Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 890 The Red Bandit

The Red Bandit gazed at the people with a lazy face. But then in the next moment, he took out a large mace and slammed it into the group nearby.




There were three people in the group and they were the ones who had spoken out about the Red Bandit first. But now they were all but crippled by the man's mace. Their bones were shattered and limbs bent at wrong angles.

Blood continually spilled out of their wounds and they barely got to say a word before they all died from it.

"Anyone else have a problem?" The Red Bandit questioned, this time his voice fierce.

"N-no!" The crowed replied in unison.

"Good! Now line up! Everyone will be interrogated and if anyone cannot prove why they were here or what they saw, they can talk to my mace next!" The Red Bandit declared, his Dao Shell realm cultivation base exerting a pressure on everyone.

Then in the next moment, the crowd moved quickly and lined up accurately.

The Yang clan guards began their work and questioned them one by one. Another group of guard cordoned off the area, while a third group looked through the debris around the inn. The third group was in charge of finding clues and anything suspicion that might be there.

While this happened, a middle aged man walked towards the Red Bandit. This was none other than the manager of the White Sheep Inn.

"It's good that you are here, Sir Red Bandit." The manager greeted.

"Get to the point. What happened here? I want every detail." The Red Bandit stated, feeling irritated.

He had been ordered to come here when he was in the middle of having fun with his twenty concubines. Being blue-balled made the Red Bandit not very happy.

Still, he had to follow the orders of his employer.

'My bad luck living this close to the White Sheep inn… I should get another place later.' The Red Bandit thought.

"Ah yes!" The manager quickly responded, understanding the man was in a bad mood.

He dealt with people way stronger than him all the time and was very skillful in his words.

"Everything was normal until a few minutes ago, when an explosion suddenly happened in the peasant wing. We detected no attacks before that and there seem to be no suspicious movements before that, either." The manager spoke.

"Hmm… did anyone just enter before the explosion happened?" The Red Bandit questioned.

"No sir. No one had entered in the last three hours." The manager replied.

"What about those that lived there? Anyone suspicious among them?" The Red Bandit asked next.

"There are a few, but some of them were also the ones that ended in the range of the explosions. Other than them, the others that died in it were just the usual kind of trash guests." The manager replied.

"And those that are alive?" The Red Bandit asked, a cold glint in his eye.

"They are already detained and will be ready for you whenever you shall ask." The manager replied instantly.

"Hmm… send them to the others for questioning for now. I'll try them myself if they don't speak." The Red Bandit stated.

,m "As you command, sir." The manager agreed.

The Red Bandit glanced at the damaged building and narrowed his eyes.

"Was the defensive array not triggered?" The Red Bandit questioned.

"It was sir… but for some reason, it was unable to withstand the explosion." The Manager said, sweat appearing on his forehead.

Hearing this, the Red Bandit was surprised.

'That array should even withstand several attacks from me. It's not a normal defensive array and was set up by the sixth elder of the Yang clan himself. How is it that it was destroyed by an explosion?' The Red Bandit pondered.

The White Sheep Inn didn't just have a reputation for being safe just due to the Yang clan. Rather, it was due to the strong defensive arrays that protected it. Even if a Dao Shell realm expert attacked it, the array would be fine.

Only a Dao Treading realm expert might be able to break it like this. But if it really was a Dao Treading realm expert, then they would never need to do something like this, as they would be able to offend the clan openly.

Besides, any Dao Shell realm or Dao Treading Realm cultivator that entered Tieba city would be detected by its formation and the powers of the city would keep an eye on them.

Any sane Dao Treading Realm expert would not want to offend multiple other Dao Treading realm lords of Tieba city as well as the clans that backed them. Even if they managed to escape after that, they would be hunted down for the rest of their lives after that.

As for someone from Tieba city itself doing this? That was simply out of the question.

Even if the City was supposed to be lawless, there were still certain unspoken laws among the high powers of the city. The Yang clan was one of them, and offending them like this was not good.

Especially when the target didn't even seem to be someone influential. It was the peasant wing that was targeted, and even then the ones who had died were just some 'trash guests', as said by the manager.

All of it seemed suspicious to the Red Bandit.

While the people thought him to be a brute with a muscle brain, it was not so. He was still a Dao Shell realm cultivator and had become so after hundreds of years of experience. He could tell when there was something very wrong.

And just as he was thinking about the situation, he heard a call.

"Sir! We found someone here!" The Yang clan guards shouted, pulling the Red Bandit's attention. "He's alive!" They added.

Hearing this, the Red Bandit quickly got to where the guards were standing. There, the guards were pulling out a boy out of a pile of rubble.

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