Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 544: Power & Deterioration

Chapter 544: Power & Deterioration

That was what was going through everyone's mind at the moment, they all thought that he was some kind of devil.

The expression of the meek, and powerless idiot of the past week had completely vanished at the moment, as they could only look at him as if he was the devil himself.

Looking at the change in their eyes, and their faces, Tianlong Yun didn't seem to get angry about it, in fact, he seemed to enjoy it.

He was enjoying the look of fear in their eyes, the fear of what was to come, the fear of the unknown but upcoming pain, and torture.

It made him feel a bit weird, as he wasn't normally that kind of person who liked to inflict pain on others, as he felt like he was slowly losing himself.

Power can become really blinding sometimes, making people lose sight of what is truly important to them, and focusing only on the adrenaline of the situation.

Most probably the same thing was happening to him. It was something that was able to influence anyone, even someone like him that had been the Crown Prince of the Royal Dragons Race.

The power to have other people's fate, hopes, dreams, and nightmares in his hands was pretty corrupting.

Corrupting his mind and his soul making him feel like he was a God even without becoming one. That was the downfall of many powerhouses and experts.

They just got too drunk on their own power, making them feel like they had the whole world in their hands when the truth was that they weren't even touching upon that mirage.

It didn't have a time or a moment when it would happen, it was something that would slowly corrode someone all the time, it never had a beginning or an end.

The only way to get rid of it would probably be giving up from all the flesh desires, passions, and every emotion, but that was clearly not the path that Tianlong Yun wanted to follow.

As he was thinking like that, feeling his power trying to corrupt him, he suddenly felt two warm hands grab his own in worry.

It was Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing, they didn't understand what was really going on at the moment, but they knew that something wasn't right, and they couldn't let their man drift away from them.

They were women that were ready to sacrifice themselves just not to bring him trouble, there was no way they were going to let him drift away from them.

Feeling their worried touch, Tianlong Yun just closed his eyes concentrated on what was important to him, shutting down those dangerous feelings, as he said with a calm and caring voice,

"Don't worry I am fine!"

"Mhm!" x2

The two girls just acknowledged his words with an 'mhm' but they could tell that he was truly all right. He wasn't drifting away from them, he was there beside them.

This slight delay seemed to have been helpful to some of the guys in the cages to recollect their selves, and then scream at Tianlong Yun,

"Like hell will you be able to do that to us!"

"We will better kill ourselves before something like that happens!"

Their bluff worked against them though, as they hadn't expected Tianlong Yun to say,

"Oh really!? Then why don't you go on!? Come on! Kill yourselves, I am sure it will be extremely fun to watch the show!"

The Young Miss who had just blurted that bluff, couldn't help but feel like she had been suddenly surrounded by a cold and dangerous snake, that had no intention of letting her go.

Surely threatening that she would kill herself was quite a simple thing to do, but to actually do something like that was a completely different matter.

There was no way that she wanted to die, and even less of having a resolve to kill herself. Whoever has that resolve does it, there is no one who wants to kill himself and threaten other people for that.

She didn't even have the thought of killing herself, she just thought that she might use her life as a chip to protect herself, and tried the bluff, that clearly backfired.

The snake around her didn't seem like it wanted to let go though, as it closed down with each second, trying to squeeze her more and more, as she heard him whisper,

"Come on! What's wrong! Why don't you kill yourself!? That way you will be saving us both the time! Come on!"

It was like the devil's whisper, making her more and more scared of the prospect. Tianlong Yun seemed like he truly wanted to see her kill herself.

But he clearly had no intention of letting her actually do it, suicide would be an extremely easy punishment for her after all.

There were so many more tortures and sufferings that she had to go through before actually entering the cycle of reincarnation.

Seeing that she was close to getting broken, he suddenly stopped what he was doing, as he looked at her like worthless trash, and then said to everyone in the plaza,

"Well, everyone this is the point where we have to start our Freedom Games from the start, but this time with a few simple changes of rules.

For example, this first stage will be a race of endurance! Our participants will use our specially made tools to stimulate one another, the one who is able to endure for longer will be the winner!

As for what toys they will be using"

While he said that last line, immediately in all of the cages were revealed a few tables of toys, made of steel, and wood.

Those were all big sex toys, that would most probably make everyone shiver just at the thought of them, and he was planning to have them used in his games.

If people in the crowd were just having shivers those inside the cages felt like they were being faced with death at this moment.

None of them wanted to participate in these shitty games, they would much better prefer they were kept as prisoners for life under Tianlong Yun than try their chance at freedom like this.

With those rebellious thoughts and fear as catalysts, a lot of the Young Masters and Young Misses inside the cages, started screaming,

"Like hell will we ever play such a game!"

"There is no way we are going to obey to you!"

They seemed extremely confident in their words, even though they didn't trust each other as much, they still were putting quite the front.

It was like they wouldn't turn against each other even if their bodies were cut into more than 10.000 different parts.

Hearing those words, Tianlong Yun just started laughing out loud once again, and it took a bit to calm down, as he said,

"And who said that I will need you to cooperate!?"

The crowd and those in the cages weren't able to understand what he meant at first, but the next moment the whole plaza was put under immense pressure.

Everyone in the plaza was unable to move, they felt like high-weighted boulders, or metal steels were placed above their bodies, and their body weight had increased by quite a bit.

They were like overly fed wolves in a powerful gravity area, and none of them was able to move from their spot.

Almost everyone in there had troubles even trying to turn their head around, as they heard a few steps walking towards the cages.

It took them a while to understand but they finally understood that this wasn't a normal pressure, it was pressure coming from a powerhouse's cultivation.

Most probably right now, one of those Boundary Ascension Powerhouses that worked for Tianlong Yun was exerting this pressure upon them, making them feel like nothing more than headless flies.

"What is going on!?"

"What do you think you are doing!?"

"No, you can't do this, noooo~!"

As the crowd was still unable to understand what the hell was going on they started hearing some shouts, and screams of anger, hate, rage, and pain.

It was at that moment that the pressure on the crowd started dropping, and they once again were able to breathe and move around.

Most of them didn't even take the bother to continue breathing, as they all turned their heads towards the cages to understand better what was going on.

They couldn't help but shiver at the view though, as those guys inside the cages were still under the pressure and unable to move, as they were being ganged by groups of 2 and 3.

Yup, that was the right way to put, each and every one of those Young Masters and Young Misses inside the cages, were being ganged by groups of 2 and 3.

To be more exact ladies had groups of 3 upon them, while the men groups of 2, and the direction this scene was taking was a bit on the wrong side.

Those guys didn't seem to have any intention of beating them up, or causing them much physical pain, as they were ripping their clothes, and turning them completely naked.

It was clear what would happen next, with how things were going, and those poor things screaming and crying, as Tianlong Yun said with a calm voice,

"Well, since you don't like to play, then I can't help but change the rules a bit guys, so you are going to play with those guys. Have fun!"

While inside the barrier the situation had gotten pretty heavy, and it was starting the main play, the people outside couldn't hold back anymore, as quite a few of them screamed,


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