Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 616: First Prince’s Matter

Chapter 616: First Prince’s Matter

With those thoughts in his mind, Tianlong Yun quickly decided to surrender, as he said,

"Ok, little devil you win! But I won't forget this!"

"Hhaha~! I am not afraid of Master!"

Her cute and chirping laughter made Tianlong Yun feel extremely happy for some reason, and he wasn't angry in the least at her reaction.

Still, he had his honor to defend as he pretended to be a bit unhappy, and said begrudgingly,

"You little devil, I will teach you a good lesson later! Now tell me about the situation in here!"

"Well everything is proceeding just as we had expected Master, we have already made enough connections, and evidence to keep most of the people visiting us tied to us, if we need them!

The only one creating trouble for us was this Fourth Princess, but it seems like we don't have to be careful of her anymore, as she has already become one of us!"

"What about the First Prince!?"

"Hhahah~! Him!? He is the one that is tied the worst with us, as we are the only ones that could satisfy a few needs he has!?"

"Little girl, are you trying to make your Master jealous by saying that he has fallen that hard for you!?"

"Huh!? Hahhaahah~! Even if I would want to use him, Master, it would be useless. As that guy has some special interests, and he isn't interested in me in the least! Hhahaha~!"

Hearing those words Tianlong Yun couldn't help but get extremely surprised as he asked with an interested look,

"What do you mean by that!?"

"The first Prince plays for the opposite team, and he even likes his prey to be below legal as well!"

"You mean!?"

"Yes, Master, the First Prince is a pedophile homosexual!"


Even though Tianlong Yun had the same thoughts and the same reaction as the owner of the voice, this voice didn't belong to him, but to the beauty on his other side, Princess Drina.

She was unable to not only believe what she had heard but also to imagine that something like that was plausible.

After all, there were a lot of stories about her First Brother having fun every night with his servants, and even taking a lot of women from outside the Palace, all over the world.

His Harem was nothing short of what Tianlong Yun had shown her until now, so she felt that Meigui was just joking, as it was impossible for that to be true.

But Tianlong Meigui didn't seem to even stutter and doubt this information for even a little bit, as she said,

"Just like you heard it, Fourth Princess!"

"It's impossible! After all, the whole Palace and the whole world knows about my First Brother's stories, and things he has done!

Even Father is sometimes jealous of First Brother's Harem, as there were many times where he has wished to take them away from First Brother.

But First Brother has never allowed him to do so! So, how could he do something like that, if he had such preferences?"

Tianlong Meigui just looked at the beautiful Fourth Princess with a playful look, as she continued,

"Have you heard that idiom, Fourth Princess!? The publicity will be extremely high when the matter is extremely weak!"

Letting the Fourth Princess think about the idiom for a bit, and process it, she then continued to say,

"The same is happening with your First Brother! Since he is the Crown Prince of the Vampires Royal Palace, he can't allow others to know that he is such a character.

Even more so when he is found amidst a battle for the Throne, that he doesn't wish to sit upon, but is forced to!

In fact, better than all of you he has understood that your Father doesn't want to let the throne to any of you!

He is just using you to attract the outsider's attention towards you, as he is planning to make the First Prince sit on the throne as a puppet King.

So, forced from all these factors he is forced to put such an act in front of the Palace, you guys, and the whole world."

Princess Drina was left jaw-dropped hearing those words, but she couldn't help but feel that Miss Mei wasn't lying to her, and that was the truth.

It was extremely difficult for her to believe those words, but slowly that feeling was being shattered to dust as she started doubting.

Then as if finding a thread of doubt, and darkness in those words, and that story she couldn't help but ask,

"How do you know this!?"

"Well, it was quite the surprise for us as well. We were just investigating the disappearance of the child of one of the women in our House, and we found traces connecting the case to the First Prince.

With that, we started following behind the First Prince in private, whenever he went outside of the Palace and found some other cases connected as well.

Everyone who was able to have this much information would be able to make some conjectures, but we thought that he was just using these kids for a ritual of sorts.

It was only when he entered our establishment masked one day and asked for something like that that we were able to finally understand the situation and make use of it.

From that day, he became our biggest guarantee to keep working in the territories of the Vampire Palace, while we provided him with what he needed without raising suspicions.

What we didn't expect was that he would fall in love with one of our 'providing's' and he went as far as to tell the current situation of the Palace to him!

With that, we were able to tie him to our ship, and he has been helping us quite a bit inside the Palace, setting up spies and the necessary logistics for us to take control of the clan.

The only point that we are suffering now, is that we don't have a qualified person to make him the next ruler, as the First Prince doesn't want to become the Vampire King."

Hearing all that, even Princess Drina had to accept that it couldn't be a lie. What kind of person would bother to create such a long, and detailed lie.

Not to mention that she didn't even have to lie, as she seemed extremely loyal, and attached to her Master Tianlong Yun.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was a bit surprised and startled at first, but he was able to quickly regain his calm, and tranquillity as he said,

"You little girl, what do you mean you have a point to suffer, shouldn't you say you had a point to suffer!?"

Now it was Tianlong Meigui's turn to become surprised and startled, as she understood her Master's intention and asked with a confirmation needing tone,

"Master you mean!?"

"Yes, Drina will become the new Ruler of the Vampire Palace, it's Vampire Queen!"

"I thought so! Well, I had already thought that this was the case when I saw you coming here with her!

By the way, Master is she my little sister, or my little maid!?"

The moment she said those words, two pairs of ears immediately sharpened and turned all their attention towards Tianlong Yun's next words.

Tianlong Yun noticed this too, but he pretended to not have noticed, and instead of answering he asked with a teasing tone,

"What do you think!?"

Tianlong Meigui knew that this was a little test her Master and her lover was giving to her, so she took a deep observative look, and then said,

"At the moment she is just my little maid I think, but she is showing signs of making her way up the ladder.

If she continues like that, in the future she will become my little sister, as she is way below me in your heart!

Am I right Dear!?"

Tianlong Yun had to say that this beauty was extremely sharp, and observative of the situation around her, making him feel that it wasn't a mistake on his part to send her here.

But that wasn't the full reason why he decided to make Tianlong Meigui voice his opinion, he wanted that with this to give a warning, and a motive to Princess Drina to work forward.

He certainly didn't doubt her loyalty, as with the sex-slave seal upon her Soul Avatar it was extremely difficult for her to even think of betraying him.

But he wanted to give her a reason to work harder towards a better future, and a better standing by his side.

With his senses, he was more than able to notice that Princess Drina had understood the underlying meaning of his actions, and she seemed like she was determined to not let this chance escape.

Satisfied with this, he looked towards Tianlong Meigui with an appreciative look, but he said with a mysterious tone in his voice,

"Perhaps you are right, beauty!"

Then without much tarriness, he continued,

"From now on, you two will work in tandem with each other, and try your best to make our plan succeed.

You will be unable to contact Drina these days, as she has some important things to take care of, so you can talk to Alina should she not be around.


"Certainly, Master!"

"Very well then, when I leave tell the others that I will be staying in the Vampire Clan for a while and contact our forces in the Werewolves territory to contact the Thirteenth Princess and work in tandem with her!"

"Yes, Master!"

Satisfied with the answers Tianlong Yun didn't give any more orders, as in fact, he put an evil grin on his face while saying,

"Well, now that these matters are taken care of, you need to take care of a more pressing matter!"

"Huh!? What matter Master!?"

Tianlong Yun took her hand and sent it towards his dragon, and said,

"This matter!!!"

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