Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 532: Eloquence & Dark Fatty

Chapter 532: Eloquence & Dark Fatty

"Oh my, how rude of me, Viscount Karne is here as well! I don't remember you being this good at jokes though, you have truly progressed a lot, Viscount Karne!"

His tone was really polite, and delicate just like they were in some kind of party right now, and not him actually being accused of treason to the whole Soul Land.

Everyone in there, including Viscount Karne had to accept that the composure and the tone of voice he was using at that moment had left them all in shame.

He seemed like he wasn't going to lose that attitude even if the whole world crumbled in front of him.

Not everyone could do something like that, in fact, people that would be able to keep that level of composure at such a moment were truly as rare as a phoenix's feathers.

It was that type of composure that made all the people from the Palace think if they were truly facing a traitor or just someone who had been set up?

The one who was most agitated with his composure and his words was clearly Viscount Karne, he was the one that had started this whole play, and at the same time, he was the one ignored.

How could he accept so easily the fact that his most hated enemy would just simply ignore him like he was nothing more than filthy air?

His gloating face of a few moments ago had totally disappeared, as what was left now on his face was just anger, hate, and rage.

It was a big change in his attitude, but he wasn't able to notice due to his rage at the moment, as he started screaming at his hateful enemy,

"Count Riva, you damn traitor, lower the barrier and let us through, otherwise you will face the consequences of going against the Soulania Kingdom and its King!"

He wasn't wrong though, not obeying a King's decree was the same as not obeying the King, but he was clearly skipping a few logical bases, which were the perfect chance for Count Riva to step on.

"Well, well Viscount Karne don't get mad like that, otherwise people would really think that you are just trying to set me up, you know!?"

He pretended to even be worried about his enemy at that moment, but that wasn't all there was to it as he continued,

"Furthermore, aren't you making some logical mistakes here Viscount Karne!?

Firstly, there are people from the Palace holding his Majesty's decree in here, which is the same as his Majesty being here, and yet you come forward and speak before them.

Isn't this a bit rude? It's a vassal's duty and honor to serve and respect his King, right? Then why are you talking in front of his Majesty like you are the one in charge?

Secondly, you are accusing me of betraying the whole Soul Land, and even come to my home with a decree stating that, and then you threaten me of becoming a traitor of the Kingdom if I don't obey the decree?

What logic is that Viscount Karne?"

His words just made the poor Viscount Karne understand that all this time he had been talking way too much, and way too inappropriately.

The reason why those words burned the most at this moment was that those words were true and logical.

If it was just a baseless and invalid argument he could just scream more invalid arguments at him, and use the decree to force logic, but there was no way he could do that now.

Especially that second one, it truly didn't make sense it was the same as charging him for killing, and then threaten him to confess his crimes or he would be charged as a killer.

Even though enraged Viscount Karne and everyone in there could still use their logic, and understand that the way they were treating this matter wasn't the best.

Viscount Karne had thought of making use of this opportunity to shame and damage Count Riva's reputation, but until now he had only hit himself on the foot.

Not only that but he had also shown a terrible figure to the guys from the Palace, making him even more enraged by this whole situation.

Just a look at his face and one could easily understand that if he had the choice, he would cut Count Riva in thousands of pieces, and then feed him to the animals or beasts.

Seeing that this strategy wasn't working out, the people from the Palace seemed to have a change of heart, as they decided to take the matters under their control.

It was a fatty who suddenly came forwards, a fatty with whiskers, and a bald head. He gave a diminishing look towards Viscount Karne, and then stepped forwards as he said,

"Count Riva it's a pleasure to meet you tonight! You are still as eloquent as ever, and I would love to continue with this debate.

But unfortunately, we don't have the time for it, as we are here under official business with the order of his Majesty the King!"

As he said that he took out the decree and show it to Count Riva, and then continued,

"Now if you would please lower the barrier and let us check to clarify our doubts, so the situation doesn't get dirtier than it is!"

This fatty was Marquess Dran Da Vas, and he was a big bureaucrat in the Palace. There was no one who hadn't heard of him in the Soulania kingdom, and everyone had the same thought about him.

He was the slyest and the most dangerous bureaucrat noble in the Palace. The faction he had built within the Palace always had the upper hand, and there were only a few nobles who could stand in front of him.

The reason why he had the position, and standing he had in the Soulania Kingdom, and even the King's support was because he had offered his own wife, and blood daughter to the King.

Not only that but the moment the two women had entered the inner abode of his Majesty the King, they had become his favorites.

Nobody understood how they had been able to charm the King, but one thing was for sure, it didn't seem like the King was leading the kingdom anymore, but like he was a puppet in their hands.

A big reason why this dark star had come upon Count Riva tonight, was because he was married to Viscount Carne's little sister, and their families were connected.

There were rumors of this sly fatty trying to start a rebellion and then take the kingdom from the current King, but at the moment they were just rumors and nothing more.

Still, for such a figure like him to be in this place, it would normally smell like danger for anyone in Count Riva's position, and he wasn't an exception.

With these guys' history even if they didn't find any proof of his treason they would still plant the proof in there, and make him take the blame anyway.

No matter what happened, it was his word against theirs, there was no way the court would believe him and stand on his side on this.

At that moment Count Riva really started to feel that no matter what that puppet tried to do, it would be useless, he was finished.

Just as the first sign of a sweat droplet was threatening to appear on his forehead, his savior appeared in front of him saying,

"Count Riva I am sorry to intrude like this, but I was talking a walk and saw all this commotion in here! What is really happening!?"

At that moment Count Riva felt like he would cry from happiness and kiss the man that had come to be his savior.

But he managed to control himself, firstly because he wasn't that type, and secondly because the person in front of him wasn't someone he could approach lightly, as it was the 2nd prince of Soulania Kingdom.

There were a lot of factions vying for power in the Soulania Kingdom, and while Marquees Dran had the King on his side, the crown prince and the 2nd prince had their own factions against him.

Since Count Riva had his own ambitions and greed for the throne, he had managed to have quite the following behind him, so each of the two princes wanted him on their side.

And of course, the 2nd prince was a bit more desperate than the Crown Prince as he had the weakest faction among the three.

So, one had to understand that this move from the 2nd Prince was dangerous as he was technically putting himself in front of Marquess Dran and risking his standing to go down the drain with Count Riva.

But this was also his biggest opportunity to earn himself the support of Count Riva on his side. It was a gamble on his side, that would either give him the boost he needed to reach the top or the bottom.

His words about being there just because he was on a walk were complete bullshit that even the most nave dude out there wouldn't believe.

It was precisely because of that that Marquess Dran and Viscount Karne had a face like they had just suddenly eaten shit for the first time, making them even angrier than they already were.

The presence of the 2nd Prince in there changed the whole game, as they wouldn't be able to turn the game as they wish anymore.

On the other hand, they were both smirking and gloating inside, as this was the perfect opportunity to take down another bug that was blocking their path.

After all, they never doubted the fact that there was proof inside Count Riva's territory

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