Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 565: Start with Stage 1

Chapter 565: Start with Stage 1

At that time, the Shadow Clan had an open front on both sides, inside the Soul Land space, and outside on Earth.

Differently from the situation on Soul Land space though the situation on Earth was a bit different, as they were thought of as just a small clan of the many.

The Shadow Clan had been brought to prominence only recently, and even though they had quite the strength, and power, they were still unable to contend for the top.

Perhaps if they had another 200 or 300 years of peace, they might become a scary opponent, but since that wasn't the case then they were nothing more than toothpicks.

Tianlong Yun was really pleased with this thought of theirs though, as only like that would he be able to throw the whole planet in chaos, and then fish the top in troubled waters.

Jiang Bo had already formed an idea about his Master, and he knew that everything was going according to his Master's plans, as he immediately started explaining the situation,

"The situation on Earth is the same as you expected Master. EITS, and that Justice Sect are trying to play the same game as us, waiting for the others to kill each other before acting.

While the other powers seem to have sensed some kind of danger, and are allowing only the weaklings to fight.

No one with the strength of a Nascent Soul Realm or above is allowed to participate in the fight. As they are mostly trying to buy outsiders to act for them and test the waters.

Our people are already in position, so we could start moving any time that you give the order Master!"

Even before the situation started aggravating Tianlong Yun had already made his assumptions and preparations.

Certainly, the death of the Masson organization leader had been out of his plans, but it was still not outrageous.

In fact, it could be said that it was even better than his expectations because this meant that the game board would be a bit more even, and these guys would destroy even more of each other.

Just because Masson's organization had lost its leader it didn't mean that they had given up from the top.

As a matter of fact, Tianlong Yun felt that it was a bit weird that they hadn't made a major move since that happened, as most probably they were trying to act the same show that he did.

Trying to play the dead guy, in order to pull out all the dirty, and treacherous insects found in their yard, and then settle everything in one ferocious and clean sweep.

The only problem on their side was that they had no idea who had killed their organization Leader, how, and what was the exact reason.

So, they must be even more apprehensive of the current situation, and even hiding even deeper in the shadows which were clearly Tianlong Yun's domain.

Only now would whole the preparations that Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia had taken through these years finally show their worth.

For example, in the current situation, the most necessary development was to make sure that the war degenerated even more.

Tianlong Yun had a thread line of humanity inside him, but he wasn't a human, the old Tianlong Yun was.

As far as he was concerned he had always been a Royal Dragon, an existence that these people could only think about in their fairy tales, or novels.

The lives lost during this war might be on his account, as the spark had started by his plans and orders, but he didn't feel the need to care much about it.

For example, a human kid wouldn't feel bad for destroying a colony of ants, he wouldn't care about their death, suffering, or pain.

He would just destroy their colony in order to satisfy his adrenaline or just for the sake of fun. He was the same.

In his eyes, the weak and mortal humans on Earth were nothing more than ants. While they might have some resemblance in looks, that was the extent of it.

Which God hadn't killed, stepped upon mountains of corpses, walked over oceans of blood, and lived rent-free in the black, and hateful hearts of many other cultivators.

Not to mention Earth as a small planet, there were cases of God destroying even bigger planets with much more population than Earth on a whim.


Because they wanted to increase the rage of their Heavenly Tribulation. It sounded, and it was crazy, as they were endangering their lives, but great benefits were found beside great dangers.

Furthermore, most of the powerhouses and the truly strong cultivators around the Universe were selfish creatures.

Sometimes they would kill an entire clan up to the 18th generation, just because they had offended them, or not treated them right.

Each and every one of them had already been faced with the truth of the world. Might makes right!

So, no matter what happened they wouldn't care much for the rest of the world, but only for their people, their families, and their bloodline.

No matter what, blood was much thicker than water. But, there were of course many exceptions to this idiom, like Tianlong Yun and his brother.

Feeling that his thoughts had spread quite a bit, Tianlong Yun immediately recollected himself, as he said with a calm and cool voice,

"Very well, start activating our moles for 1st stage, and then get rid of them. Try to divert the attention towards EITS, and the Masson's.

I don't know why, but I have a feeling that those two organizations will be the biggest obstacles in our mission!"

"As you order, Master!"

"You can leave!"

With that taken care of, Tianlong Yun felt that he was one step closer to returning back to the Immortal World, and he didn't dare to lower his guard.

He knew that he couldn't belittle much the organizations, and experts of this planet Earth, even though they looked extremely weak in front of him.

After all, even the lowest grade planets across the Universe, had at least a Lesser God cultivator as their Guardian Deity, yet even after so much time on Earth he hadn't felt or seen anything like that.

Even the leader of the Masson's organization that had been killed when the dimensional tear connecting to Earth was opened, wasn't a Lesser God.

He was just a 9th level Great Ascension Boundary Realm cultivator and had one more step before he stepped into the wide and deep plane of Gods.

But just because he hadn't found traces of one already it didn't mean that there was no one at all, so he had to take it to step by step.

That was even the biggest reason why he hadn't already tried to take the whole Earth Planet down in one fell swoop.

As he was thinking like that, he lied back on his comfortable chair, when someone opened the door towards the office room and quickly entered inside.

It was Tianlong Xia, she seemed to have awakened from her deep sleep, and entered the office room on her toes, and made her way behind him.

As soon as she reached there she started massaging his shoulders, while she said,

"Did you start with the plan!?"

"Hum~! Yes, I did! I wouldn't have been able to without your hard work through all these years though.

You truly worked hard!"

Tianlong Xia was caught a bit unprepared by the sudden compliment, as she was frozen for a moment, but then she quickly regained her composure, and continued with the massage as she said,

"I just did what I should do for our future!"

Now it was Tianlong Yun's turn to be surprised for an instant but that was all, as he continued,

"Uhm~! I know, but still!"

It wasn't that Tianlong Xia didn't want to accept the compliment, it was just that it felt a bit weird to accept it, as she even felt a bit shy.

Not wanting to talk more about that, she immediately decided to divert the topic, as she said,

"Enough of that, what do your intent to do with us, once everything is settled here in Soul Land, and Earth!?"

This was a big question, and a big dilemma for Tianlong Yun, what to do with these three beauties once he settled everything on hand.

At first, he had thought that if this Soul Land space had been only a small inheritance space, he would just enter it, get whatever he could, get out, and then leave for the Immortal World.

But now, his plans had changed quite a bit, as what he entered was much more different from what he expected.

Furthermore, there was another development that he didn't expect, however it happened, he had already impregnated his wives, not only Tianlong Xia, but Lu Bing, and Tianlong Yue as well.

Thinking up to here though, he immediately seemed to have made up his mind as he said,

"Perhaps, if you had asked me the same question two days ago I would say that I would take you there with me, but with your new condition, there is no way I can take you!

You understand what I mean right!?"

Saying that he couldn't help but look at her face with a bit of pain, as he had been unfair to this beauty all this time.

They had already been away from each other for more than 10 years, and he was telling her that soon, they would separate again.

Tianlong Xia was a bit crestfallen, as well, but then remembering something she asked with great emotion,

"You mean"

"Yes, all three of you are pregnant! Perhaps you haven't realized it yet due to your hormones and emotions!"

Even though there was still a bit of sadness in her expression, her face illuminated into a dazzling smile

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