Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 501: Ignorance & Stupidity

Chapter 501: Ignorance & Stupidity

It was true that at first when they had seen that cold look, they had been a bit frightened by it. But now things had changed, they had already recollected their selves and their mentality.

They were all Golden Core Realm, and the weakest of their small 'army', but they weren't alone, that small 'army' was behind them.

Even if things went south, they believed that with the strength of their leader, he would be able to pull them out of danger, as he took care of Tianlong Yun himself.

At worst, they would lose some face and accept that they were sent forward for distraction and reconnaissance.

Seeing them jump forward the three ladies wanted to speak for a moment, and warn them that they weren't a challenge for Tianlong Yun.

But on second thought they gave up, as they were a bit angry at these fogies for taking advantage of them in this situation, and thought that letting them lose a few cannon fodders would be a good price to pay.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun was just looking at them with the same cold look, he didn't even look at these ten idiots.

He was completely ignoring them, they were nothing more than some dust particles in front of him. Despite being 40 or 50 years older than him, they were still in the Golden Core Realm.

Pathetic losers who thought to have achieved something, when they hadn't even stood up from the mud, and dirt of the ground.

All this time his eyes were focused at the leaders of this small 'army' and a few disciples at the back, everyone else was unworthy of his look.

In fact, even those guys at the back weren't anything special, they were just slightly more powerful worms, the special thing about them was their topic of discussion.

Those guys were comparing these three ladies with the two leaders of those detested traitors, meaning his wives.

He had never thought that he would find information on his wives' location so easily, and that was the reason he had frozen for a few moments. After that, he just looked at the show in front of him.

The truth was that after reaching the level of strength he was right now he was looking forward to clashing with a Soul Formation Realm cultivator to test his strength.

Who would have ever thought that just as he was hungry for a fight, Heavens had sent him a nice meal? Now he only had to test if it was a full meal or just some appetizer.

He had expected them to take him lightly, and send someone to test his strength, but he hadn't expected them to send something even smaller than flies and ants.

He was truly surprised to have been underestimated so much, after all, those ladies had seen him one-shot even Nascent Soul Realm cultivators.

Yet the three ladies didn't say anything, in fact, they were looking like they would enjoy the show. Ladies were truly scary, they would crumble cities, kingdoms, and empires just to satiate their anger.

It was clear that they were sending these idiots to death just to take revenge for their suffering a moment ago.

Proud swans like they were, would never easily accept a loss. These guys were living proof of that, well their deaths would be.

Still, it was truly an eye-opener for him to have a look at the importance of ignorance in a person's life, it was almost unbelievable.

They had jumped with so much confidence, and security facing him, that it was like he should be afraid of them, and not vice versa.

Still, even though these idiots weren't worth his attention, he still didn't lower his guard down. There was no way those old fogies would play by the rules.

These guys were nothing more than a thought for him to totally crush them using his Soul Power, hitting directly at their Soul Avatar inside their conscience sea.

But he didn't do it, he just waited for them to approach close to him and attack. Who would have ever thought that besides ignorant, these guys were hit on the head by a donkey?

One of them walked in front of him, and looking at him with a high and mighty look, he said,

"Kid you better bow down, and crash your head on the floor if you want to at least have a full-body upon your death!"

Looking at him with that arrogant face, and that standing Tianlong Yun didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

Wasn't this guy asking for death with his words!? Wasn't he afraid of angering the Heavens with his ignorance and stupidity?

This was certainly over the line, as Tianlong Yun was having a lost look on his face at the moment. Looking at Tianlong Yun's lost face, that guy thought that he had scared him, so he got even more arrogant.

"Don't make us waste time kid, we have important things to take care of!"

This guy was certainly crossing every possible line in front of him, he seemed to not even fear the Devil Emperor God himself if he was in front of him.

Tired of hearing idiots talk shit around him, Tianlong Yun made a single move of his finger, as a slashing wind was sent towards those guys surrounding him.

'bam, bam, bam'

The next instant the heads of 9 out of 10 of them had fallen to the ground and were rolling like watermelons.

The only one left alive was the one who had eaten shit up to now. This was just a small demonstration of Tianlong Yun's strength.

Even then he had used less than 0.01% of his strength, as these guys weren't worthy of him using more.

That guy was about to say even more but seeing the heads of his friends fall down on the ground without even understanding when and why left him totally shocked.

He was stupefied. His eyes looked empty, all his arrogance, and that high and mighty expression had totally disintegrated, as he looked like he was looking at his Death Reaper.

Just how!? When!? It was impossible! Simple impossible! How could this kid be that strong? He seemed like a greenhorn, a sprout who had yet to grow hair. No, it was impossible!

Tianlong Yun on the other hand had the same calm and natural expression on his face. He looked like nothing had happened.

As a matter of fact, he even showed a slight smile to the only guy left alive in front of him. It was a sweet, and harmless-looking smile in his opinion.

But the only left survivor from the 10 didn't appreciate it, in fact, he seemed to get even more scared, and terrified by that smile.

Unfortunately, he was correct to feel that way, because that was the last image he saw in his life, as the next instant his head was separated from his body.

Having dealt with these nobodies, Tianlong Yun looked at the old fogies who had a truly serious look on their faces at the moment, as he said with a low, clear, and unhurried voice,

"Don't you feel sorry to send your own people to certain death Gentlemen? Or at least send someone who has a slight chance of surviving one of my attacks!"

Challenge! It was a challenge! Tianlong Yun was challenging them in a fight. One had to know that they weren't trying to hide their cultivations in the least.

Any cultivator with a spiritual sense and a bit of experience would be able to sense their strong pressure and cultivation.

What made the matter even more unbelievable, was that out of the three, two were in the 9th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, and the third was on the 2nd Soul Formation Realm.

No matter how much of a genius Tianlong Yun was, or he thought he was, he couldn't, and shouldn't be able to face them. It just didn't make sense.

Otherwise, weren't they just trash? Didn't that mean that they had lived their whole lives for nothing?

They couldn't accept something like this, it was impossible in their eyes. If Tianlong Yun lost there was no loss to him, as he would have been killed by a true powerhouse, but if they died

They were in a really tough spot, they had to find a way to turn this situation. Furthermore, it was only now that they were reminded of one fact.

The three ladies in their arms at the moment had been beside this guy all this time, yet they hadn't dared to make a move. Why was that?

There was only one answer in their heads, Tianlong Yun was clearly stronger than them. Yet earlier, these bi*tches hadn't warned them, and they had been lost to their lust.

These thoughts made their blood boil, but they could do nothing about it at the moment. It was just at that time that one of the guys from the 23rd or 24th row jumped forward saying,

"Kid don't overestimate yourself, let me be your opponent!"

He had gathered his courage and decided to jump forward at this point, but he wasn't put down by Tianlong Yun, but his leader,

"Step down, you are not a challenge for him!"

Everyone in there was shocked, they hadn't expected such words from their leader. After all, just a moment ago he had sent those 10 weaklings.

Did he truly mean to send them to their death knowing that they were no more than dust particles in front of the guy in front of them?

That truly scared them, as everyone made a mental note to never provoke that leader of theirs, as they awaited his decision

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