Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 605: The Devil is Back! (Fear & Punishments)

Chapter 605: The Devil is Back! (Fear & Punishments)

Her experience with Tianlong Yun had been quite special, and she had found some new feelings, interests, and preferences of hers.

Receiving punishment from her Master was just one of the many, and she couldn't help but look for more.

That didn't mean that she dared to defy Tianlong Yun's orders, and instructions though. She just liked to play or make some small mistakes that would serve her a plate of punishment.

With those happy thoughts in her head, she slowly started to walk towards the elevator, as she felt the eyes and senses of all the building upon the situation behind her.

She truly felt like she had been away for far too long, as these people didn't seem to remember her mood, and character, so she said with a low voice that traveled all through the building,

"It seems like you guys have forgotten about me as well!

Each table on the first floor should send one woman, each room on the second will send two ladies, each room on the third will send three, and each room on the fourth with send four.

I don't care whether it's your daughter, your lover, your fianc, your wife, your mother, or even your grandmother, but it should be the beauty of the table or the room sent to my room on the fifth floor.

If you try to play smart with me, you should remember the consequences!

You have just 10 minutes to decide and act!"

Everyone in the building was shocked, and horrified! How would they know that the Devil had returned, and she hadn't changed in the least?

They had all thought that they had escaped the Devil, as the rumors were that she had already disappeared and died inside the Unknown Space, but now here she was in front of them.

Each and every one of them couldn't help but curse their selves for being stupid and curious. They shouldn't have tried to sneak their noses where they shouldn't, but now was too late.

The truth was that almost all of her retainers had decided to deflect the moment they heard the rumor of her disappearance and Drina could understand that.

After all, she knew she had been too heavy-handed with them! Normally she wouldn't have cared about them, as she didn't even want to return to the clan, as she wanted to follow her Master.

But now that Tianlong Yun had told her about the drops of God's Blood, and that she needed to return and take control of her Clan, she felt like there were two ways for her to do so.

The first was through goodwill, as she would show to everyone that she had changed and become wiser, and gentler.

Which would take a lot of time for her retainers, and the people of her clan to accept, and start respecting her, while some of them might even take it as her weakness.

Or the second way through deeper fear and terror. This way was easier and simpler for her as everyone already knew of her fierceness and viciousness, and she was feared for that.

While the first way was more lasting, the second way was much simpler to implement and worked much faster than the first one.

Her Master needed the drops of God's Blood, and the help of her clan as soon as possible, which made her even more determined to follow the second way.

Since she had decided that, then it was only right for her to start implementing her plan that had started from her performance at the Palace, now it was the time of these low lives.

Furthermore, she knew that her Master wasn't satisfied with what he had had on his plate these days, as despite joining hands with her 4 personal servants she was still unable to please him.

So, she decided to strike two birds with one stone, and use this event to create a good following behind her Master.

Not to mention that since she had decided to fight for the throne, she needed to expand the number of her followers, and it wasn't bad to give these ladies a try.

Since she had her Master, there was no need for a male follower behind her, so all she would ever recruit in her family would be beautiful ladies, that would help her in serving her Master.

Tianlong Yun, who was beside her, was following everything that happened with an amused smile, as he couldn't wait to enjoy all these delicacies.

Certainly, a woman needed to have some great qualities in order to enter his eyes, but not every delicacy he tasted on the way was supposed to enter his eyes and his life.

A few of them were just a one-time fling, and nothing more. Like many of the delicacies, he would taste after a few minutes.

In fact, until now he had been almost invisible, as no one had paid attention to him as he entered the elevator behind Drina, together with Alina.

Right behind them entered the elegant manager and the auburn-haired beautiful servant. Even though unwilling the two beauties couldn't oppose the order of their new Master.

With the line-up completed, the manager pressed the button towards the fifth-floor suite, which was the only room on that floor.

Different from all the other rooms, this particular one was totally sealed up from any noise, or type of surveillance. Even the cell phone waves didn't work in there, and it was only possible through a landline.

Before the Devil by her side had disappeared, this was her personal playroom, as she would eat, drink, and pass time while playing with other people's lives.

With her disappearance though, this room was invaded, and conquered by the servants of the Second Prince, and sometimes he would come and play with them here.

Even today there were 10 of his servants, including the auburn-haired lady in the elevator that had come to spend some time in this place.

They were celebrating the fact that they had found a new beautiful and chaste servant for their Master.

The ladies had sent the auburn-haired servant to give a good blow to that dead bi*tch's servant and make them understand who the new boss of this place and the country was.

Since they were partying, drinking, and enjoying their selves they hadn't paid much attention to the situation, and the fact that their fellow servant hadn't returned yet.

Alcoholic drinks and all kinds of blood were flowing in this party, in order to make the new prospect member get used to her new life as soon as possible.

It was only when the door of the elevator opened that they were finally reminded of their fellow servant who had gone downstairs to deal with that matter.

The sound of the elevator's door opening made everyone inside the Suite look towards the elevator while they were still laughing and enjoying.

In fact, a few of the beauties had even started to undress their selves while playing strip poker, as servants that served the same Master, they weren't embarrassed to show their bodies to each other.

In fact, for a few of them, their bodies were their best weapons and their best attributes of showing off. As women appearance was more than 50% of their self-confidence.

But the moment that the door of the elevator opened, Tianlong Yun suffered a scene of Deja-vu it had already happened once at the entrance.

Everyone who looked towards them, and recognized Drina would suddenly freeze in time and space, with no other sound around them besides their fast-beating hearts.

The sudden interruption and change in the environment forced even the other ones to look towards the elevator as well, suffering the same fate.

The only one who wasn't as bothered with their appearance in that room was a beautiful young lady of 18 years old, with goldish hair, big blue eyes, small pink lips, and a small nose.

Her curves and shapes were normal for a woman her age, but her milky white skin and that innocent aura around her made her stand out among the rest.

The beauty seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit when suddenly the party stopped, and everyone was looking with a shocked expression towards the elevator.

Unable to shake her curiosity she did the same thing and looked towards the point that had made everything possible, and she couldn't help but get shocked as well.

How was this possible?

It should be some kind of joke right!? Otherwise, how was it possible!? This woman should be dead now, and yet it was standing right in front of her looking coldly at the room in front of her.

For a moment fear pierced through the innocent beauty's heart, as she thought that perhaps she would be able to notice her disguise.

But that should be impossible right!? After all, this is a stealth skill that she had brought from the Ancestor's grave. She was far too young and far too weak to see through this technique of hers.

Despite her inner storm, feelings, and fears though, there was no trace of them in her face, as she looked surprised and stunned towards the elevator and asked with an innocent face,

"Ah!? What happened!? Why did everyone freeze like that!?"

Her performance deserved an Oscar, as she truly looked like she was just a weak and innocent little girl that didn't understand what was going on.

The hopes of the Oscar were broken the next moment though, as she heard Drina's voice resound in her ears

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