Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 621: Origin Milk Essence

Chapter 621: Origin Milk Essence

Everything was beautiful and dandy a moment ago, but the moment that the effect of God's blood coupled with that other precious material appeared, hell descended upon him.

At first, it was a ripping cut through his guts, he felt like some kind of giant was pulling him with his hands by the head and his legs, and his body couldn't bear it, getting ripped in the middle.

An instant later, another two giant hands captured his body from one limb each pulling even stronger, as if they wanted to rip him into many pieces with his True Qi Body location as the center.

It was pretty painful sure, but that was just the beginning as things would only get more painful and difficult from now on.

Even though Tianlong Yun was kind of prepared for this, what he was going through was much more than he had ever thought possible.

But even then it was something that he could handle, as he was a cultivator whose whole body had been destroyed and been reborn from a drop of blood, but that time the pain was more momentary.

This time it didn't look like some kind of a one-hit death and destruction, but a slow and terribly painful one that forced him to clench his teeth and do his best to bear with it.

Blood was flowing out of his body like he was some kind of a ripped bottle of water or some thick blood-red juice.

It didn't look like blood anymore, as it was slowly forming a small puddle beneath him, and then drowning him inside.

As the drop of God's blood from a Vampire it wasn't weird for the laws it contained to be related to blood, as, in fact, it was precisely the Blood Law.

There was an infinity of laws in this world, and also an infinity of ways for one to reach the God Realm, but each of them required determination, perseveration, knowledge, and enlightenment.

The paths that Tianlong Yun was following were the hardest amidst the best-known bunch of ways and were in addition to each other.

With the wide universe and the all-involving heavens, it wasn't weird for one or two God-Real cultivators to reach that realm through sudden but long enlightenment.

But they would only have the Realm of such an existence, and wouldn't have the strength, and fighting prowess of one.

If they wanted to reach that point, they would have to slowly follow the path of their cultivation and experience every breakthrough and bottleneck once again.

One had to say though that those guys always had a much better start-up than everyone else, as they had already reached that realm, and only needed to naturalize with the strength, techniques, and Realm.

So, it wasn't that weird for this Ancestor Vampire God to have learned about the laws closest to his arts and manual, the Blood Law.

Laws were divided into two big categories in the Immortal World. Prime laws like Space, Time, Blood, etc. And the composite laws like nature composed of elementals etc.

Blood Law was one of the strongest prime laws, that Tianlong Yun had knowledge of, and also one of the most difficult ones to understand.

But these Vampires clearly had the advantage with the Blood prime law, due to the very way they had chosen to follow Godhood and Immortality.

To put it in simple words it was just like a math genius deciding to do his bachelor's in mathematics. Even though he was in the same line as everyone else at first, his natural talent put him ahead.

Every Vampire was like that, as long as they started learning about the blood laws they would certainly have the edge over everyone else.

As Tianlong Yun was thinking like that though the blood puddle around him started growing bigger and bigger, covering his body full.

It was covering him just like some sort of cocoon, not allowing anything else to surround him but fresh red blood.

It was extremely startling as even Tianlong Yun himself couldn't believe just how much blood was flowing out of him, and he was still able to live.

It wasn't like he hadn't drunk blood before, or like this was the first time he was watching this much blood, but this was the first time seeing so much blood that it came out of his body.

It was completely unbelievable! Still, he didn't have time to get breath-taken by the scene around him, as he had to concentrate on making the most out of this opportunity.

He wanted to immediately start pulling the Blood Qi, and the aura of laws inside his body, but right at that moment it was impossible, as there was something else taking effect.

The 100.000 years old origin Milk Essence, was a rare treasure of heaven and earth energy that would make any cultivator, sect, clan, organization, or even Gods in the Immortal World crazy with greed.

He was certain that if his bastard of a father heard the news about him having this kind of Heaven and Earth treasure in his possession he would kill his brother and return everything he had taken from him.

If someone dared to oppose him in doing so, he would kill that opposing guy without thinking twice, even if that guy was his own father or brother.

Of course, that was as long as Tianlong Yun had the necessary strength to back up himself and decided to give that treasure to his father.

But why would he want to give a helping hand to a damned bastard that didn't care even about him when he was betrayed and set up.

He would better choose to give to a dog, cow, or even snake before giving it to him. In fact, it would already be a great sign of compassion from him if he didn't torture his father for a few thousand years and just kill him.

Once again due to his deep desire for revenge against those who set him up, and betrayed him, Tianlong Yun's line of thought had derailed, as he needed to think about his current situation.

Origin Milk Essence was ranked 3rd in the ranking of the most precious treasures of Heaven and Earth, as it was the golden ticket for an extremely pure body, with all qualities maxed.

What this treasure did wasn't as simple as cleaning someone's body from all the impurities, as it would even clean up his structure and his being, turning even the blackest kettle crystal clear.

Normally Origin Milk Essence would be a white liquid that seemed like it had come out of the World Core.

But what not everyone knew was that after absorbing the energy of Heaven and Earth for more than 100.000 years the Origin Milk Essence would start solidifying.

It would slowly lose its white color and start turning transparent, just like some kind of crystal clear diamond, growing stronger and potent, becoming one of the rarest materials in the Universe.

10.000 years old Origin Milk Essence was already highly sought after, and the dream of many God Realm cultivators.

The 100.000 years old Origin Milk Essence was beyond that, if it became known that it existed on this small planet, far away from the Immortal World, the whole Immortal World would barge in here.

They would destroy and turn this planet to dust just so that they could take even a small drop of this extremely precious treasure.

When he had learned what the material of the pearl containing the drop of God's Blood was made of, Tianlong Yun couldn't contain his excitement and his wonder.

How come something so precious, and so rare was treated as nothing more than a container for a little drop of God's Blood.

It was just like using gold or diamonds to pick up the shit from the side of the road, it was just that much of a difference.

But what was most important to him, was where did those Vampire Ancestors and Werewolves Ancestors found this treasure? Was there more of it!? And how come it was created on this small planet?

This made him even more curious about the origins of this planet, and its place in the huge universe.

The more he lived in this place, the more startled, shocked, and curious did he become about it.

And the more he read about the history of this planet from what was recorded the more he felt like there was something wrong with it.

After all, even though the Immortal World didn't have much knowledge of the Ancient times due to the disappearance and forgetfulness, they still had knowledge of at least 10 billion years.

Yet according to the history of this planet, this place was just around 6 or 7 billion years old. The universe was slowly expanding, and there was certainly the birth of new planets and systems.

But the number of treasures and rare resources on this planet was much higher than for a normal newborn planet.

In fact, it would take at least 9 billion years for a planet to start forming treasures of Heaven and Earth Qi, and the estimations didn't seem to add up.

But while this treasure of Heaven and Earth Qi was extremely rare, extremely useful, and extremely needed, at the same time it was extremely painful to experience!

Just think how much work and strength would a black kettle, or an extremely dirty t-shirt need to return completely as it was at the time of creation.

The same work, pain, and strength were acting upon Tianlong Yun's body, washing and cleaning every single cell of his body. Washing him completely from his impurities

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