Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 499: Frozen Palace of the North Pole

Chapter 499: Frozen Palace of the North Pole

His words clearly surprised the cultivators around them, and especially the two groups that had been so 'good' as to offer their services to help him out.

Even though his words were nothing more than a whisper, to cultivators like them it was no different from speaking in a normal voice.

But more than surprised by those words, pissed them off. This little fu*cker was saying something like this right after he played the pitiful card, so one of the guys of the first group jumped saying,


That was all, as the next moment he felt himself lighter, as his head was rolling, it crashed on the ground and then went rolling again, as he lost conscience.

He had died! His head was completely removed from his body, and he wasn't the only one either. His friend and everyone from the other group had suffered the same fate too.

Leaving behind only Tianlong Yun, and the three ladies, who were shocked and stupefied by what just happened.

It was shocking, to say the least, it was totally unbelievable, they hadn't even felt when and how he moved, as he was once again in front of them.

They didn't know how to react to that, or what to do, as they heard Tianlong Yun say,

"Well this didn't go as expected, let me try to introduce myself again ladies.

I am someone who has been staying down here for some time now and am trying to get outside as soon as possible.

Would you be so kind to guide me and escort me out of here, or should I pretend like we never met up with each other?"

If they weren't already shocked, then hearing his words would make them shocked. The girl on the front seemed to recollect herself quicker as she started saying,

"What do youmhh"

She wasn't able to finish her words, but hearing her tone it was clear that she wasn't going to bend in front of Tianlong Yun.

But her fellow disciples intercepted her before she could continue, as they jumped and said with fake smiles on their faces,

"We would be honored to be your guides, Esteemed Master!"

"Yes, yes certainly we will!"

Their third friend who had been stopped mid-speech didn't seem happy about it, but she quickly understood their line of thought.

Tianlong Yun had already killed more than 10 guys in front of them, there was even a woman among them, so he clearly wouldn't mind killing 3 more, would he?

One wrong word and they would be added to the headless corpses on the ground. Which clearly, they didn't want to.

Seeing that the three ladies had reached a decision, Tianlong Yun just looked them in the eyes, as if waiting for something from them.

The three ladies were surprised as they were just looking at him back. It was like some kind of staring competition.

Finally, Tianlong Yun couldn't bear it anymore, as he said,



The ladies were also confused they didn't understand what was going on anymore, while Tianlong Yun seemed to lose his patience as he said,

"Well, which way ladies!? I don't know the way out of here, remember!?"

It was only now that clarity hit the three of them, as they jumped with an embarrassing laugh,

"Right, right, sorry about that, this way!"

Saying that one of them took one direction and started walking, as the two others looked a bit startled at first but followed immediately after.

Seeing her walk that way, Tianlong Yun said with a natural and cold threatening voice,

"You better not test my patience ladies, it's not that I don't know the direction, I just want the shortcut."

As long as one could sense with his spirit sense in a 100-meter radius around him, they would be able to tell which way was the exit, by looking at the pressures.

The only reason why Tianlong Yun was asking for a guide was to follow the shortest route possible, and not lose time with the traps.

Hearing that, the one who started first seemed to have just heard something akin to a death sentence, as she turned around with an even more embarrassing laugh, and said,

"Sorry, I confused it for a moment!"

"It's okay as long as it doesn't happen again, otherwise, you might suddenly lose your head or some other part of your body."

He said this line with his face smiling, and his tone was calm and natural, which made the three ladies feel even more dreadful towards him.

With that conclusion made, the three ladies started walking up front, as Tianlong Yun was on the back.

The three ladies were probably too unstable to notice, but the corpses on the ground had been sucked dry of their blood and vitality leaving behind only a sack of skin and bones.

After passing through the initial shock, and startle the ladies seemed to be a bit more collected and started considering more about their situation.

Their thought certainly became deeper, and more refined, as they were thinking of outsmarting Tianlong Yun.

During their way to the outside, the ladies were trying to get the people along the way to fight Tianlong Yun, in order to either take him down or tire him out.

The only problem was that none of them seemed to be a challenge for Tianlong Yun, they were nothing more than momentary characters.

Not only that, but now they had also started to notice that the moment they continued the road, each and every one of the victims were sucked dry of the blood and vitality.

Truth be told this was really scary because it looked like Tianlong Yun wasn't a human in their eyes anymore, he was nothing short of a monster.

Just what kind of human would do something like this, so easily, and without even the tiniest expression of displeasure, or emotion on his face.

As he once again took care of a few more flies on the way, Tianlong Yun looked at the ladies, and asked with a calm and natural voice, as he continued his way,

"By the way ladies, where exactly are you from!?"

This was the first time he was asking something during their whole trip, until now he had just been silent, and walking ahead.

The question took them by surprise, as they didn't know if they should say their origins or not, but in the end, they thought that it might help with their situation.

After all, the sect they belonged to was really famous in the organizations, and powers of Earth. Even if they weren't a first-rate power, they had their connections with them.

So, with a sense of pride and determination, the leader of the small group of three said,

"We are disciples of the Frozen Palace in the North Pole!"

They had thought that he would have a greater reaction when he heard that name, but all they got was a,

"Huh, I guess that explains it!"

It was truly difficult to understand, what did this guy meant by his words, why was there no reactions whatsoever.

The Frozen Palace of the North Pole was a sect comprised only of females, as their technique was applicable only to females, the Frozen Cannon technique.

In the palace, men were used only as reproduction dummies, sex toys, or as servants, it wasn't weird for each of them to have a few men as their servants or dummies.

They were all the guys that had tried to court them and had accepted that fate. After all, while these girls didn't look like much to Tianlong Yun, they were rare beauties of Earth.

And they were just normal disciples of the sect, it was said that the higher one ranked in the sect the more beautiful it was.

Certainly, such a den of beautiful ladies couldn't be left alone, after all, there were a lot of Young Masters, and Masters that were controlled by their lust.

So, the Frozen Palace would always be forced to send a few of its disciples to satisfy these lustful demons, and at the same time create some connections.

Most of them were kept as concubines in the secret, as they were too beautiful and strong to be shown to the world.

The only exceptions that would never be given to outsiders were the Sect Master, the 3 Grand Elders, and 4 Saintes's that would be the next in line as Sect Master, and Grand Elders.

If those guys didn't know better but to place their eyes upon those 8 then the Frozen Palace wouldn't mind fighting, even if it meant clear suicide.

But with the connection that the Frozen Palace had built through the years and their power, no one dared to easily provoke them, or their rules.

These three ladies took huge pride in that, but it looked like Tianlong Yun didn't care much about that. All this time he had this cold aura surrounding him, making him look like a calamity in arrival.

As for Tianlong Yun, he was just a bit surprised at first looking at these ladies with traces of the Yin Qi that he had taught to his wives.

Most probably the cultivation manual of this Frozen Palace was just a simplified, weak, or incomplete version of the 'Ice-Empress' manual that the Eternal Freezing Palace in the Immortal World used.

This clearly meant that there was someone from that place, that had been stranded here on Earth, and set up this place.

He didn't know if she was still alive, or not, but it was worth investigating into it. So, he made a mental note, to do so when he had some free time.

The three ladies didn't understand that what they had done had tied their fates to that of Tianlong Yun forever, as they now had something much more important to think of.

'How to escape his grasp!?'

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