Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 938 Tides Of Death

The appearance of the illusory sea was a stunning sight for most.

Shirong, Wang Xiong, Patriarch Bing, Lian Xiaojian and the Long clan elders all watched as the grey sea enveloped the sect. The grey sea was vast and was slowly turning corporeal.

"We can't stop, we need to get past this sea!" the supreme elder of the Cang Lan sect urged.

In response to this, the Long clan elder took out a small talisman and threw it out.


The talisman glowed and thousands of runes spread out from it, turning into a sail boat.

"Everyone get in! This will only last for a short while!" The male Long clan elder spoke.

That was all it took for everyone to rush into the sailboat. The boat was large enough to safely hold about twenty people and yet there was nearly thirty of them on there.

"I need you all to power it with your spirit Qi," The Long clan elder asked.

"Yes!" No one denied this and everyone started channellings their spirit Qi into it.


In just two seconds, the sail of the boat fluttered without wind and it rose into the sky. Five seconds later, it had already reached the speed of sound and was out of the border of the sect.

Ten more seconds later, they were a safe distance away from the Cang Lan sect.


At this moment, the Sailboat seemingly turned illusory and dissipated back into runes. No one was injured due to the sudden disappearance of the boat though, as everyone jumped before that.

After all, all of them were strong enough to fly, so there was no way they would simply fall.

They all stood in the air and gazed at the Cang Lan sect with shock. Though it would be more accurate to call it a sea instead now. The illusory sea had long since turned corporeal and had drowned out all the mountains of the Cang Lan sect and their buildings.



A mix of screams and cries could be heard from the area around them, too. Wang Xiong observed and found that they were coming from the disciples and guests who had escaped before them.

Among them, the disciples of the Cang Lan sect were crying seeing their sect in such a state. If they were told yesterday that such a fate would turn their lives upside down today, they would never believe it.

Everything was going well, and yet now it had been changed.

"Is that… the second stage of the Chimes of Cang Lan?" Shirong asked, seeing the grey sea.

"Yes… That is the second stage… the Tides of Death." The Supreme Elder of the Cang Lan sect confirmed, his eyes red with sorrows.

"The resentment and dread of the dead shall rise, giving birth to a sea of despair. The sea of despair shall witness more death and call forth the tides of death." The Long clan elder narrated.

Shirong who heard this, narrowed his eyes, for he knew what this entailed.

'No wonder the Cang Lan sect could become the number one sect. Such a power is something that could even threaten the top clans.' Shirong thought.

If it weren't for that fact that he could only be used by a single person and only once on top of that, perhaps the Cang Lan sect might have already become the greatest power on the Long Continent.

Still, Shirong couldn't understand how the Cang Lan sect found a method to touch upon the Dao of Death. It was something that even the greatest experts were unable to delve into.

'No… there is someone that might have some insight into it…' The image of a crystalline being came to Shirong's mind.

While they all watched the catastrophe of the Cang Lan sect, within it, the situation was rather different.

"What is it, you fiend? You don't feel fear? Or have you been immobilized by it?" Cang Anyu questioned, seeing that the Calamity Fiend had not tried to run.

In fact, it hadn't even interrupted him, which he could very well have. They had all seen the various ways that the Calamity Fiend could attack in along with the immense defense that it had.

But surprisingly, the monster simply let everything happen.

"If this is your final gambit that you are willing to bet your life on, I'd like to see just how good it is." The Calamity Fiend replied with confidence.

"Hah! I don't care what you feel like, just know this you will regret ever being born!" Cang Anyu replied, his complexion getting paler.

His aura had started to turn weaker and even his eyes were turning cloudy. If one looked closely, they would see that under his robes, Cang Anyu's skin had started to wrinkle up and his muscle were withering at a visible rate.

Even his hair had started to turn white.

Unknown to Cang Anyu though, the Calamity Fiend was rather pleased.

'I never thought I would find something like this here.' Lin Wu who was currently controlling the avatar, thought.

As soon as Cang Anyu had initiated his forbidden Dao skill and the dreadful aura had descended, the system had given out several strings of notifications.






This single notification had repeated several times now. As for what the thing it was related to, it was something rather important to Lin Wu.



NOTIFICATION: Taiji Celestial's Tomb Encryption at 64%


'Haha! Never would have thought that the similar auras would allow the system to decipher the tomb's encryption further.' Lin Wu said to himself.

He didn't know why, but the skill that Cang Anyu was using and the aura of the being sealed inside the tomb were a bit similar. But that similarity was enough that the system was obtaining plenty of data.

As for the actual threat from the Dao skill?

Lin Wu didn't mind it that much. Or rather, he actually wanted to bear it with his body.

'I wonder if Chimeric Adaption will activate once again?'

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