Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 577: Ants fight back!

Chapter 577: Ants fight back!

"What a good Kang family!? Where did you find the twin crystals, and what did you do with the recorded images?"

The world had truly progressed a lot, as nowadays people on Earth would use small bug cameras or listening devices to spy, or record conversations.

But these things were easily discovered from cultivators through their spirit sense, and as tiny devices, they were extremely weak against the waves and pressures coming from a cultivator.

So, trying to record a cultivator with those things was the same as showing your weapon from the start when trying to participate in a peaceful discussion between powers.

A cultivator, just looking at the name meant that he was someone special different from the rest, able to use a strength that wasn't available to other normal people.

While technology was a great development and from day to day it seemed like it was slowly surpassing the limits of the normal, there were still other methods to do that much easier.

For example, in the case of spying missions, or secret recordings cultivators or supernatural beings would be using special materials, or special means.

One of these means was a twinned crystal. Just like the name suggested twin crystals were a composition of two translucent and transparent pearls.

The special ability of these twin crystals was that one could control them to record images and voice for 1 minute, and the moment that the recording was done, the crystal would blow up.

All the information recorded from the first crystal would then be transmitted to the second crystal, and there was no way to stop it.

It was like a back door of information through a big channel of information that would shut down only if the whole channel was blocked or destroyed.

But certainly, this twin crystals ability wasn't divine, as it could only transmit information in a range of 100km at best.

Even then, this thing was extremely precious and rare, so its price was quite high. The Kang family of the Kaifeng City shouldn't be able to afford something like that.

For that reason, even Young Miss Luo's perverted and strong Master was unable to block the information from reaching this place.

The old man that came out of the Kang's family mansion though didn't seem to understand what this guy was saying, but the view in front of him was quite surprising, and bewildering.

As in front of him, was a fat old man, with a potbelly, holding a lithe young woman over his boner, while asking him with an arrogant and overbearing tone.

He was unable to understand what was going on. How did his Kang family ever cross paths with such a sick psycho!?

Trying to remember this guys words, the old man of the Kang family, that looked with a foot on the grave, couldn't help but ask in bewilderment,

"What are you talking about!? Are you trying to bully my Kang family without proof!?"

The perverted Master seemed to grow even angrier, and unsettled, as each moment lost was a dangerous moment of liberty for the one who received the recordings to spread it.

So, he didn't want to actually lose time with these guys, but since these damn crystals were untraceable after 5 seconds from use, he couldn't help but force it out.

He only knew that it was here in the Kang family's mansion, but he wasn't sure exactly where it was, so he could only use his strength and cultivation to pressure these guys.

Not wanting to lose precious time with these guys, he immediately activated the pressure of his cultivation upon these guys, making everyone in a 100-meter radius unable to stand in his presence.

The perverted Master was a level 6 Golden Core Realm cultivator, perhaps in other places his strength might be pathetic, but in front of these guys, he was like a God.

Looking at them with an impatient, and angry look, he screamed at the old man in front of him, as at the same time pinched Young Miss Luo's supple butt,

"Where the fu*ck is the twin crystal, otherwise I will fu*cking kill each and every one of you like a damned dog! You have 3 seconds to answer!"

It wasn't that the old man of the Kang family didn't want to give this damned psycho that twin crystal thing, it was just that he had no idea what it was, or who had it.

This was his first time hearing about something like this, and also the first time he was treated and bullied like this by a true expert in his eyes.

"Agghh~! Master please"

While the old man of the Kang family was seething in anger, and rage for the overbearing and bullying of this damn perverted Master, Young Miss Luo suffered the pain in her butt.

At first, she had decided to endure it, and not say anything but the next moment she found out that she couldn't, as her Master was pinching extremely hard.

Her words though invited the anger of her Master, who pinched her even harder, and said in a heavy and dark tone,

"Shut your trap bi*tch! It's your fault that all this is happening! If it weren't for you, and your running mouth before killing that bastard of the Kang family, we wouldn't be here now!"

His tone was loud enough to be heard through the surroundings, as he didn't even try to lower his voice in the first place.

But the whole Kang family members were in a dilemma to understand about who was this damned perverted Master speaking. Which Kang family bastard!?

Before they could try to make sense of these words though, they all heard a loud scream coming from the mansion,

"Old Master, that damned bi*tch killed our Young Master Kang in the Guluo District, she is a damned spy of the EITS organization!"

The old Master and the other people around didn't have the time to make sense of those words, as that perverted Master immediately moved, and appeared in front of the guy that had just screamed.

With a thought from him, all the people around the guy were thrown in the wind, as he grabbed him by the neck, enough to start cracking the bones on his neck, and asked with a dark tone,

"Where is the end crystal!? What did you do with it?"

The guy in his hands looked just like some normal middle-aged cultivator of the Kang family, most probably a servant of the family.

The perverted Master thought that as long as he tortured him a bit, this guy would easily surrender and tell everything to him, so he was completely shocked hearing his next words,

"You damned bastard! I have already spread the images of the crystal on the internet. The whole Earth would be able to see and hear the recordings.

You will certainly regret killing Young Master!"

With that said he used whatever bit of cultivation, he had in his body, in order to kill himself and cause as much damage as he could to the guy holding his neck.

Not only heroes and royalty have loyal followers, but sometimes even people like Young Master Kang also manage to get one such by luck, or by their hard work.

Not to mention that Young Master Kang, wasn't a total waste, just one that was playing to be. If it wasn't for his encounter today, he would have become quite the figure in this whole mess.

By the moment, that the perverted Master understood what this guy was doing, it was too late, as he could only throw him away as far as he could in order to avoid the explosion.

His decisive, vicious, and ruthless actions were seen as an attack towards the Kang family from its members, as they couldn't bear this humiliation anymore.

Without caring what was going on, and without waiting for the order of the Old Master, all these guys immediately used their strongest attacks towards the perverted Master.

A colony of ants can bite an elephant to death, and a swarm of mosquitos can suck an elephant dry of blood, as the same was the situation within the Kang family mansion.

The perverted Master was like an elephant in front of these ants, but the ants around him were attacking him with everything they possessed without caring about life and death.

The truth was that even though he was extremely angry and enraged, the Perverted Master had no intention of fighting with the whole Kang family, and its members.

Not only were they a loss of time, but at the same time he wasn't an idiot to risk his life fighting these idiots, but the situation had progressed much different from how he imagined.

Left with no other choice, he was forced to block all the attacks coming his way with everything he had, while keeping Young Miss Luo in his arms, and protecting her.

As for the Old Master of the Kang family, he felt like his Kang family had truly angered a tiger today, and if they didn't solve this matter correctly the Kang family might even perish.

But after seeing what happened inside, and the fact that the members of his family had attacked, he knew that it was impossible for this matter to be solved peacefully, so he could only join.

He hoped to either kill this perverted guy in front of him and disperse his Kang family with the intention of having them return back one day for revenge, or at least push him away.

With the decision taken, he could only put his greatest efforts, and hope

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