Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 928 The Wedding Commences

Shirong's breakthrough was already enough to make the elders of the Long Clan think of him as a great cultivator. There were even rumors that the Long Clan's women were now interested in Shirong.

It wouldn't be unthinkable for Shirong to become a marriage candidate for the Long Clan's women.

This was a great thing since the Long Clan had very strict requirement for marriage. They mostly married within their clans or got external cultivators to join into the clan. But the external people who joined up with the clan were almost never that of large powers.

This was done so that the power of the clan was almost always kept within the clan.

For someone from the top three clans to be considered as a marriage candidate was almost unthinkable for them. But Shirong's accomplishments had made it hard for them to not consider it at this point.

Not to mention, he was to be the next patriarch of the Ji clan and not just any average member of their clan.

Lin Wu who saw this couldn't help but chuckle.

"Will I have to set it up for Shirong as well?" Lin Wu wondered. "Nah… if things go according to plan with Wang Xiong's wedding, I won't have to do this again." He reckoned.

Lin Wu also saw some of the other updates that were in fact related to him, but he didn't need to think about them for now. He also answered some of the messages that were pending on his side and sent out a few orders.

It was now that he got a message.

"Things are ready on my end, Master." Cang Ci's voice could be heard.

"How's the Cang Lan sect's Patriarch and elders acting?" Lin Wu questioned.

"The Patriarch is trying to act normal on the outside, but from the conversations I heard, he is actually quite tense. As for the elders, they've dropped their conflicts for now." Cang Ci answered.

"Good. Though even if they act up later, we can get rid of them then." Lin Wu replied.

"Of course master. Just give me the order and it'll be done." Cang Ci said keeping her normal jovial tone.

"You won't need to act. Its better if they are killed during the chaos, we will get a better result." Lin Wu stated.

"As you wish, Master." Cang Ci said before bidding her farewell.

Lin Wu glanced at the countdown and saw that it was half way gone now.

"I should make my way there too. The Avatar should have reached around now." Lin Wu muttered before a teleporting circle sent him away.

Thousands of kilometer away from the Taiji Celestial's tomb, in the north of the Long Continent, there existed the Cang Lan sect.

Being the number one ranked sect of the Continent, its size itself spoke for it.

Tens of thousands of buildings were spread across an entire valley while several mountains lined it on both sides. The mountains were covered with buildings too and millions of people could be seen dotting its areas.

Today was a hectic day for the sect and everyone was rushing to perform the tasks that had been assigned to them.

The sect was decked out in decorations, with red paper lanterns, banners and streamers hanging everywhere. Green and blue petals could be seen floating in the air, representing the two people that were entering a union today.

The signature color of the Cang Lan sect was green, while that of the Frozen Cloud sect was Blue, while red represented prosperity.

Red, green and blue intertwined to make an enchanting scene that made the disciples and guests alike amazed.

While the disciples of the Cang Lan sect were hard at working, finishing up the final touches, a long line of guests was entering the sect. More could be seen waiting outside the boundaries of the sect, getting verified.

Carriages pulled by various kinds of beasts, flying boats, flying swords, and many more spirit vehicles were scene as sect after sect arrived.

Every top sect in the Long Continent along with several mid grade sects were invited for the auspicious event today. In addition to those, the royal families of several kingdoms were also invited.

Then finally, the representative from the Top three clans were also in attendance today. In fact, they were the guests of honor and were given a high priority.

From the Long clan two elders had arrived, a man and a woman.

From the Lian clan, the first heir, Lian Xiaojian and three elders had arrived.

Then finally from the Ji clan, the one who had attended was none other than the future patriarch, Ji Shirong himself!

He didn't come along either, having an entire retinue of over ten attendants and three elders with him. Just from this one could see the authority he had started to command.

As for the two stars of today's show, the groom and the bride were waiting in the grand palace.

The grand palace was decorated to the brim as well, and thousands of incense sticks were burning too. The smoke from the sticks created illusions under the effect of the formations showing various scenes.


Loud foot steps could be heard coming from the head of the hall as a tall man dressed in elaborate green and golden robes appeared.

"Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! I, Cang Anyu offer you my greetings as the patriarch of the Cang Lan sect."

"Greetings Patriarch!" The guests said out loud in response.

Some cupped their hands, some bowed their hearts while some directly knelt on the ground, all according to their status. Though there were a few that had the privilege of simply sitting these were none other than the representative of the top three clans.

"Now then, without making any delay, I announce that the wedding is commenced!" Cang Anyu announced.

"Bring in the bride and the groom!"

Two grand doors on the opposite sides of the hall opened and two palanquins were carried in. One was colored blue and one green.

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