Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 507: Separation & United Settlement

Chapter 507: Separation & United Settlement

At that moment all his urge and sexual drive had completely been lost as he was totally enraged, and angry.

Those pieces of human trash dared to go try something like that against his women. They had clearly decided to die a painful death, he just needed to help them with that.

Certainly, first and foremost was to take them back, and have them recuperate under safe and sound.

But after that, all these trash would finally understand that Shadow Clan and his wives weren't to be messed around with.

As he was contemplating this, the air around him had started to become stagnant and it looked like it would soon start turning into ice.

The temperature had suddenly fallen in the surroundings into way down below zero, not only his hostages but also his army of disciples was feeling that.

At that moment the only thought crossing their mind was that these guys had truly enraged their Patriarch, and from now on they would suffer the retribution of their own mistakes.

Tianlong Yun wasn't the only one with such a dense killing intent though, as from somewhere close to him there was another source of killing intent, that wasn't inferior to his in the least.

Even though almost everybody understood where it came from, it was precise because of that they were all shocked by that.

Normally Tianlong Hu Die would show her cold side, but everyone knew that she was a caring young lady, and they respected her even more about that.

But now that cold, and caring beauty was showing such a killing intent that could send the chills down their backs. How could they not get shocked by this?

It was Tianlong Hu Die's killing intent that awakened Tianlong Yun from his enraged stupor, as he turned around huger her lithe and small body, as he said,

"Don't worry I will take them back, and then we can all make them payback for what they did!"

"Mhm, I know, it's just that I can't control myself when I hear things like that!"

Even though Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing weren't her real sisters, in reality, they were so much more than that.

From the beginning under the guidance and direction of Tianlong Xia, all the main women of Tianlong Yun would treat each other like a real family.

Since the position of the number one was always clear, there weren't even fights over their line-up or stupid things like that.

Each of them had accepted the reality as it was, and they knew that they were getting much more than what they bargained for in the beginning.

After letting her rest her head on his chest for a few moments, Tianlong Yun said to her in a low but clear voice,

"It's time for you to leave, and deal with what you have to do. Just be careful that nothing happens during this time.

I couldn't bear if something happens to you too, little beauty!"

Tianlong Hu Die was really touched by his words, after all, this was something that she had been dreaming of hearing so many nights, and days.

Finally, she was able to hear these words. If someone would be able to see her face, they would immediately notice that she had a painful smile.

While she was really happy to hear these words, at the same time she felt really bad that her sisters were in a precarious situation at the moment.

But thinking about that she understood that the longer she stayed there, the more time it would take for Tianlong Yun to find and rescue her sisters.

At the moment they were considered to be safe, as they had in hand the supposed secret of the barrier, but no one knew what could be possibly happening.

So, she immediately pulled herself together, as she said with a determined voice,

"You should go too, we can't leave them to wait for much longer!"

How could Tianlong Yun not notice her feelings and thoughts, but she was right, he should quickly go and save them, he had no other choice.

Sending a mental message to someone in the crowd, he turned towards the guy who had opened his mouth until now, as he said,

"Where are they being kept!?"

"They are being kept in the set-up city of the Earth faction, at the headquarters. I know nothing more beyond this!

Please don't kill me, I am too afraid of"

He couldn't finish whatever he wanted to say though, as the next moment he was nothing more than a sack of skin and bones, together with his comrade.

The three ladies from the Frozen Palace seemed to find happiness in their fate right now, as the only other option in front of them was death.

Even though it was going to be a bit difficult, but leaving with the guys they were assigned to seemed like much better.

Tianlong Yun didn't lose time either, as he jumped forward as he said,

"Follow me!"

No one was able to see them, but the moment that Tianlong Yun's words sounded, more than 900 disciples followed him behind like glue towards their destination.

The new Heaven's Rage Abyss wasn't that far away from Rock Fortress City, and recursively from the new settlement of the Earth Faction.

Each of the big organizations from Earth had created their own separate settlements, but in order to show their united front, and for unity they had created even the United Settlement.

As a show of where it started, but even to be closer to the new forbidden land, they had decided to raise the main headquarters close to the Rock Fortress City.

This didn't necessarily mean that their greatest strength was found in there though, as everyone had left their representatives there, and a few powerhouses to keep the place protected.

Even though this was supposed to be the place where all the organizations would gather their strength, none of them believed the other.

If the Soul Land people attacked them, then they would necessarily rush forward a bit late, in order to make others owe them a favor, and win some spoils.

Everyone understood this, and they had acted accordingly perhaps the only ones who had hopes on the unity were the small organizations and the free cultivators.

But while they did most of the work and the vanguard against the enemy, the biggest spoils went for the big organizations.

Furthermore, the big organizations didn't trust their people enough, no matter what gathering too many powerhouses in one place was a dangerous bet.

Looking at the situation, and especially the fact that they had no connection whatsoever with the outside, these guys could gather up and form their own power.

Everyone was still obedient to the rule of the organizations where they came from because the situation asked them to.

They didn't dare create a disturbance, and another front of the war with the Soul Land big powers eyeing them.

But if they thought that they had the opportunity to stand on their own, then they would most certainly do something like that without thinking twice.

For all of the above reasons, the United Settlement was more of a tough front with real low actual power, as they only had a few Boundary Ascension powerhouses guarding the place.

Before there was even more protection to this place, as the Young Masters of the big organizations would come there continuously trying to find the secret of the barrier, and even vow the two prisoners.

But after what happened, where the two ladies almost killed themselves taking the secret with them to their death, they had all been forbidden to come again.

They didn't want to lose such an important formation when it was already almost in their hands. After all, they had done the necessary preparations to find that secret.

They had to lose an arm and a leg to find a powerful Soul Land powerhouse who promised to 'steal' that information for them.

Everything was almost settled, that guy would arrive today, and they would finally be able to have a trump card over those Soul Land big powers.

The powerhouse they had called seemed like a pretentious prick, he had asked for so many women, and men to take as his slaves that had made the Earth faction really angry.

But they had the need, and what they were getting was beyond the value of mere few disciples, maids, and servants, so they agreed to the deal.

Certainly, this deal was top secret, and only the people with power and the big organizations had the right to know.

In order to not attract attention, none of them was seen on the vicinities of the United Settlements during this time, as they were even keeping busy the Soul Land big powers.

The war had yet to break out in full swing, as until now they were just having some skirmishes, and small battles, but everyone knew that the final confrontation wasn't too far away.

Everyone was preparing for the upcoming war, and the secret to the barrier was really important for the Earth faction.

They were totally unaware of the fact, that while they were so close to the discovery of that secret a great calamity was approaching them.

One they had provoked themselves, and they had no way of avoiding it. It wasn't only some people that would feel the burn but the whole Earth faction, their mother powers on Earth, and the whole Soul Land.

As suddenly a powerful voice broke the peace and quietness of the night,

"Whoever dared to provoke our Shadow Clan, get the fu*ck out here for this dady!"

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