Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 868 Feng's Awakening

"UGH!" A grunt was heard in the empty underground hall.

A teenage boy rubbed his head, which was throbbing with pain.

"Why does my head feel like it's been smashed under a hammer?" Feng muttered to himself.

He rubbled his head while his eyes continued to stay closed due to the pain. Feng nursed his aching head for a couple of minutes before he finally felt it reducing somewhat.

"Haa~ it's falling a bit…" Feng let out a breath of relief.

Slowly, he relaxed his tightly shut eyes and finally opened them. Thankfully, there was no bright light in the hall or he might have winced in pain even more.

"Where am I?" Feng questioned, looking at the weathered and damaged roof.

"Damn! It stinks!" Feng squinted his nose, smelling the foul odors in the air.

He had not felt them early on since the pain was suppressing all his senses. But now that the pain started to fade, the rest of the senses returned in full force!

His sense of smell was just the first one that he found overwhelming. A few seconds later he realized that he was seeing far to better than before.

"Huh? How's everything so clear? And this room… no hall… its dark and yet… I can make out things?" Feng wondered.

"Wait! I'm in the basement of the old slaughterhouse!" Feng finally recalled.

~step~ ~step~ ~step~




The next sense to amplify for him was the sense of hearing. Suddenly, he found himself hearing sounds that were coming from far away.

"Are those footsteps I hear? And… and… the sound of a horse carriage? There are no horse carriages in the slums, though." Feng heard.

Little by little, he felt his body opening up into the world. Soon he realized that he didn't just have the five senses, he actually had more than that.

"What's around me?" Feng felt like there was something all around him.

It felt soft and faint to him, almost like water vapor, but at the same time it felt comfortable to him. He focused on this feeling and realized that the 'vapor' he felt around him was actually being absorbed into his body.

While he couldn't 'see' the insides of his body, he could tell that this vapor was entering through the small openings on his skin and going deep into his body. Feng continued to focus on this vapor and after a few minutes, found its final location.

"My abdomen?" Feng discovered. "No… not my abdomen… its deeper… MY DANTIAN!" Feng felt like he had an epiphany.

Having been acquainted with many cultivators, there was no way Feng wouldn't know about Dantians. He even knew that the Dantian was located in one's abdomen and that everyone had it naturally.

The only difference was that not everyone could sense it or make use of it. Those that managed to sense it and figured out its use would become cultivators.

"If this is my Dantian, then the vapor that is entering my body is… SPIRIT QI!" Feng figured it out. "But then doesn't it mean… I'm a cultivator now?!"

Feng felt an overwhelming joy assaulting him from all his sides, such much so that he couldn't help but tear up.

"I'm a cultivator! I'm a cultivator! I'VE BECOME AN EXPERT TOO!!!" Feng shouted out loud.

"Whoa there!" But to douse his excitement, another voice was heard. "If you say that outside, people might not take it calmly."

"Who's there?!" Feng was startled by the new voice.

The voice was strange to him and didn't feel human.

"Did you forget me already?" Lin Wu asked. 'Hmm… is this a side effect?' he wondered.



ANSWER: The data injection was of high density, thus the subject might take some time to reorganize his memories. The subject does not have amnesia, and no memory has been removed either.


'Oh… that's fine then,' Lin Wu reckoned.

Feng turned around and soon spotted a head rising from the ground. And as soon as he saw the head, he felt a rush of memories. He recalled the Tea House owner almost killing him and Lin Wu killing the man before that.

He also remembered how he had gotten here and who Lin Wu was.

"S-Senior!" Feng spoke in a shocked tone. 'Did I just disrespect the great senior?' he wondered.

He was afraid of offending Lin Wu, especially now that he had actually seen the proof of all that Lin Wu had said. Having become a cultivator, even if it was just for a few minutes, there was no way Feng wanted to go back.

His body simply felt far too good to return. And now that his headache had gone away as well, he could think clearly.

"There we go. Seems like you recognize me now." Lin Wu said in a pleased tone.

"Y-yes. I do… I remember everything." Feng replied.

"Good." Lin Wu nodded his head while his mouth widened into a smile.

His sharp teeth were in full display, which did little to calm down Feng.

'What is this feeling… is this what great senior feels like?' Feng wasn't afraid just because of Lin Wu's looks, but rather due to the aura that he was exuding.

Now that he was in the Qi refining realm and even had the Xiantian Physique, his senses were exponentially stronger.

​ He could sense the dangerous aura coming from Lin Wu as well as the spirit Qi waves that were easily many times the spirit Qi that was within his Dantian. In fact, he felt like he was a small boat in the middle of a storm.

"Give it a minute." Lin Wu suddenly spoke, much to Feng's confusion.

The two waited in silence while Lin Wu still had a smile on his face.

"Huh? It's gone?" And just as Lin Wu had said, after a minute Feng didn't feel the same feeling from Lin Wu.

While the aura of danger was still there, the spirit Qi waves didn't feel as strong anymore.

"You should have adapted to your new body fully now."

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