Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 555: Lei Ling & Weird Situation

Chapter 555: Lei Ling & Weird Situation

Weirdly, the woman just stood there with a tough front, even as she was about to die right then and there she didn't seem to be afraid.

She was truly someone that deserved to be praised, and treated like special, even though her features were quite average.

Lei Ling had been born into a small clan in the countryside of China. Her clan was small, and their martial arts weren't especially strong.

In fact, their martial arts were even below average, but still, they were people of righteousness and justice.

Even though they were slowly on the fall, they cared a lot about the people around them and helped them quite a bit.

There was even an expression on their sides, the Lei's heart was bigger than a bull's heart.

Lei Ling was the daughter of the current Patriarch of the Lei family, that had been able to arrive in this place only after her Grandfather had begged quite a few people so that she could have a lucky encounter.

Her grandfather had tied all the hopes of their family's rebirth into her hands, as she was a genius who had been able to reach the Golden Core Realm before the age of 40.

If it wasn't for her average looks, a lot of families and clans would want to pull her towards their side, but unfortunately, it just wasn't meant to be.

When she had entered the Soul Land space and had gone through all that suffering, and tribulations she had thought many times to give an end to her life.

But the hopes, and desires of her family in the back kept her going forward, as further as she could.

Due to a stroke of luck, she had ended inside the barrier of Rock Fortress City that day, and willingly or unwillingly had become part of the Shadow Clan.

At first, she was truly skeptical of the whole matter, as she didn't have any good idea towards the Shadow Clan, and especially towards Tianlong Yun.

After the big show of torture and humiliation of those people 10 years ago, she had grown even more agitated, angry, and enraged at Tianlong Yun, and the Shadow Clan.

When the rules for those people staying in the city were announced, she thought that it was only a trap, so she didn't want to participate.

As for that first special mission, there was no good man that came to her. All those that came towards her were filthy pretentious pricks.

Once she had been ganged by 4 men that had filthy intentions towards her. To be more exact they were planning to rape her and let her be pregnant.

Just as those guys were about to succeed, Tianlong Yun had appeared in front of her, killed all 4 of them, and help her recover.

When everything was said and done he even tried to flirt with her, which was something that had never happened before to her.

She had been so stunned and surprised that he even thought that he had passed the line, and then left the place without asking anything in return.

That was the point that made her wonder, whether someone like him was truly as evil as she thought, or was there more to the story that she didn't understand.

With those thoughts in mind, she started to investigate why that specific matter took place, and the truth was that she felt really embarrassed about her prior thoughts.

She found out that she had been judging him wrongly and she wanted to find him and apologize. But why would someone like Tianlong Yun ever approach her again?

The lucky chance she had come across not long ago was just a heaven-sent opportunity for her, but she had completely wasted that.

That was already a rare case, so waiting for another opportunity would be a stupid thing, so she decided to join the Shadow Clan, and climb the ladder, with the hope of meeting him again later.

Even though her features were average, her talent, will, and heart weren't as she focused totally on cultivation.

With the resources of the Shadow Clan, she was able to grow stronger much faster than before, as she even managed to reach the 2nd level of Soul Formation Realm, not long ago.

In these 10 years she had been there, she had been totally convinced of the fact, that neither the Shadow Clan nor Tianlong Yun were evil.

A bit heavy-handed certainly, but not evil. So, she had decided to wholeheartedly accept the Shadow Clan as her own clan, whether in prosperity, or extinction.

Thoughts and resolve which brought her to the current situation where she was about to perish with the Shadow Clan.

Even then she wasn't afraid of her choice, her strength was meaningless in front of the attack of that old Master in front of her, so she didn't even bother to defend, but the pain never came.

She had clearly seen that old fogie take out his sword and poke towards her but there was nothing, she felt nothing.

Had she died without even understanding it? It was a bit embarrassing for her, but it was something that she could do nothing about.

The only thought crossing her mind at those moments was that she hadn't been able to meet Tianlong Yun again, to apologize to him and thank him for his help.

It was just that no matter how much she awaited there, death didn't seem to be coming for her, she was completely fine.

The shock and surprise in her face were more than enough to show her current situation, she didn't understand what was going on, and she wasn't the only one.

At that moment everyone else around her was also reminded why they were paying so much attention to this woman, but they weren't able to find anything wrong with her.

She didn't seem like she had been attacked in the least when these people clearly saw that Old Master in front of them make a move.

No one was able to understand what was going on, perhaps the Old Master had a change of heart and didn't want to kill her, as he saw her as a good seedling.

But there was no sound coming from him all this time, he hadn't said a word, just stood there motionless.

Just what was going on?

It was at that moment that they were reminded that this wasn't anything normal. Why should that Old Master stay motionless, and soundless for so long?

It just didn't make sense!

Unable to control their selves and their curiosities, quite a few old masters from behind him sent their spirit senses over him, trying to understand something, but there was no sign or resistance from him.

This clearly surprised them, as a few of them even tried to speak to him,

"Old Master!" x5

Still, there was no sign of him moving, or doing anything. Left with no other choice those people behind him started to search his body on the inside.

That was thought to be a taboo for cultivators, as each one has secrets he doesn't want other people to see, but there was still no reaction from his side.

Unable to understand what was going on, they were checking his internal organs as best as they could, but unfortunately, there was no sign of a problem.

He seemed to be perfectly normal, and yet there was no reaction from him, which made those people behind him even more surprised and shocked.

They were unable to understand what was wrong with him. Their last resort was checking upon his conscience sea, and especially his Soul Avatar.

If checking someone's body with their spirit sense was a taboo, then checking their conscience sea and Soul Avatar with one was even more of a taboo.

But since there was no reaction from that guy, they were left with no other choice, but the only ones who could do that were those people from his own kingdom.

The Earth Faction Masters didn't have the capability of dealing with him, even though it was just a puppet, and its Master was far away from there.

As for the other Kingdoms Masters, they didn't want to cause some sort of conflict, and trouble at a time like this, as they couldn't afford it.

No matter how enticing it might be, they had to act in consideration, and stop there and then. If searching his body offended only the Master, then searching his conscience sea offended his Kingdom.

Who knew just what kind of secrets was this guy knowledgeable and hiding for his bosses, and his own Kingdom, so they had no other choice.

The people allowed, or to be more exact his compatriots only proceeded towards his conscience sea, and Soul Avatar, only to find the Soul Avatar kneeling and trembling in fear.

It looked like it had met the bane of its existence, like his whole existence was in question at that moment, making them quite surprised as they weren't able to see anything in there.

Worried about it, they started screaming and trying to pull him up, but everything was completely useless, his Soul Avatar could only stay there and tremble.

In the meantime, outside the old Master's conscience sea, everyone was looking with weird and complex looks towards the woman that had something to do with this situation.

But one look on her face was enough of a reason to think that even she herself had no idea of what was going on in there.

In fact, she looked like she was even more confused than them. That weird and complicated silence was finally broken when one of those people behind asked with a frightened, and tumbling voice

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