Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 561: Eye opener Experience

Chapter 561: Eye opener Experience

It would be surprising if there weren't people who thought of taking advantage of the situation at that moment.

Any sign of that black energy had disappeared from Tianlong Yun's body, and he seemed to be just an idiot punching at empty air, over the coverage of the newly generated barrier.

It was like a godsend opportunity for them. As long as they were able to capture Tianlong Yun, then they could negotiate with those people left inside the barrier.

But the moment they reached close to Tianlong Yun up in the air they felt a terrifyingly bad premonition captivate their bodies.

They were unable to understand what was going on, but the next moment they felt an extremely strong intent, and an air current hit them head-on or on the side, and push them back.

Just like dried leaves are taken away by the wind, they were each sent back from where they came, and this time with an even higher kinetic energy.

If they hadn't revolved their Qi inside their bodies, and used their martial techniques to defend their selves, and try to stop their fall, then most probably they would have crashed to the ground.

Each and every one of them couldn't help but get immensely shocked at what they had just experienced.

This was the first time they had ever seen physical strength alone to create such a phenomenon, capable of hurling them back from where they came from.

They were used to people using Qi to create different natural phenomena or bring to reality the effects of their martial skills, and techniques.

But this was the first time they saw someone do that by using physical strength alone. Just physical strength!

Just what kind of monster, and just what degree of physical strength was able to make something like that possible?

If he was able to fight them with just his punches and fists alone, then weren't they looking for death if he added his Qi attacks to that?

Even though Tianlong Yun's cultivation was lower compared to them, and his Qi attacks didn't have much of an effect on them, on his natural strength, they were enough to make a difference.

It was enough to topple the scales in his favor! So, they couldn't help but look at him like they had suddenly been hit on the head, and turned stupid.

The people standing on the back, and looking at the scene didn't understand what was going on in front of their eyes, but they were able to understand the next instant.

Even though they were fairly away from Tianlong Yun, they were still able to sense the shocking phenomena and disturbance in the environment around them.

It was certainly unbelievable for them as well! This was the first time they were faced with a physical body cultivator.

Physical body cultivators weren't in low numbers outside Earth, but in Earth, they were almost non-existent, and even if there were any they hadn't reached this high in their cultivation.

Different from Qi cultivation, physical body cultivation was much trickier, as someone would have to cultivate his full physical body, including his internal organs, bones, and marrow.

Meaning that he would have to be under continuous physical pain for every day of his life. It was something that only a Masochist who took pleasure in pain would be able to bear.

Unfortunately, masochists weren't held in high esteem on Earth, and there didn't exist a masochist to bear all that pain and suffering.

Certainly, there were ways to go around that daily pain and suffering, like for example using pills concocted by alchemists to open the Hidden Gates.

But these weren't low-level pills, as even the pill to open the first hidden gate was a grade 3 pill, which would require at least a grade 3 alchemist to concoct it.

Not to mention that one would have to add the recipe, and the herbs needed to concoct the pill, making it even more difficult for a place that seemed to suffer quite a bit in that direction.

The only reason why Tianlong Yun didn't need those pills to open his own Hidden Gates was that he had that black energy and his Nirvana Flames to substitute for them.

So, it was quite understandable for these powerhouses standing around the barrier of the Rock Fortress City to feel like that, and to have those expressions on their faces.

They could only stand there and look at Tianlong Yun punching a few more times in the air, and then fall down under the barrier and freefall towards the ground.

But they could still feel the lingering vibrations in the atmosphere, and the phenomena created from those last punches arrive towards them.

This day had been an eye-opener not only for the powerhouses from the Earth Faction, but even for the locals of the Soul Land space, as they had both been faced with a new source of strength, and power.

What made the matters worse for them, was that Tianlong Yun wasn't only able to use that mysterious physical strength, but also Qi, and Soul Power.

He was cultivating three different types of energy, and had great attainments in each and every one of them, making them feel extremely inferior to him.

But the more they felt inferior to him, the more did they feel like they had to destroy him, they couldn't allow him to stay alive.

If he didn't die then they would, or even if they didn't die they would end up as nothing more than his lackeys.

To people used to their strength, power, and flaunting their strength around, there was nothing worse than becoming just the lackeys of someone else.

They had to get rid of Tianlong Yun, and as fast as they could. So, looking at Tianlong Yun and his wasted condition at the moment, they felt that this was the perfect moment for them to act.

With those thoughts in mind, they started attacking the barrier with everything they had, they didn't dare to hold back even a tiny bit, in fear that they wouldn't be able to achieve their goal.

Not only that, but they even sent word for reinforcements back to their Headquarters, clearly explaining the situation at hand.

But differently from them, who had seen everything with their own eyes, and had felt everything with their own senses, those guys at the Headquarters thought that they were exaggerating.

Who could blame them after all, a man who was able to land to create the attack of a Great Ascension Boundary Realm powerhouse using only his physical strength.

It was something never seen, heard, or recorded before. So, they felt like those guys they had sent were blowing up the issue at hand, in order to lower the responsibility of their own failure.

To make matters even worse, the new barrier erected around Rock Fortress City didn't seem to care about the attacks of the powerhouses outside and stood there lustrous no matter how much they attacked.

Meanwhile, inside the barrier, everyone was worried about their Patriarch Tianlong Yun. That day he had freefallen from the sky, they thought of the worst.

Tianlong Xia, Tianlong Yue, and Lu Bing had jumped towards him at the same time, catching him on air, and not allowing anything to happen to him, with worried hearts and minds.

They felt like they were to be blamed for the situation developing like that, even though it had been Tianlong Yun's plan for everything to happen like that.

It was only when Tianlong Xia told them that he was fine, and was just totally wasted in terms of Qi, stamina, and soul power that they were finally able to calm down.

Tianlong Yun slept for three straight days without waking up, and when he finally did wake up he felt like he had slept for a few hundreds of years.

He was totally refreshed, and relaxed, as a blazing fire was burning inside him. Due to his bloodline, this was something extremely normal that he was used to it.

Normally he would just find his wives, and a few maids in order to take care of his needs, but this time he was faced with a new face when he opened his eyes.

It was a face that he had missed for quite a few years already. A face that he had been able to only see in his dreams for these 10 years, was finally resting in front of him.

Her eyes were closed as if she were asleep, her pink lips were a bit opened and glistening as there was a bit of saliva in them, making them even more erotic, and making her face even more beautiful.

She looked like a Goddess that had suddenly decided to lie there and rest, without caring in the least that there was a man, and two other women by her side.

Looking at her beauty, at her holiness, and at her eroticism, Tianlong Yun couldn't help but feel the fire inside him expand and burn even stronger.

His little brother couldn't bear it anymore and was fully awakened, pointing towards the heavens full of vigor and eagerness.

Too bad that the beauty in front of him wasn't able to feel any of that, as suddenly a coquettish voice broke the silence, while it said,

"Brother Yun stop poking and bullying me, I want to sleep a bit longer!"

Hearing that voice, and those words, not only Tianlong Yun but even the new beauty by his side couldn't control their selves as they both started laughing out loud

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