Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 920 Betting On Risks

While Cang Ci reminisced her old memories to ignore the pain, Lin Wu continued his 'surgery'.

'Her body is really getting adapted to it…' Lin Wu thought to himself as he watched the arm bones that he had assimilating into Cang Ci's body.

It was made with the help of his Innate Skill, Chimeric Organogenesis and was used by Lin Wu to replace the organs that Cang Ci had lost when she was injured two years ago. Her injuries had been really severe, and by the time the Cicada beast had discovered her, she was beyond saving.

While Lin Wu could heal cultivators using his vital essence, it was only up to a certain limit. He couldn't make them regrow organs that were lost. At least not for those below a certain cultivation realm.

Cang Ci was barely at the core condensation realm and thus her natural healing ability wasn't as good as someone at the Dao Shell realm or the Dao Treading realm. Neither did she have any unique physique or bloodline to help her survive the entire ordeal.

Lin Wu thought that she would die, but then the system presented him with a new option. It was something that was definitely experimental but since Cang Ci was going to die anyway, Lin Wu decided to go with it.

The method that the system had come up with was to make organs that were lost and implant them into Cang Ci. Lin Wu had consumed more than enough humans to easily replicated all organs that they had, so it wasn't a big problem in manufacturing them.

The true problem rose when he actually implanted them into her. Due to the fact that they were made by Chimeric Organogenesis, there were still traces of his own bloodline within it.

Lin Wu or the system couldn't really remove them no matter what they did. It was simply a part of the innate structure of the organs made from it and couldn't be modified.

It was the same as wanting to make water but without oxygen. It simply couldn't be done.

Which was why the system had deemed the entire procedure as experimental. Of course, Cang Ci had survived, but it had come at the cost of great pain.

During the entire time, Lin Wu had to treat the symptoms while her body adapted to the new organs. The new organs also tried to 'attack' Cang Ci's body, but Lin Wu suppressed them as much as possible without blocking their natural functions.

It was the same as organ rejection a receiver might endure after a transplant. To overcome that, they would get immune suppressing drugs.

While it was different from an immune response, Lin Wu and the system could still suppress it as long as they maintained a certain level of control. The result was Cang Ci's survival, but also her dependence on Lin Wu.

She needed to stay within a certain range of Lin Wu, or the implanted organs would start to attack her body again. It was fine at the start since she needed to recover anyway, but once she had recovered, Lin Wu knew just keeping her by his side was a waste.

So he decided he may as well make use of her properly.

Make use of her in an experiment he had been running for a while already. It was the experiment with the new cultivation technique he had made. The first test subject was Feng, who had succeeded with it and lived.

This gave Lin Wu hope, and he recruited more humans, giving them the opportunity to cultivate it as well.

Unfortunately, they didn't survive cultivating the technique. They didn't die right away though. They even broke through, some reaching the core condensation realm. But that was the last realm they could reach before being unable to endure.

The core's they formed were all too unstable, such that when they got even close to the Nascent soul realm, they would spontaneously detonate.

What was even more surprising was the fact that even though Feng had cultivated the same cultivation technique, his core was different. It was a core of a unique type and was very stable.

This posed a huge question to Lin Wu, and provided a mountain of data to the System.

It couldn't diagnose why the cultivation technique was failing like this. After all, according to the simulations it had run, the technique was supposed to be working perfectly.

Feng's success had also made Lin Wu think that, but the latter results proved otherwise. It even prompted Lin Wu to think whether Feng really had some secret that the system couldn't discover.

Lin Wu repeated the entire process of forming a Xiantian physique for the newer subjects, and let them follow the same method as Feng.

Yet in the end, they all ended up the same and exploded some time after reaching the Core Condensation realm.

This process repeated for six times, before Lin Wu realized that there was something hampering him. The system had termed it as the unknown variable. This unknown variable was so influential that even the system's perfect simulation was disregarded.

Lin Wu had almost given up, before he found the next opportunity through Cang Ci. Having given her new organs and allowing her to adapt to it, Lin Wu wondered if she would have a greater chance at surviving this.

He didn't decide it himself though, nor did he impose it on her. Lin Wu had already learned that personal choice would have an effector the mentality and attitude of a person.

If a person was given a choice and they picked an option they were fine with, their chances of success were higher.

For cultivators, it was even more important since their breakthroughs could depend greatly on will power.

Hence, Lin Wu gave Cang Ci two options:

Either stay as she was, unable to go beyond the limit of the Millennium forest.

Or… Try her luck and become stronger, able to take revenge on her own terms and go beyond her imagination.

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