of those prince charming saving the damsel in distress type of love stories.

Only that in this case both the prince charming, and the damsel were both beautiful women. The love between people of the same gender didn't surprise Tianlong Yun much.

Be it here on Earth, be it in outer space, or in the Immortal World, there would always be people that had different preferences and different choices in their lives.

What surprised him though was that despite her feelings, the beauty in front of him was behaving in a truly calm way, as he said,

"Oh!? It seems like you are different than I thought! Don't you hate me? Don't you think that I was the one to have stolen your Master from you!?"

"Huh!? I am not that stupid! Certainly, I have a bit of anger towards the fact that you were able to meet her before me.

But knowing the story and seeing the look in her eyes when she speaks about you, is enough to make me understand that she truly loves you, and she will do everything for you!

I don't even dream that she would choose me between the two of us! I am not delusional!"

The fact was that even Sonia understood that somehow she was just a branch that was extending out of the big tree that was Tianlong Yun.

If it wasn't for him, her princess charming wouldn't have the strength she had, and wouldn't be there to save her when she needed.

Furthermore, even though she didn't know everything for him, and only from what she had heard from rumors and her Master she respected him.

Surely at first, she thought that he was just some kind of beast and that her Master should stay away from him, but if she acted like that, then she knew that she would lose her Master.

Slowly, she started to accept the truth, and the fact that she hadn't been able to see him until now in fact had made her curious about him.

And now that she was speaking and discussing with him, she slowly understood that whatever she had heard still didn't seem to make justice for him.

On the other hand, after hearing her words a grin appeared on Tianlong Yun's face as he said,

"What would you do if I told you that there is a way for you to be with her on the same bed!?"

"What!? What are you"

But before she could ask him properly what he meant, or what was he plotting, she heard the sound of cars, and police sirens surrounding them, and blocking their path, as her face went dark

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