Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 530: Shock & Slave

Chapter 530: Shock & Slave

"Wh-what do you mean?"

Certainly, the puppet's words, or to be more exact the words of the person controlling the puppet were a bit preposterous, but looking at his skills, it wasn't something that he could brush aside.

Furthermore, he had a feeling that the puppet wasn't lying to him, so he decided to take the bait and ask that question.

The puppet seemed to have already expected that question, as it answered back with another question,

"Why do you think those guys were able to come up to the heart of your defenses so easily?"

It was weird indeed, as Count Riva had trained his soldiers to be loyal to him, and hear his words against anyone else, the only exception would be

'The Palace'!

It wasn't their direct intervention, as probably they wouldn't want to act so brazenly and attack their vassals, as those damn bureaucrats would capitalize on the distress.

But still to issue a decree from the Palace in order to enter his premises and check for treason, was the same as if they had already tagged him as a traitor, and were ready to dispose of him and his lineage.

At that moment, Count Riva had no other option but to believe in the puppet's words, he was already a dead man. Not only him, but most probably his whole lineage would die.

He was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place! No matter how he looked at the situation he was finished!

A high sentiment of negativity and defeat seemed to have clouded his mind, but there was still something he didn't understand.

How were those guys scheming against him able to find evidence of his treason and the fact that alien humans were within his premises?

On top of that, it should have been enough evidence that those guys at the Palace and the King himself shouldn't have been able to negate, and forced them to issue a decree.

He couldn't control his anger and his curiosity as he asked unconsciously,

"Just who the fu*ck did this!?"

"Oh, I did it!"

Silence! Total silence for a few moments, as it seemed like he hadn't really heard what the puppet said, or more probably he didn't want to hear it and acknowledge it.

It was at that moment, that he heard another shout from outside,

"Riva come here for this daddy, don't make me wait, or I will force my way through!"

The guy shouting was clearly his most hated enemy in the Soulania Kingdom, it was his neighbor Viscount Karne Da Vas.

From ancient times their families had been arch-rivals, with each side trying to destroy the other, and take control of their territory.

All the conflict had started on a Soul Stones mining site that was located on the border of their territories, and after that, it been fired up with more and more stupid reasons.

Right now, they were blood enemies, each side trying everything it could to demolish the other side, and they were one of the big reasons why he had collaborated with the alien humans.

But right now, all that shit didn't matter, as he was stunned by the puppet's words, or to be more exact by its owner's, the perpetrator of this fucking big mess.

Not only had he thrown him into the fire, and added gasoline that could burn his whole family but he had also come here taking a look at his last moments.

It was just messed up, what was he trying to pull off with that? Anger, hate, fury was piling up inside him, as he asked with a strong voice,

"Why did you do that!?"

The puppet's owner didn't seem to care much about it as he just continued with a calm and natural voice,

"Well if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to save your life, turn you against those fu*ckers you have for partners, and have you work for me now, would I?"

Once again Count Riva had to get dumbfounded completely, he would have never expected such a straightforward answer like that. Who would actually?

This guy was saying that he had pulled the gun trigger to kill him, and at the same time profess himself as the doctor that could save his life.

This was truly messed up, even he had never thought of something like this possible. But at that moment what took priority was his life and his lineage.

He had clearly heard the puppet that said that it could help him out survive this situation, and that was the most important thing right now.

He didn't care if he had to go against those alien humans' partners of his, if it was to save his life, he could even rebel against the kingdom and the King.

As long as he was alive he had a chance to turn the situation later, as long as he was alive everything was possible. His history and existence were closed only with his death.

So right now, nothing else mattered as long as he was able to survive this ordeal. With those thoughts in his mind, and that decision taken he spoke to the space,

"You can help me get out of this mess?"

Tianlong Yun was certainly a bit surprised seeing him able to pull himself together that quickly but this just made things easier for him at the moment.

He didn't have much time after all and had to move quickly, but at the same time, he made a mental note to be really careful of this guy from now on.

Now wasn't that time though, right now they had to act quickly, but he still didn't rush his words, and kept his composure as he said,

"Yes, I can, but can you pay the price?"

"What do you want from me?"

"Just like I said, I want you to work for me! If I tell you to go left you won't even think of the right, if I tell you to jump then you will jump, simple as that!"

Hearing that Count Riva clearly understood what Tianlong Yun meant, but that didn't mean he liked it, as he said with a harrumph,

"Hmph~! So, you are asking me to be your slave!?"

"Well it's a really big help that you can understand things easily Count Riva, I want you to be my slave!

But I won't put you on a leash though, I will let you be a free slave!"

Even though he expected something like this, it was still quite the shock he got when he actually heard something like that.

Whoever this guy was, he was being straightforward and direct, without cutting corners or talking double meanings.

Even though he didn't understand what he meant by that last part of being a 'free slave' it wasn't like he had many options available to him at the moment, as he said,

"Ok, I accept!"

"Are you sure!?"

"Do I have another choice!?"

"No, you don't!

Well, this just makes things easier. Now kneel down and make an oath with your ancestors, and descendants that you will serve me for the rest of your life!"

Today just didn't seem to be like his day as he was getting startled with each passing moment, and each answer he received from the puppet.

Such an oath would normally be just children's play, nobody would believe something like that. it was just mouth washing, and yet that was what it had requested.

At that moment the puppet appeared once again, as it said with a strong voice,

"Do it!"

Count Riva understood he didn't have much time, so he immediately got out of his bed, even though he was completely naked, and kneeled in front of the puppet, and made his oath.

There was nothing special about it, it was just like some normal knight, or citizen made an oath in front of his ruler, it was nothing more than mouthwash, which made him feel like things weren't right.

There was no way this was all it took right? Nobody would ever believe something like that, yet the puppet seemed satisfied like it had achieved its goal.

That damn puppet had definitely done something to him, but he had no idea what, and that made him even more frustrated and angry.

He didn't feel anything wrong with himself, no matter how many times he checked his body there was nothing wrong with it, even his Soul Avatar and conscience sea seemed perfectly okay.

Then what the fu*ck had the puppet done to him, but he guessed that even if he asked there would be no real answer from the puppet.

He would just pretend like he hadn't done anything, and it was just a simple kneeling and oath. Right, like hell was he going to believe something like that.

Unfortunately, he didn't have much time at the moment, as it looked like that outside standing guy's patience was running out, and it would soon for a breakthrough.

He couldn't have that happen, otherwise, all he did until now would hold no meaning, even his kneeling and that mouth washing oath he just did.

As if trying to put even more pressure upon him, that guy on the outside started screaming once again,

"You forced my hand Riva, there is nothing more I can do for you!"

With that said, not even one moment later, he shouted an order to the people behind him,

"Breakthrough, we can't allow the traitors to escape!"

Hearing that made Count Riva even more anxious about his fate, as he asked the puppet with an anxious voice,

"How are you planning to save me from this?"

"Well, that's easy"

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