Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 580: The King of Soulania

Chapter 580: The King of Soulania

The two ambassadors were clearly surprised by Tianlong Yun's words, and actions as their faces went cold and dark.

After all, they were in his presence as ambassadors of the Soulania Kingdom, it was just too much for them. 

He was being extremely rude in front of them, when he should be grateful that they even appeared in front of him with such a proposal.

All the good opinion that Marquess Dran had about Tianlong Yun until that point seemed to disperse immediately, as he once again jumped from his chair screaming,

"Patriarch Tianlong you are going too far!"

Too bad that Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about him or his words though, as he looked right through the eyes of the servant behind them, and said,

"Your Highness the Soulania King, I think you should start showing your sincerity if you truly want to cooperate with my Shadow Clan. Don't you think!?"

If Tianlong Yun's earlier words made the 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran enraged, and unhappy, then these words sent them into complete shock, and startle.

They couldn't help but return their heads and have a look at the small official that had followed them behind to stipulate the contract.

The truth was that this guy was the son of a noble in Soulania Kingdom who had climbed the professional ladder by bribing, and bootlicking.

It was impossible for him to be a puppet, slave, or servant of the King. Furthermore, the two men had been in the presence of the King so many times.

It was impossible for them not to sense his presence, especially inside a weak puppet, slave, or servant. It felt like Tianlong Yun was just pulling wool over their eyes.

Just before they jumped once again, and started raining their saliva upon Tianlong Yun, they heard the small official's voice behind them,

"You are truly just like I thought Patriarch Yun! But satisfy me curiosity, how were you able to determine my identity when even my own son isn't able to?"

The small official didn't need to accept it directly, his words were already the greatest acceptance that he could say at that moment.

The 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran were clearly shocked for a moment or two, but they felt that this whole thing was just too weird.

After all, why would their King come to meet Tianlong Yun with them, and at the same time act as nothing more than a small official.

It didn't really make sense, as their King wasn't known to be quite the intelligent and deep one after all.

With those thoughts in mind, they felt like they couldn't accept this current situation easily, as this time even the 2nd Prince jumped on his feet, more than ready to enter the fray.

The moment that the 2nd Prince decided to stand up though, the small official's face remained the same, but the pressure on the 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran was obvious.

Both of them felt like their consciences were thrown into a thick and sticky swamp that was slowly pulling them down like some sort of quagmire.

Furthermore, the pressure coming from that precise feeling felt incredible intimate, overbearing, and familiar as if it was coming from their parent.

That was more than enough proof for the two of them to understand that the small official that they were about to jump upon was truly their King.

They didn't dare be disrespectful anymore, as they immediately kneeled on the ground in front of the small official saying,

"Forgive us your Highness! We were too blind to notice your Grace!"

The small official didn't say anything, he just removed his pressure from them instantly, and then pushed them behind himself, as he made way for one of the chairs facing Tianlong Yun.

All this time he hadn't removed his look, or his attention from Tianlong Yun as he was still waiting for his explanation.

After all, the identity of this small official wasn't known to others, as it was one of his many sleeping seeds throughout his court.

On the outside he was a stupid King that was hanging only on his lust, and people, but the truth was that he was one of the most dangerous heads throughout Soul Land.

In these 10 years Tianlong Yun hadn't stayed idle in Soul Land. Especially the beauties he had spread throughout the place had completed their jobs perfectly.

Especially the little beauty in charge of information and intelligence. His hands, eyes, and ears had spread through the whole Soul Land, even though not as good as he would wish.

One thing that he had found out, and that made him extremely apprehensible was the fact that the King of Soulania Kingdom wasn't the fool that everyone thought to be.

He had made this discovery quite unexpectedly, through his hidden hand inside Soulania court, which no one would ever doubt.

Such a guy would never let his servants, and his people mess with his plans, and lose such an opportunity, so it was impossible for him to not be there by himself.

When all was said and done, the only one inside the office room beside the 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran whom he knew better that they even knew themselves was that small official.

After all, this was the negotiation between the possessor of the formation barriers knowledge, and one of the upper echelon Kingdoms of Soul Land.

But certainly, Tianlong Yun couldn't just accept that it was his guess about all this matter could he, so he decided to use the cheapest excuse in the book,

"Are you forgetting where you are right now, Your Highness!?"

The small officials eyes, or it would be more exact to say the eyes of the King's Puppet squinted for a moment, but then he seemed as if he had reached upon a realization, as he said,

"The formations left behind from our forebears are truly amazing, just as described in our logs!"

"They sure are!"

"Your conditions are a bit arrogant, and heavy, but seeing your confidence I think that you have the strength, and capital to back them up.

Soulania Kingdom will accept the conditions of your proposal, we can sign the contract right now if you don't have any objection.

But I have another question, and I hope that Patriarch Tianlong will satisfy my curiosity. Why didn't you ask for our Soul Cultivation Technique as part of our deal!?

Could it be that you already possess it!?"

Tianlong Yun had to say that he hadn't expected this guy to be so calm, cold, and detached as he talked about these matters, but he still didn't give himself.

He just looked him in the eyes, showed a bit of a smile, as he said,

"No comment!"

The small official once again squinted his eyes towards him but didn't say anything extra about this matter anymore. He just extended his hand, as he said in a smiley, and gentle tone,

"Well then, I hope we have a long and warm cooperation together son-in-law!"

The 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran behind him were extremely shocked, as normally the King wouldn't allow even those important nobles of the court shake his hand.

After all, as a King not many people were entitled to have an equal standing with him, and even the King's of other kingdoms weren't allowed to shake his hand.

Yet right now in front of them, their King had willingly extended, and offered a handshake to a guy who they had thought even lower than the bottom of their shoes not long ago.

They wanted to come forward and say something at that moment, but they found out that the pressure of a few moments ago had appeared once again, and they were unable to do or say anything.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care or notice their expression, as he just stood up calmly, and then coolly accepted the handshake while saying,

"I certainly do hope the same father-in-law! Just let me say this before we proceed though, I like my women to live around me as if they are sisters.

So, if the 3rd princess doesn't think herself able to live as such, I will have to rethink that condition. I hope that father-in-law will understand me!"

The small officials eyes showed a bit of surprise and wonder for a moment or two, but he quickly regained control of himself, as he said,

"Well, son-in-law doesn't need to worry, fortunately I am a man of many beauties and have many daughters.

Surely one of them would be to your liking!"

It wasn't that the King of Soulania Kingdom wanted to act like some kind of pimp, or actively selling his daughters.

It was just that it was the fate of women in a Patriarchal society. They were born and raised as nothing more than tools, or currency for connections, and favors.

Hearing those words, Tianlong Yun showed a smile as well, as he said,

"Well then I will just have to shamelessly accept the good intentions of my father-in-law then!"

With that said, the King didn't see it necessary to take part in the negotiations anymore, as Tianlong Yun lead him towards another area of the Mansion to have a nice party.

Since his father-in-law was an appraiser of beauty, Tianlong Yun had organized a 'small' reception for him, accompanied by a lot of good wine, and good music.

The two of them kept drinking and enjoying beauties for more than 3 days and 3 nights, until they finally signed the new cooperation contract, and decided on Tianlong Yun's official visit in Soulania

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