Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 607: Subduing another Legal Mature Loli

Chapter 607: Subduing another Legal Mature Loli

She didn't use her somewhat superior strength to fight against Tianlong Yun, but she used the new skill that she had taken from the Vampires Ancestor Grave.

She had never seen anyone else possess and use such a skill even outside the Vampire Clan. From what she knew this was probably a rare or a unique skill on Earth called 'Soul Sword'!

It was the ability to use one's Soul Avatar to quickly wield a sword made out of soul power and attack the enemy's conscience sea with it.

It was just like using a sword made out of Qi towards one's Qi body or using a steel sword against one's physical body.

No matter the process, and what happened, the result was bound to be painful, and cause damage to the target, certainly the scale of the damage depended on the quality of the sword, and the target.

But that didn't matter at that moment, as she thought that with that attack, she would not only be able to quickly take care of Tianlong Yun, but also save her Qi, and strength.

If she was against any other normal person, then her plan and idea were perfect, as it was truly like she thought, Soul Skills were rare or even unique on Earth.

Unfortunately, her opponent was Tianlong Yun, who was the biggest exception of that idea on Earth, as he not only knew Soul Power, but he also cultivated it.

The innocent beauty's soul attack on Tianlong Yun was just like using a paper cutter against a steely shield, it had no chance of working out.

Her 'soul sword' launched towards Tianlong Yun invisibly as the whole room could only see them watching onto each other eyes.

But Tianlong Yun could feel the light Soul Power refractions, as the 'Soul Sword' entered his Conscience Sea in an overbearing manner, only to disperse like a puff of smoke.

The next moment, the innocent beauty in front of him started to change, in fact, in his eyes, she was still the same as he had seen her in her true appearance all this time, but in the eyes of the others was different.

Her eye color turned into a beautiful bloody red, while her lips, her nose, her cheeks started to become a bit more attracted to her skull form, and she appeared to have lost a bit of non-existent fat.

If the first appearance made her look like an innocent beauty, the appearance she had now was more of a little devilish seductress.

Her face wasn't the only thing that changed though, as the volume of her melons also seemed to fall a bit, but the volume of her hips and butt increased.

If Tianlong Hu Die was a legal loli fully developed, then this one seemed like a mature lady underdeveloped, inspiring inside every man the desire to possess and dominate her.

Tianlong Yun was no different as he felt the same. Furthermore, it had already been decided that this beauty would belong to him, so he felt like he was just getting what he deserved.

But unfortunately, the beauty in front of him didn't seem to have the same thoughts as him, as she said with a panicky voice,

"You, How is it possible!? How come you have such a strong Soul Avatar? And that Conscience Sea! Just who the hell are you!?"

In response to her questions though Tianlong Yun only smiled mysteriously, as Drina's voice was heard from the entrance of the elevator,

"Sorry little sister, I forgot my manners and introduced my Master as my servant by mistake! Big sister is sorry!"

"Huh!? Master!? What do you mean you dirty bi*tch!?"

"Well, you see, he took my heart, body, and soul, and became my Master in every meaning of the word. Just like he will do with you!"


But she was unable to continue because at that moment Tianlong Yun had appeared in front of her, and plastered his lips above hers, as his tongue tried to break her defenses and wrestle its way inside.

Normally that wouldn't have been something easy to do, as the devilish little beauty was stronger than him on the first view, but since her Soul Avatar had suffered a concussion, she was unable to react on time.

She could only react when she felt his tongue trying to break its way in, and she did her best to keep her lips closed and not to allow that.

Noticing her defensive actions Tianlong Yun just chuckled as he thought, 'girl you are a few thousand years young to be able to resist and defend yourself against me!'

With that thought, he quickly send his hands towards her small chest, and then pinched the swelled buds on top of them.

The moment that the little beauty opened her small mouth to cry in pain, he quickly stuffed his tongue beyond her lips, licking her gums.

The little beauty was caught by surprise and didn't manage to react in time, even though she had seen this happen a lot in those videos she watched, she didn't have any actual experience.

Her attraction to her Second Brother was only platonic, as she mostly liked his sly, ruthless, and malicious side, she didn't really love him, even though she thought so.

If she truly loved him, then she wouldn't feel so excited and exalted at this moment and would surely not allow Tianlong Yun to take advantage of her.

But she couldn't be blamed too much either, as Tianlong Yun had taken advantage of her weak Soul Avatar to attack it and her Soul Conscience through Soul Suggestions waves.

He was quite surprised by the fact that this beauty was also cultivating soul power, and was even able to launch soul attacks, but in front of him, she was completely defenseless.

By the moment that his tongue had passed through her small pink lips, he had already started to break her and her will, making her more acceptive of his actions.

For that reason, just after a few licks of her gums, her jaw opened by itself as her small slithery tongue got out like a snake out of the cage and started battling with Tianlong Yun's tongue.

The whole room was shocked at the situation, as they couldn't understand what was happening at that moment.

From the beginning to the end, the maidservants of the Second Prince were continuously shocked and stupefied.

They weren't even able to separate right from wrong at that moment, as they could all look at the scene with a stupefied expression.

On the other hand, Drina seemed to be quite surprised at her Master's actions, as she didn't expect him to create this miracle so soon.

After all, with her he had been so rough and even taken so much time to truly subdue her, then why was he acting like that with that little succubus she had for a sister.

She would certainly teach her a lesson later, but first, she had some boring things she had to do, like turning all these bi*tches in front of her into her servants.

Normally she would never do something like this as she would most likely use them as cheap toys, and then kill and throw them on the slums.

Now was different though, as these women had great importance to her mission. Even though they were just servants, they had great information pertaining to her Second Brother's businesses and deals.

With them, by her side, she would have a much easier job of overtaking her Second Brothers businesses, deals, properties, wealth, and the rest of his servants.

Even though her father had left the field open, she knew that he was bound to get partial towards the First Brother and her Fourth Sister.

If she wanted to make profits from this situation she had to act now and fast. With the justification of punishing them for their impertinence, she could seize these servants and a large part of her purpose.

With those thoughts in her mind, she quickly ordered the ladies at the door to block any one of them if they tried to escape as she moved swiftly to attack them one by one.

In less than 2 minutes each and every one of the stupefied beauties had become her servant through the Blood Servant Pact, and she could enjoy the show in front of her.

By this time Tianlong Yun seemed to have broken even more of the little devil's mental defenses and reasoning, as he had sat her upon his lap, and she seemed much more cooperative with him.

She was kissing him back like crazy, responding to every one of his touches, and was even rubbing her lower body to his thigh.

Tianlong Yun seemed to be trying his best to make her as comfortable as she could be, as he started to take off her dress.

Immediately in front of him appeared a small chest, dressed by a see-through sexy bra, that showed the pink cherries on top of each small melon.

Her panties were the same see-through material and not only that but even had a small slit at the position of her secret cave's entrance, making them even more erotic.

For a moment he was mesmerized by this sexy cuteness of hers, but the little beauty seemed extremely worried at that point, as she asked with an embarrassing voice,

"They are small aren't they Master?"

"They are perfect little girl you don't have to worry, furthermore I will make sure to rub them enough to grow bigger!"



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