Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 966 A Puppet

"Master, this…" Cang Ci almost couldn't believe her eyes.

There was now an entirely new person standing next to Lin Wu. The strangest part was that this person was merely a tentacle a few moments before.

"I am the Shadow Lord, and I shall rule the Tieba City. HAHAHAHA!" The 'man' spoke only making Cang Ci feel uneasy.

"How's that for a puppet?" Lin Wu asked.

"So this is a puppet?" Cang Ci felt relieved.

"Yes, you can say that." Lin Wu confirmed.


Cang Ci took a breath of relief, making Lin Wu raise a brow.

"What's wrong?" Lin Wu asked finding her actions a little strange.

Cang Ci wasn't one to get irked by gore or blood. And this wasn't like that at all. Thus it made Lin Wu wonder what was wrong.

"You don't feel it master?" Cang Ci replied with a question instead.

"Feel what?" Lin Wu was only getting more confused.

"This puppet of yours… the aura it exudes is different from yours. It is more… Evil." Cang Ci answered. "Evil enough that it makes me want to run." She added.

"Huh?" Lin Wu turned the puppet around and observed it.

The puppet's face was that of a handsome man. His brows were sharp but broad like sabers, and his eyes were black. The hair on his head was long and reached all the way to the waist. At the same time, a lazy smile was hanging on his face.

It was a face that Lin Wu had seen a long time ago.

It was the face of Hei, the man whom the Skull god had taken over in the past. It was the same man who had brought upon the downfall of the Vermillion sect.

'I picked this face as it was the perfect match for a position like the Shadow Lord. But to think it could actually exude an aura like that too?' Lin Wu suddenly realized that his innate sub-skill had a lot more to it.

"Hmm… Give me a minute." Lin Wu said before closing his eyes.

He went through his memories, faces of many people appearing in his thoughts. From these thousands of faces, Lin Wu finally picked one.

Then, the face of the puppet started to change quickly turning old.

Now the face belonged to that of an old man who seemed to be in his sixties. His cheeks were sunken in and his eyes were dull. It seemed like he was on the verge of death and had been starved for weeks on end.

"How's it now?" Lin Wu inquired.

"Now it feels… Weak?" Cang Ci replied.

"I see, so a beggar is weak." Lin Wu went through the faces once more, changing the puppet's appearance.

"How about now?" Lin Wu asked again.

This time, the puppet had taken on the appearance of a young woman dressed in a long dress. She looked to be in her early twenties and had slim lips.

"Cang Qing?" Cang Ci identified the face that was once Wang Xiong's betrothed.

"Yes. How does her aura feel like to you?" Lin Wu asked.

"It's basically the same as her. It feels like she is really here." Cang Ci replied.

Hearing this Lin Wu felt enlightened.

"So it really is like that…" Lin Wu had a sense of understanding. 'The Humanoid Mimicry sub skill doesn't just copy their appearance, but also their demeanor and aura. This is far beyond just a replica.'

This also allowed him to figure out another aspect of the skill.

'No wonder it takes so much spirit Qi to use. It's not just forming a body, but an entire personality and aura at the same time.' Lin Wu noted.


The puppet changed its appearance and returned to being Hei.

"From now on, this will be the official appearance of the Shadow Lord." Lin Wu stated. "You can call those that have been wanting to meet him." He added.

"I'll do that yes. Also I think, the lords who have already accepted your rule might also be interested in doing the same." Cang Ci replied.

"Of course. You can call them all. And don't forget to let some people spread rumors about a new lord in Tieba city too." Lin Wu instructed. "We need to stir up the conflict after all."

"It shall be done as per your wishes." Cang Ci agreed right away.

But then she looked up at the puppet and furrowed her brow.

"Master may I suggest that you do something about the 'attachment'." Cang Ci pointed to the tentacle that connected the puppet to Lin Wu's body.

"I can't really do anything about that. It needs to stay attached to me." Lin Wu replied.

"Then you can just hide it some other way." Cang Ci replied. "Maybe under the long robes like the Emperors wear in tales?" she suggested.

"Ah yes! That'll work well." Lin Wu accepted.


In the next moment, the clothes on Hei's body started to writhe and squirm. The elder robes of the Vermillion sect changed their appearance, becoming black before the bottom part started to end.

It covered the tentacle that attached to the body and continued to extend for nearly ten meters before stopping.

Now it looked like the puppet was wearing a very long cape.

"That is much better." Cang Ci nodded her head. "I'll go inform the lords and our future subordinates now." She said before taking her leave.

While she was gone Lin Wu took the time to practice controlling the puppet. Making it walk, and run was the same as using his own limbs, but it led to the robes being shifted, allowing the tentacle to be seen.

"Hmm… I best keep this stuck." Lin Wu then simply connected the robe to the tentacle directly.

After all, the clothes that the puppet wore was Lin Wu's body too. Even if they looked like fabric, they were not that. Lin Wu could control them in any manner he wanted while also changing its properties.

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