Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 505: Soul Formation Realm

Chapter 505: Soul Formation Realm

This was a new ability of the little dryad spirit as well, it had taken the trait of Tianlong Yun's bloodline and fully connected to him.

It could absorb, or to be more precise it could suck Soul Power from the Soul's of dead victims, in order to grow up, and grow stronger.

Tianlong Yun hadn't expected something like this, but he had been able to witness it the moment he killed the first Soul Formation cultivator with his saber.

At the moment Tianlong Yun was inside that cocoon of blood, feeling all the blood, vitality, and impure Qi surrounding him, as he tried to process it all.

Just like any other man, even he was greedy, greedy for strength, greedy for power, greedy for beauties, greedy for revenge, greedy for happiness, greedy to reach the peak.

So even though this huge ass cocoon had surrounded him, making him feel like he was in his mother's belly once again, and was absorbing this much he wanted more.

Who wouldn't want, after all!?

Even though he was a strong and powerful cultivator, more than a hybrid monster, and the head of his own Clan, he still wanted more.

This was the nature of every being in this world, everyone wants more of what makes them happy, safe, and secure.

The same is true for a poisonous snake and a little hare. Both of them would do whatever ensured their safety, security, and happiness.

Every animal, monster, human, being is selfish for its own reasons. There was no way for Tianlong Yun to be different.

He was doing whatever made him safe, secure, and happy and the only reason he had more than others his age could have right now, was because he took the risks, and made more effort.

Even now that he was feeling safe and secure inside the cocoon trying to absorb everything inside it, he was facing a lot of risks.

Like for example the exterior risks, if one guy managed to break through his security guard outside, and attacked him at this moment, he would certainly get injured and might even die.

Or he could absorb more than he could for some time, and then explode from overdoing it. Or he might not clean enough the impurities and damage his solid foundation.

These were all risks he had to face, some of them on his own, and some of them with the help of his loyal army of disciples.

This was one of the big reasons why someone needed power or an army behind them. There would always be times that no matter how powerful one was, they wouldn't be able to face them.

But those were unnecessary thoughts at the moment, he was in the middle of a very important moment, and he couldn't afford his thoughts to distract him.

Making up his mind with that, his entire body that was already engulfed in Nirvana flames got lit up even more, as he concentrated on getting rid of any impurity in sight.

There was one thing that was absolutely necessary for a cultivator to be able to reach higher levels, and that was solidity.

If one wanted to build a high levels pagoda they had to make sure that the foundation was able to hold the high-level pagoda.

This was also one of the reasons that most of the cultivators were stopped at some point in their cultivation.

Certainly, talent and knowledge were important, after all, one would have to know how to build it and should have the necessary strength to do it.

With enough hard work, and tenacity one could learn how to build it, and with enough training, he would get the strength to achieve it too.

But if the foundation of the high-level pagoda wasn't sufficient then it could hold only up to some point. After that, it would come crashing down and taking the resident to doom.

For that reason, Tianlong Yun had to make sure that his and his clan disciples' foundation was solid and stable the whole time.

Opportunities like this one were rare, where one could increase its strength or cultivation by more than one level in one go, and especially the higher one climbed the pagoda of cultivation.

Normally, most of the people would try to climb as high as they could, without looking where they placed their steps, so they were doomed to fall from that height.

Tianlong Yun looked for stability, if he directly absorbed the Qi with its impurities of the 400 people that died, he might be able to reach Soul Formation Realm 1st level from 8th level of Nascent Soul Realm.

But that would be just too stupid for him to try so he immediately erased that thought from his mind directly as it crossed his mind.

Furthermore, he still had chances to reach that level, as there were more flies approaching his honeycomb.

With their addition, he would most certainly have a higher chance to reach the 1st level of the Soul Formation Realm.

So, he only focused on cleaning the impurities, no matter what happened that was the most important thing for him to focus on at the moment.

The Nirvana flames were really the bane of all impurities, as he was able to burn them into cinders, as they turned into a gaseous state, and then left his cocoon.

Even though he couldn't really see it, he could sense its essence leaving the cocoon, pushed away by the Nirvana flames.

It was at that moment that he was finally able to relax his guard a bit towards the residues of these impurities, and focused more on burning the big guys.

As he was doing that, he could feel that his cocoon just grew bigger suddenly, and understood that his guarding army was doing its best outside.

He couldn't let them down, after all, he was Tianlong Yun the Patriarch of the Shadow Clan, and the miracle maker.

Even more motivated than before, Tianlong Yun started burning the impurities faster, and absorbing the Qi, blood, and vitality faster.

His efforts truly increased, but the rate didn't change much, after all, it was impossible for him to absorb too much too soon, which would make him explode from over satiation.

But he was able to find a new balance, where the rate of his absorption was at maximum and kept that rate going.

It took him more than 5 hours in order to absorb just a quarter of the Qi, blood, and vitality around him, and finally, breakthrough to the 9th level of the Nascent Soul Realm.

He could feel new strength and energy coursing through his body, as he got stronger. He could feel like every cell on his body was getting a power-up, making him extremely excited.

But this was just the beginning as he had to absorb another 3 quarters of that Qi, blood, and vitality around him, which would certainly help him reach 1st level of the Soul Formation Realm.

Controlling himself to not get overly excited about this small breakthrough Tianlong Yun once again started the purification of the Qi, and its absorption into his body.

The process was the same, only the rate grew a bit faster as he was now stronger, and his body could afford a bit more.

Even though the rate of absorption was certainly increased it wasn't by much, and he had to spend 12 hours to absorb 95% of the Qi, blood, and vitality around him.

The cocoon around him was slowly getting smaller and smaller, even though it had received a bit of addition in these hours.

After all, the number of greedy cultivators who wanted to have a try at their luck inside Heaven's Rage abyss wasn't small.

And since it had been created only a little while ago, they didn't know the number of lives lost inside and had yet to fear this place.

The moment they entered they were faced with Tianlong Yun's cocoon, and the mysteriousness of it. 

So, they immediately decided to try their luck, and even if they didn't, just for security reasons they would still die.

Tianlong Yun's disciple army didn't seem to like to take any chances, the whole place was covered with an aura of death.

While these numbers weren't that big in 16 or 17 hours, they certainly weren't small either, as more than 60 cultivators lost their lives in there.

They were added to the blood, vitality, and Qi cocoon that had surrounded Tianlong Yun. As he continued to absorb everything that came his way.

When the absorption hit 97% he finally felt like something was being born inside him. Nascent Soul Realm was just the set up for the formation of the Soul, and in Soul Formation Realm it was finally born.

As a matter of fact, it wasn't the soul that was born, it was more like the Qi carcass of the Soul was being formed where his Dantian stood before.

The idea of three in one, was the physical body, the Qi body, and finally the Soul body. This was the base of cultivation and foundation.

But people in the Immortal World seemed to have forgotten about this, as they only concentrated in one of two of them, either body, or Qi, and in rare cases these two. They had forgotten about the Soul.

This was a really important moment for him, so he couldn't afford to lose his focus, so he closed any kind of other thought, and connection to the outside world as he continued shaping his Qi body.

He had complete confidence in his army, and his security, so he wasn't that worried about what happened outside.

The only thing on his mind was his Qi body and its shape

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