Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 583: Explosion

Chapter 583: Explosion

All of a sudden Tianlong Yun felt a great sense of danger and without hesitation, he quickly activated a powerful shielding Qi around him and his disciples, as a great explosion took place.

The disciples were unable to understand what was going on at that moment, but they had complete trust in their Master.


Before they could even think of sending their Qi to enforce the shield though they felt the huge explosion happening around them.

They would have never thought something like this would happen, after all, everything they had done was arranged by them.

but they didn't have the time to think about it either, as they could only suffer the brunt of the explosion that passed through the Qi shield with their own bodies.

The powerful explosion clearly destroyed the helicopter and tried to throw them away, but they felt like something was trying to keep them towards the source.

Anyway, they were all unable to think much about the situation, as they all vomited a mouthful of blood, as their internal organs were highly damaged.

The explosion had happened really close to them, and as if that wasn't enough Tianlong Yun was keeping them in the center of the explosion.

The impact and force of the explosion were too strong for them to be able to protect themselves, even though they were strong and powerful cultivators and there was a Qi shield around them.

Even Tianlong Yun was in a truly sorry state at the moment, as his face had gone pale, and there was a bit of blood sliding down his right nostril.

Since each and every one of them was a cultivator who had gone through life and death situations, a few seconds were enough for them to recollect their selves and look at the situation.

Seeing their Master, Tianlong Yun in that situation it pained their hearts, and they wanted to scream for him to stop protecting them and help themselves, but they found out it was impossible.

It wasn't that they didn't want to do something like that, it was just that it was almost impossible for them to speak at that moment.

Their whole bodies were severely damaged at that moment, their internal organs had turned into something equal to a soup or porridge, they had no hope of living through this.

For that reason, they wanted Tianlong Yun to think about himself and escape this place no matter what, only like that would they feel that their death was justified and had a meaning.

But one look into Tianlong Yun's determined, and scary eyes made them unable to produce a sound, it felt like they were in the presence of an Emperor, and they had lost their voice.

After the explosion happened, the helicopter didn't stay on air anymore, it was impossible without the helix on top so it could only free fall.

By the time that the disciples had recollected their thoughts a bit, and regained their conscience, the helicopter crashed on the ground, creating a powerful explosion clearly much smaller than the previous.

The impact this time was clearly smaller than the explosion on air, but it still affected the people inside the burning helicopter the same or worse than the first explosion.

When the second explosion happened, they were already in an extremely sorry situation, and couldn't defend their selves from the terrifying impact force.

The porridge inside their bodies became even worse, as the 10 disciples couldn't control their fate anymore, as they felt lightness through their whole body, and darkness captivate their eyes.

Their last look was full of unresolved worry, and sadness about their Master who seemed like it was going to join their fate.

They didn't feel sorry for their own lives, as a matter of fact, they wouldn't even feel sorry if they died thousands of times, but they couldn't let their Master follow them to death.

But the worst thing was that they were unable to do anything that could help him, they were unable to do anything that could save him, as they could only pass out with grievances.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was in a bad situation right now, as even though his level of cultivation was higher than his disciples, he was using all of it to be able to maintain the Qi Shield.

For that reason, he had to face the impact of the explosion, and the impact of the crashing on the ground with his physical body, while his Soul Power was revolving to erase their presence.

He was using his three strengths at the same time, at the top of his abilities without thinking about anything else.

He had to, otherwise, he would not only lose his disciples but also damage his own life, and there was no way he would allow that to happen.

In fact, the best option would have been to let the explosion throw them far, but he wasn't sure he could gather the trajectories of the throws of his disciples.

Furthermore, the moment that the explosion happened he could feel like some kind of eye or presence was fixed upon them and was checking any signs of vitality.

After the explosion he didn't know what other cards the perpetrator could have already prepared for him, so he had to be extra careful.

The best way to escape this damned attempt at the moment was to keep staying at the source and making the enemy think that they had been completely melted.

He had no idea who had pulled something like this on him, but he knew that whoever did something like this, wasn't a normal person or organization so he had to be extra careful.

Since he had been through worse than this, and also had already sensed it happen before it did, he had been extremely clear and collected this whole time.

From the moment that the first explosion happened, until the moment that his disciples weren't able to hang anymore, he had been concentrating on their faces and their actions.

Even though he wasn't totally sure, seeing their expressions, and emotions he felt extremely lightened as his disciples didn't seem to have betrayed, and enacted this thing.

Which made him extremely angry towards the last possible option, with was the pilot of the helicopter.

He didn't know the details of this guy, as he only knew that he was a high member of his Shadow Clan, but this clearly showed that his Shadow Clan had been infiltrated.

He had no idea how deep these guys had infiltrated, and how much did they know about his Clan and his goals, but they surely weren't pushovers.

Now wasn't the time to think about that though, as he felt extremely weak, and powerless, but he had to act quickly if he didn't want to die himself or let his disciples die.

With that thought in mind, he didn't lose any more time and quickly opened all the Hidden Gates of his body at the same time.

Immediately he felt like he had suddenly been given a second life opportunity, and he stood up, gathered his disciples in his arms, and then punched towards the ground.

He made sure that the punch was concentrated only in a small burrow of about 15 meters, and then jumped inside with his disciples, as the burrow collapsed behind him.

As he was on his way to falling down the burrow, he used his Soul Power to manipulate the ground above and make it look like the normal ground after the explosion.

No one who took a look at that would be able to tell that it had just been set in place, as it looked identical to how it was before.

What he didn't expect though, was for this place to have some kind of underground pass, and the burrow he dug was deeper than the thickness of the ground, so they ended up in the underground pass.

The moment that Tianlong Yun and his burden disappeared inside the burrow, a few blood-red dressed guys appeared out of nowhere and started attacking the burning helicopter with their skills.

In no time colorful and shinny Qi blades, and skills started showing in the clear daylight, as the burning helicopter was turned into nothing more than rubbles.

The biggest remaining piece was about the size of a fist, while the smallest was probably a dust particle, but despite all that, there was no sign of blood inside the fire.

There was no sign of remaining human remains either, as everything inside seemed to have been burned to cinders.

It was clearly an unexpected outcome for all these guys, but at the same time, there was an expression of arrogance, and loftiness in their eyes.

One of the blood-red corps leading this operation couldn't contain his sneer and arrogance as he said,

"This is so disappointing! I was expecting much more of a fight from these guys! After all, our resources said that these were some secret powerful organizations.


Secret powerful organization my ass! Just some cheap idiots!"

Most of the people around him seemed to share the same opinion as that guy, but there was one person who was looking at the scene with a doubtful eye.

Everything had been too convenient, even though they had used more than 20 kilograms of C4 to create the explosion, still wasn't this too easy.

The person who handed over the information was certainly not extremely trustable, but it was a person that would make unsavory jokes as it knew the strength and power of their organization.

But the results were there for everyone to see, and there was no evidence of them surviving the explosion, so if he or she said something at that moment it would be just jeered, and looked down upon

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