Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 623: Laws & Problem

Chapter 623: Laws & Problem

The burning pain inside him seemed to be adding up with each passing second, but he didn't have time to think about that.

Right now he was in a completely red dimension, he was fully surrounded by blood, and no matter how much he spread his senses or how far he walked there was still blood in front of him.

The whole space was filled with blood as he felt like some kind of fish into the depths of a deep ocean of blood.

The biggest problem wasn't getting out this place, as Tianlong Yun knew that what he was experiencing right now was just a temporary space.

This was just an auxiliary mental space created from the Vampire God inside his drop of God's blood in order to help his descendants comprehend his laws easier and better.

After all, only if you were surrounded all time from water would one understand water, and only if someone was surrounded all time from blood would they understand blood.

Normally someone who had no idea of this would be flustered by the situation around him, and it would take some time to get used to this place and start comprehending.

But Tianlong Yun wasn't a normal cultivator, or someone who was going through this for the first time, so he was able to quickly understand what was going on, and more than ready to use it.

Before he could do that though, another mental space crashed with the bloody ocean space, instead of repelling each other though they started overlapping and merging together.

In a short time the red blood ocean started creating another trait, which was fierceness, the law that the Werewolves God had comprehended.

Just like the blood laws, fierceness was one of the prime laws in the Universe, and while it didn't have as much of a high ranking as the blood law, it was still pretty special.

Even though it ranked way lower than other laws, the law of fierceness was able to make it's stand against all the other laws in the top-rankings due to its nature.

Fierce towards oneself, fierce towards the world! This was the best idiom to express this law, which would make someone even forsake their existence, just so they had enough strength to be the fiercest.

Sensing this kind of law even Tianlong Yun had quite a bit of hesitation towards the learning of the law, but the next moment he still decided to go forwards with it, as it wasn't his main law.

His main law towards Godhood were the Nirvana Flames law, and rebirth! As long as he was able to learn and make these two laws his, even if he died he could always be reborn.

Rebirth was most probably a special law, only few cultivators, or Gods might have thought of it, but none of them would be able to actually succeed.

It wasn't because they didn't want to do something like that, but because they didn't have a way to do it.

No matter how many plans one could have to become the richest man alive, if he didn't have a starting capital, and a good guide, then all those plans and dreams would just remain at that.

While those guys could think of rebirth as a law, it was impossible for them to actually understand what it meant, and even less be able to experience it in order to understand it better.

The Phoenix Royal Clan could probably have a shot at it, but in order to be able to truly understand Rebirth enough to enter the God Realm they would have to truly be reborn from a drop of blood like Tianlong Yun.

Unfortunately they couldn't do something like that as they didn't cultivate their bodies, nor were they able to have the regenerative abilities of the Vampires.

Tianlong Yun confidence on being able to use that law to reach Godhood was precisely due to the perverse existence, and uniqueness of his merged bloodline.

With these thoughts in mind he fully concentrated on the space around him as he started trying his best to learn and understand the two laws surrounding him.

As Tianlong Yun was undergoing his breath-taking changes, and then concentrating on comprehending the two laws inside the space he was in, Princess Drina woke up.

Even though she was a bit empty-minded at first, soon enough she could finally make sense of everything around her and understood Tianlong Yun's current situation.

Even though she wasn't able to see what was going on inside the bloody cocoon that had enveloped him, she could feel a crazy amount of energy, and Qi inside it.

For a moment she was tempted to touch it and try to see if she could feel something inside it, but then her instincts clearly warned her against it.

The smallest mistake, and touch of hers might cause an extremely terrible reaction, sending not only Tianlong Yun but even her towards the depths of hell.

With those thoughts inside her mind, she stood up from her place, as she was covered in the mixture of love juices between her and Tianlong, as well as her own sweat she got up and headed to the bathroom.

Taking a good and relaxing long shower, she finally came out of the bathroom, and sat in front of Tianlong Yun.

She was still in her birthday suit, not because she didn't have anything to wear, but because she didn't need to, and didn't want to.

Every being wants to feel completely free, and naked from any restraining object, and thought once in a while, sometimes even our clothes look like a cage of our inner feelings.

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun had already explored every nook and cranny of her body, not leaving even the tiniest part of her physical body unexplored, and this place was warm enough for her to do so.

She was the one who was the clearest about her own condition, and problems she was facing, so she could understand that even without Tianlong Yun explaining it.

The reason she stood in front of Tianlong Yun right now was because she wanted to try and clarify her feelings, and herself.

She thought that perhaps by looking at Tianlong Yun's face and sensing his presence for some time might help her a bit with her heart demon.

For that reason, despite not being able to see his face, or his expression at the moment, she started staring intently at the blood cocoon, trying to understand something, whatever it was.

Like this seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks, as more than 2 weeks had already passed.

But the more she tried to force herself to understand it, the more complicated she felt. In fact, she understood that the true root of the problem wasn't Tianlong Yun anymore but her little brother.

She felt guilty towards him, for everything she had done to him, and for what he was going through at the moment.

Even though Tianlong Yun hadn't killed him and was even treating him better than a regular prisoner due to her, she still felt guilty towards him.

So, no matter how much she tried to find a solution at this moment she knew that it would be impossible for her to do so.

Understanding this, she could only let out an emotional sigh, and then look towards the blood cocoon once again, but this time she found out that the blood cocoon had disappeared.

There was no sign of it, and neither any sign of Tianlong Yun which made her feel extremely weird and complicated inside, but the next moment she felt his warm touch from behind.

Her whole body trembled and shivered at that moment, as the next one Tianlong Yun had brought his face closer to her face, and ears, licking and kissing her as his hands made their way towards her secret garden.

Everything happened really fast, and before she could even react, one of Tianlong Yun's fingers had found its way inside her secret cave, while the other hand was pinching on the bud of her right juicy melon.


Feeling all that attention on her body it was impossible for the beauty to not have any reaction.

Furthermore, it had become like a natural instinct that whenever Tianlong Yun touched her, she would feel it with her whole being.

That was mostly due to the effects of the natural pheromones that Tianlong Yun's dragon bloodline excreted to appeal the opposite gender.

But since it was a natural aphrodisiac it was almost untraceable, and unsensible so the ladies thought that their own bodies were craving for his touch.

Certainly, only a few people knew about this trick of Tianlong Yun, and Princess Drina wasn't one of them, so she could only belong to the second category, and think it was her body's reaction.

Her moan, and the drooling of her secret cave were enough evidence that she was ready, so Tianlong Yun immediately pressed her down, and invaded her secret cave in one go.


Princess Drina was unable to reign over the excitement of having her secret cave filled to the brim so she could only release a soulful moan, which was soon followed by a lot of others.

The whole room was filled with moans, and sounds of excitement, as they kept doing it for more than a few hours, until Princess Drina couldn't hang on anymore and passed out.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to have much of an expression on his face, as after he climaxed, and painted her white inside, he immediately sat on the lotus position and in meditation once again

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