Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 876 The Boogeyman Of Tieba City

While Feng dedicated himself to the task that Lin Wu had given him, the beast in question was also doing his own thing.



"And that's about four hundred." Lin Wu said as he swallowed another human.



DATA NODE: Obtained

ANALYZING: Data node



"Nice." Lin Wu said as he got more information.

The past few days had been spent by Lin Wu in simply hunting down the targets that were selected by the system and obtaining more information about the city and its secrets. Additionally, Lin Wu was gaining quite a bit of spirit Qi from this as well, so it was rather pleasing to him over all.



AVATAR CULTIVATION BASE: Shell Genesis stage of the Dao Shell realm

-Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [12,648,963/90,000,000] units (liquid spirit qi)


All this was the spirit Qi that he had obtained either from eating beasts along the way here, the humans of the city, or the materials that his victims had in their storage tools. For a span of less than a month, this was a really good gain for him.


"Though I need to take a pause from this for a bit… the people are getting suspicious now." Lin Wu said to himself.

It was fine till he was eating the people from the slums and the intermediate areas. But the very next day after he ate a couple of 'nobles' from the aristocratic districts, the news had already spread.

Of course, the assumption was that the missing people were either assassinated or kidnapped. It wasn't something uncommon in the city. But the way they disappeared was the most suspicious of the people close to them.

Lin Wu had basically left no traces behind of the 'abductions'. With the assistance of the system, he could pretty much erase all traces of his actions, and even the ones that were left behind were not of much use.

This basically created a mystery in the noble circle.

But this mystery was short lasting. Once Lin Mu did the same act tens of times, the nobles became alert.

And this matter reached the Dao Treading realm experts of the city when Lin Wu ended up eating a Dao Shel realm cultivator who turned out to be the illegitimate son of a Dao Treading realm expert!

Now it was no longer the mystery of suspicion disappearances, but rather the terror of a bogeyman in the city.

The nobles also realized that the disappearance wasn't just in their circle but in the lower strata of the city as well. And when they saw the numbers, there being even higher than theirs they were shocked.

There was no pattern to the supposed disappearance, and the only common thing between them was that the ones who were abducted were all alone during the time period of their disappearance.

There was not much linking to the victims either, and it felt like they were random.

In just a day or two after this matter blew up, a variety of rumors spread. Including the fact that perhaps a ghost was causing this all and it might be a vengeful one who had come to take revenge on the city.

"They really like to make up some fun scenarios, huh…" Lin Wu said as he eavesdropped on the conversation of a few aristocrats in an upscale restaurant.

There were scantily dressed women dancing on the stage a short distance from their table as well as waitresses that were dressed similarly, serving them.

"What should we do, lord Cao? We can't just sit and watch more people disappear." One of the men spoke.

"Hmm… what can we even do? Should we just start doing patrols? We can't do that." Lord Cao replied.

"Yes, that's simply out of the question. It would be against the order of the city. At most, we can patrol our own properties." Another man stated.

Many of the people couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement, but some had frowns on their face.

"What's the issues madam Hun, do you not agree with this?" Lord Cao asked one of the only two women sitting along with them.

"It's not that I don't agree, but I'm more worried about the fact that it is happening now." Madam Hun replied.

"What do you mean?" A thin and short man questioned.

"Are you all forgetting the schedule? We all have to prepare for the expedition five days from now." Madam Hun answered.

"The expedition?" Lord Cao furrowed his brows. "You don't mean to say someone is trying to sabotage that?" he asked.

"Maybe… but whoever they are, they don't seem to be fully committed to the sabotage. The only person related to the expedition they targeted was just one of the weapon suppliers. And they weren't even that important.

Plus, they also targeted Master Jingan. If they can take out a Dao Shell realm expert like that with no traces, then they easily hold the capabilities to foil our entire plan." Madam Hun explained.

"Hmm… that does change the things." The others couldn't help but find merit in her words.

"So you think they are warning us somehow?" The second woman in the group asked.

"That does seem like it Miss Xiaolian. I can't think of any other reason than that." Madam Hun replied. "After all the condition in which he obtained information about the expedition were… rather unsavory."

Silence descended among the group for a bit and even the servants around them became anxious and retreated. They knew well to keep silent and away from meetings like these unless they were asked for.

While the nobles talked in the restaurant, Lin Wu who was deep unearth them smiled.

"Didn't think I'd find someone like this here…" Lin Wu muttered as he observed the woman named Xiaolian.

"Shirong… Shirong… has your enmity with your sister ended yet? I wonder why she's here?" Lin Wu wondered.

That's right, the woman in the group called Miss Xiaolian was none other than Ji Shirong's elder sister, Ji Xiaolian!

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