Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 585: Disciples awaken

Chapter 585: Disciples awaken

Time passed slowly inside that underground pass, but Tianlong Yun had to say that he the person in charge of these formations was quite good.

Certainly not on his level, but extremely good for someone who had lived his whole life on the small planet Earth.

For a full week, these guys sat in lotus position cultivating, and waiting for their enemies to either leave or lower their guard.

Tianlong Yun was the same, all the week he cultivated, and meditated on his path and Dao while helping his disciples to heal every once in a while.

In the morning of the seventh day, the first disciple managed to open his eyes, as he looked with a startled look towards the situation around him.

In his mind, he had thought that he had died, so looking around the lowly lit underground passage, he started to think whether this was heaven or hell.

No matter how much he thought about it though, none of the two truly convinced him, as this was too good to be hell and too bad to be heaven.

In fact, it sounded more like Earth! But he should have died right? Why was he here? It was at that time that he forced himself to stand up a bit to look around himself.

He was shocked to see that around him there were all his senior and junior brothers and sisters, none of them were missing.

And if that wasn't shocking enough, his eyes fell upon his Master cultivating amidst them, with a calm and natural look on his face.

The moment he saw that he wanted to jump in joy, even though his body was in extreme pain when he moved but thinking that it might cause trouble to his Master, he controlled himself to not do anything.

As he was unable to believe his eyes, he saw Tianlong Yun opening his eyes, and then speak to him with a light smile on his face,

"Welcome back!"

The disciple couldn't help but lower the hoodie of his cloak, revealing the handsome face of a young man, and then ask,

"Master, this isn't a dream, is it?"

"No, it's not! All of us are perfectly fine, you don't have to worry about it."

The young man in front of Tianlong Yun was none other than Tianlong Jingshen one of the original 16 shadows, and one of the most loyal disciples of Tianlong Yun.

He was clearly extremely happy that he and everyone else was fine, but then he remembered something, as killing intents started leaking from his body,

"Who was the traitor Master!?"

Normally this kid was one of the funniest guys around, as he would only joke around most of them, and it was only when Tianlong Yun was involved that he would get extremely serious.

Just like right now!

Even when he killed enemies or opponents, he wouldn't show any killing intent, but once someone badmouthed, or did something to his Master, then they were in for a truly rough ride.

What made this situation even more complicated was the fact that the one behind all this was one of his brothers or sisters, and his emotions were in turmoil.

That made his killing intent even stronger than normal, as he couldn't believe that someone from his brothers and sisters had the audacity to do something like that to their family.

Each and every one of them had been beggars, stupid little kids that were caught for trafficking, it was Tianlong Yun who had given them the opportunity to reverse their life and reach here.

It was still acceptable to not understand that, but this was an assassination attempt on their Master, the guy certainly wanted to harm and kill their Master.

So, he felt ashamed to have such a brother or sister, as a person needs to be even worse than a dog to bite the hand that fed him, and even try to kill it.

Tianlong Yun looked at him with a calm and natural face, but inside he was quite touched by the way that his disciple was acting.

This showed that his teaching hadn't been wrong, these boys and girls were truly his disciples, and he was like an older brother parent figure to the boys, and a lover to the ladies.

Even though he had given these girls a lot of opportunities to think and find other people none of them had changed their opinion.

It was impossible for Tianlong Yun to reject them anymore, so he decided to accept them by his side, even though they didn't have a title yet.

Telling them that there was no traitor and that they had just been unlucky passerby would certainly look like some kind of lie he made up, so he decided to let them understand it in another way.

"Lie down and let us see when they wake up!"

In the next two days, the same scene started playing exactly 10 times, as each and every one of the disciples had the same opinion as Tianlong Jingshen.

Especially the beauties who thought that had lost the man of their lives, and their prince in charming armor, they were even ready to dissect these guys one by one to find out the truth.

Hearing those words, and looking at their faces, even the normally calm and collected Tianlong Yun couldn't help but chuckle, surprising the beauties and everyone around.

When everyone woke up together and understood what was going on, they started joking and throwing challenges at one another, but inside they were all exalted that none of them betrayed.

When the matter was finally over, Tianlong Huo finally couldn't control her curiosity as she asked,

"Since there was no traitor, then how did that happen Master!?"

When she said that, everyone turned their attention towards Tianlong Yun, as in fact each and every one of them had the same question in their head.

Looking at their serious and expectant faces, Tianlong Yun didn't hide anything anymore, as he said,

"Well, it's unbelievable, as even I was quite dubious at start, but we have been unlucky passerby's. That plot wasn't for us, but for the three people inside this underground pass.

Those guys on the outside were most probably thinking that their targets were running away so they acted like that.

So, for now, we are stuck in here until we understand the situation outside, and the reason this is happening!"

It was clearly unbelievable, as they had never thought that something like this would happen to them at such a moment, but none of them doubted Tianlong Yun's words.

They all believed him unconditionally, even if he told them that the world was going to explode at any moment, they wouldn't doubt it either.

But surely Tianlong Yun wasn't as free to make jokes like that, as he was concentrated in the moves of the people outside his concealment formation.

Even though his disciples had made quite a disturbance during these days, none of them could stand up from their position, as they were yet to heal completely.

It was the impact of 20 kilograms of C4, it was already extremely lucky for them to have survived that horror, now they could only thank him for saving them, and recuperate.

In the meantime, the situation inside the underground pass seemed to be the same, as each of the trio seemed to be cultivating and just checking on the outside.

But the more time passed away, the more did they seem dubious towards each other, as each of them was trying some things on their own.

They were supposed to be sworn brothers but when their life was questioned that sworn brotherhood just got out of their minds.

While the second and third brothers seemed to be careful around each other, they didn't dare to be the same against their first brother.

After all, he was the guy who had control over the formations around them, and despite their strength at that moment, none of them felt like they could escape alive should something happen.

So, in a sense, the two of them were trying to curry favor with their First brother, while keeping tabs on each other.

After seeing what happened to Tianlong Yun and his helicopter it was clear for the three of them, that there was some spy among them.

It was just that they had no idea which among the three was, but the First brother could get out of suspicion as he had the formations under control and could kill them whenever he wished.

But since nothing like that had happened until that moment then it was pretty clear that he wasn't the traitor.

He wouldn't need to spend so much time inside this place if he wanted to kill them, as he already had everything he needed to do so.

So, either to hide their true intention or because they truly weren't the traitors, the two of them did everything they could to curry favor with their First brother and slander the other.

Even Tianlong Yun who was looking in an objective way like this was some kind of brotherhood drama, wasn't able to tell which one of them was truly the traitor.

But at the same time, he knew that most probably that first brother already doubted him being inside the underground pass, after all, he had destroyed the guy's formation.

And he seemed to have been carefully inspecting the underground passage every once in a while, but it was impossible for him to find him, and his disciples.

So, he could only check repeatedly without any result, making him doubt himself whether Tianlong Yun and his disciples were truly there.

It was only on the 14th day that finally something happened

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