Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 534: Idiot & Hell

Chapter 534: Idiot & Hell

Everyone at the place was surprised and startled by those words, after all those words seemed just like some kind of terrible joke.

What was Count Riva trying to do? There was no escape for him, the whole place was totally surrounded, and enclosed.

Was that the last attempt of a dying man, trying to take his inquisitor and the 2nd Prince to death with him?

But he didn't seem like he had any intention of dying though, and even less of cracking a joke, he was totally serious and had a heavy aura around him at the moment.

At that moment Marquess Dran's instincts were ringing like crazy, but not because of the danger, but because his bad premonition was getting stronger and stronger.

For a sly man like him who was pulling even the King himself by the nose, there was no way he wouldn't understand when the same was happening to him.

What he didn't understand was from when had he been pulled around by the nose? And how was he able to not understand this from the beginning?

He should have doubted this issue from the start, the prey was just too good, as it felt just too perfect. He should have realized this from that instant.

But now there was nothing he could do, he was just too encroached in this damn affair, that he couldn't pull out and leave even if he wanted to.

The 2nd Prince himself was a bit startled with what was going on, as even he wasn't prepared for something like this.

As a matter of fact, this whole thing had grown way out of proportions for him, as he wasn't able to understand what was going on anymore, but he understood that he had to follow this to the end.

The only guy who didn't understand this whole situation was probably Viscount Karne, who seemed to have forgotten his brain at home.

Well, who could blame him? From the start of this night, he had thought that he would have Count Riva's head, as long as he appeared at his doorstep.

Not only that hadn't happened, but he had also been humiliated and lowered at every juncture from the person who he was supposed to get rid of tonight.

So, it wasn't that weird hearing him scream all of a sudden,

"Count Riva, what are you trying to do? Just because you are going to die, you want to take his Highness the 2nd Prince, and Marquess Dran with you?

Just how low will you fall traitor? Willing to die just to take down two pillars of our Kingdom. How despicable!?"

It wasn't only Count Riva who was surprised by those words, but even the 2nd Prince and Marquess Dran, who was this guy's relative.

Just how dumb one had to be to think something like that, looking at the situation?

Certainly, it wasn't impossible to do, but if that was the case then why would he have to keep the others away?

Surpassing the fact that Marquess Dran and the 2nd Prince had their strongest puppets by their side to protect them, which were both 4th level Great Ascension Boundary Realm powerhouses.

How was Count Riva going to achieve that, when even his strongest puppet wasn't there present at the moment, which made them wonder a bit about where it might be.

Furthermore, which one of them didn't know that Soul Land nobles would always have a backup or two, in order to guarantee their lives in these situations.

Long story short, it was just a big stupidity to try and kill yourself just to take down a body double. It just wasn't worth it.

The Soul Land people's cultivation wasn't related to their body, or their internal energy, but with their soul, as long as their soul or a piece of it existed, then they existed too.

So, if that statement didn't prove that Viscount Karne had his brain on holiday at the moment, then what would?

Looking at him full of pity, Count Riva asked with a concerned voice,

"Viscount Karne, I have been wondering for a while now, but have you hit your soul somewhere or something?"

That was what topped the anger, and hate inside Viscount Karne, as he seemed to snap at that moment, ordering his puppet to kill Count Riva, as he screamed,

"How dare you, traitor!? Now Die!"


But before he could even approach half the distance towards Count Riva, his puppet was slashed in two, while he was given a really tight slap sending him flying back, as that sound reverberated in his ears.

What surprised him the most was that the person to have blocked his path, slapped him, and screamed at him wasn't Count Riva, or the 2nd Prince, but his relative Marquess Dran!

He had given his own sister to this guy, and he was treating him like this! That made him even angrier and enraged, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

He knew he had no hopes if he went against that guy, so he could only eat his embarrassment, as he tried to as with a loud voice,

"What are you doing brother-in-law? It's that guy we should be"

He wasn't able to continue for long though, as once again he was interrupted by a furious Marquess Dran,

"I said enough idiot, just how much more are you going to embarrass yourself in this place? Isn't this enough already?

Now go outside with everyone else and try to regain clarity!"

Viscount Karne was in such a situation that he couldn't believe his ears, how it was possible that the whole situation had changed so much in such a short time.

This was supposed to be his best day, the day where he was supposed to put an end to these centuries of enmity, and finally do what his ancestors hadn't been able to.

Get rid of the Da Sal surname from the Soulania Kingdom, and yet how the heck had things turned out like this. Not only was he unable to achieve that, but he was told out of the room, like a little kid.

How could he bear the humiliation he was getting at the moment? How would he be able to raise his head after what happened today? Who would even respect him after what just happened?

Once word of these matters spread into the court, and Palace then he would be nothing more than the joke of the whole Kingdom.

Still, he knew that there was nothing he could do right now, he was powerless to do anything. Without the backup of Marquess Dran, he was nothing more than a landed noble, below Count Riva.

So, he had no other choice but to lower his head in shame, anger, rage, and weakness as he left the place alongside all the other small fry in there.

A lot of eyes and looks were locked at him, but he pretended to not notice anyone of them, as he made his way outside of the room, and even outside the castle.

Meanwhile, inside the room, Marquess Dran seemed to have recollected himself after his explosion, and bout of rage, as he bowed down a bit towards Count Riva, and the 2nd Prince while saying,

"Please forgive my relative for his rude and unbecoming behavior! He was really tired since my first wife, his sister isn't feeling well these days!"

It was clearly a weak excuse but it was an excuse from someone like Marquess Dran which made the situation special. The position and power he held right now was comparable to the Princes.

Neither Count Riva nor the 2nd Prince had any intention of hanging to that matter, as Count Riva said with a sigh,

"Sigh~! That doesn't matter anymore, what truly matters is what will happen from now on!"

His words attracted the other two guys attention, as they looked at him with curiosity seeping out of their auras, and eyes, as Marquess Dran asked,

"Count Riva you surely know how to attract a man's attention, I just hope that this isn't some game, and it truly is as important as you say!"

"Believe me Marquess Dran what you are about to see, and decisions will shape the future of our Kingdom!"

Count Riva said those words with total confidence, and none of the other two guys seemed to doubt those words.

Without losing time, Count Riva pressed some kind of mechanism and the floor of his room opened up, with a pair of stairs leading below.

He took the lead, as the other two guys followed behind him through the stairs, and towards the underground.

Both of the people behind him could understand one thing though, there were alien humans in this place, even though not many of them, and their conditions seemed really weak.

It felt like they had been tortured for a long time, as only a thread of life force, enough to keep them alive was left inside their bodies.

As if that wasn't enough, the smell coming from this place was horrible, it wasn't even a smell anymore, it felt like it was a stench.

There were human exerts, sweat, blood, snot, and all kinds of other stinking smells, making this place feel more like a shithole than an actual prison or dungeon.

Still, none of them said a thing as they followed behind Count Riva, as they finally arrived at seeming more open place, filled with tables, tools, rust, stench.

But that wasn't the most eye-catching thing in the room, as 4 terribly tortured alien humans were hanged on the wall, with their heads down.

They seemed like the epitome of pain, suffering, gore, and torture, as their clothes were covered in their blood, exertions, snot, and sweat like they had years in that position, and with those clothes.

Even the two people beyond Count Riva couldn't hold their disgust, as the 2nd Prince finally asked,

"Count Riva just what hell is this!?"

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