Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 597: Benefits & God-Blood

Chapter 597: Benefits & God-Blood

As a cultivator of Qi, Physique, and Soul it was more than expected for Tianlong Yun to be the first to regain conscience in this situation.

It was a good thing that he had taken some precautions before passing out in order to keep control of this situation, otherwise, there were bound to be a lot of flies around when he woke up.

His preparations though were none other than the two out of three beauties he had subdued from the Vampiric and Werewolves Clan.

The Thirteenth Princess of the Werewolves, and the Arrogant Princess of the Vampires. Each of them was a beauty of its own kind.

One showing elegance, intelligence, and cunningness while the other was a diabolic beauty full of pride, arrogance, and unlawfulness.

Tianlong Yun had already notified them the moment that he had made sure that all the parties had gathered, as he thought that this was a great chance for the beauties to increase their influence.

Right now, both of them were using their supple thighs as a stand for his head, and his legs while waiting for him to wake up.

The moment that his eyes trembled, and he woke up, the Arrogant Princess that was supporting his head lowered her face, and kissing him she said with a flirtatious smile,

"Good morning, Master!"

Surprisingly he had slept unconscious for more than one night which made him extremely shocked, as he didn't expect that much injury to himself.

It looked like he had truly underestimated the strength of that attack, which must have been the equivalent of a missile attack.

The attack was bound to have attracted the attention of quite a few people, and if he hadn't brought these two beauties from Soul Land, the situation would have been a bit difficult to handle.

Despite the fact that this attack had been beyond his estimations, Tianlong Yun wasn't worried about his dimensional tear connecting to Soul Land.

Even though the clash of the two attacks from the two Princes was extremely strong and close to disastrous in front of the experts of their level, it was still far away from being able to affect the dimensional tear.

After all, the dimensional tear was opened, as was being surveyed by an existence that none of them could ever imagine.

Still, it was sufficiently strong to endanger Tianlong Yun's and his disciple's well-being, as for the other people in there, they were already dead.

The only two lives that the attack took away were probably the lives of the two people responsible for it.

At that moment Tianlong Yun felt a bit regretful that he had been unable to have a look at the two attackers' faces when they learned who was their opponent.

Their expressions must have been extremely interesting to feast upon, but unfortunately, he was too weak to be able to confront the resulting attack, so he could only sigh inside.

Separating his lips from the beauty, and then getting up despite the comfortable feeling, Tianlong Yun took a look at the condition of his disciples and was relieved to see that they were good now.

Suffering injuries on top of each other in such a short amount of time was bound to leave some bad effects upon them, but he was confident in his skills and knowledge to negate those effects.

Furthermore, the arrival and actions of the two beauties that were supporting him had been on time, and careful, so the negative effects wouldn't be extreme.

In fact, looking at the two beauties in front of him he couldn't help but remember their original countenance and their attitude now.

If someone saw these two beside him, they would never believe that they were still the same person, but once they left his side they returned to their original character.

Tianlong Yun didn't bother much with that, as long as they didn't cross his limits, and knew with who to show that side of theirs he didn't worry much about it.

With those thoughts in his mind, he turned around and started walking towards the clashing sight and have a look at the two princes.

Even though the place was now rather clear, he knew that it was due to the identity, and background of the two beauties by his side, as they had swatted away all the flies.

As for the experts with some strength, they were still far away from this place, and it would take them some time to arrive.

Still, Tianlong Yun didn't want to lose time, and open trouble to himself, so he quickly arrived by their side to check on the situation.

The two princes had turned into mutilated corpses, unrecognizable even by their own mothers, which would make any human being wanting to puke relentlessly upon watching.

Even the two beauties behind Tianlong Yun that had seen worse than this, couldn't help but furrow their eyebrows, and turn a bit pale upon witnessing that.

Still, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to mind much, as he quickly checked their bodies with his spirit sense, as he extracted their blood essence from them.

The blood essence of these two guys would be extremely useful to any Vampire or Werewolf trying to increase the quality of his bloodline, Tianlong Yun included.

Even though the effect on Tianlong Yun wouldn't be as good as the effect on others, it was still a positive increase.

But Tianlong Yun didn't swallow it himself, now he carefully condensed it into two blood-red coagulated pills and gave them to the two princesses.

From the moment that the two of them had accepted him wholeheartedly as their man, and Master, he had started to help them grow stronger.

The effects of this blood essence pill on him were almost minute but for the two of them, it was like a Realm advancing pill, and it was worth mentioning that the two of them were already on the Boundary Ascension Realm.

But certainly, taking the pills wasn't something easy, and simple to do as they had to enter closed-door cultivation, so he told them,

"Don't take them now, consume them when you find a safe place, in closed-door cultivation!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two beauties didn't dare to question their Master's words, as in fact, they felt happy at the great opportunity.

Even though they didn't know the exact benefits of this matter, they had a feeling that they would receive another miracle, so they happily agreed.

But as he condensed the two blood essence pills, Tianlong Yun found something strange inside the bodies of the two victims, the two pearls that they had swallowed before having the surge of strength.

Without any hesitation, he quickly pulled the two pearls out of their bodies, as he couldn't help but get shocked inside himself.

Each of these pearls contained a drop of blood from a High God Level entity, and with one look he could understand what had happened in those moments.

It wasn't that those two had digested the power of the blood, but just that their blood, and strength had resonated with the drop of God-blood and helped them reach a state of overflowing.

The two blood essence pills of the two idiots didn't have much of an effect on him, but these two drops of blood were extremely precious to him.

Forgetting about the effect on his bloodline purity, these two drops of God-blood would help him break through a few levels, and if he was lucky even reach the next Realm.

But that was extremely difficult as he felt that the more, he cultivated the more Qi he needed to breakthrough.

As someone who had already reached this stage, he knew that the disparity in requirements was like Heaven and Earth, which was also one of the reasons why he could fight across levels and Realm.

Well, every situation has its own benefits and losses, and he couldn't do much to change it, he could just accept it and walk forward.

Since it would be almost impossible to reach the next Realm with only these 2 drops of God Blood then he just needed to collect a few more.

Thinking like that, he turned around looking at the two beauties solemnly and asking,

"Where did you find these and is there more of it in your Families!?"

The two beauties didn't seem shocked at Tianlong Yun's question, as the Thirteenth Princess spoke first,

"In our Clan, these are relics that our ancestors have left behind for us, there are only 4 or 5 drops remaining, I think.

Only if someone receives the acknowledgment of the Ancestors in the Ancestral Tomb will he be given such a gift.

But we don't know much what it is, or of its uses!"

"Same for us, Master!"

Hearing their words, Tianlong Yun couldn't help but gawk at them. It was the case of a villager looking at a pearl and not knowing what it was.

One has to know that the moment that a cultivator or another being enters the God Realm then their Qi is insipid in their blood, together with the laws that they comprehend.

So even though each of these pearls contains only a single drop of God-blood the power hiding inside is enough to replace a nuclear bomb.

But most importantly the energy inside it is enough to help whoever consumes it receive a huge power-up, and other boons like for example knowledge of laws that the God had comprehended.

And this drop of blood was coming from a High God which was something even more precious, than normal God-blood as the Qi, and law comprehensions were much pure and effective.

One of the reasons why the Royal Clans, or the big Sects, or other organizations thrived for a long time, was precisely due to the God-blood that was given to the disciples, and younger members.

So one could understand Tianlong Yun's gawk at that moment

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