Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 854 Chimeric Fiend Worm Bloodline

With the new bloodline and new skill, Lin Wu felt a little overwhelmed. He knew that there was no way to understand them truly without actually using them.

But before that, he had a very important task left.

"Now then… time for the naming ceremony." Lin Wu muttered as he thought hard about the bloodline's new name.

It was something that was important as the names gave off impressions that could shake the hearts of those that heard.

He had named his Crimson eyed emerald worm bloodline, and it was showing its benefit now as all those that heard it found it awe inspiring.

But for his new bloodline, he wanted a different effect.

"This one needs to be fearsome… perhaps even evil…" Lin Wu continued to brainstorm.

He observed the avatar and saw the different features, trying to come up with something from that.

'It is certainly an abomination… Abominable bloodline? Nah, might get confused with the abominable snowman.' He thought.

And after about three hours of thinking, Lin Wu finally decided on it.

"Alright! The new bloodline will be named… Chimeric Fiend Worm Bloodline!" Lin Wu declared.



NAME: Selected

AVATAR BLOODLINE: Unnamed Bloodline (System Manufactured) -> Chimeric Fiend Worm Bloodline (System Manufactured)


With that done, the avatar's situation was finalized.

"Now then, on to the next part. Gotta test drive the body." Lin Wu said before he switched to the avatar.

Upon shifting to the avatar, Lin Wu instantly felt the difference.

"Whoa! This is kinda woozy." Lin Wu said as he felt his head spin for a second.

But the feeling stopped in a minute, and Lin Wu adjusted to it all. He could feel several new parts in his body and the spirit Qi was also flowing through different circuits. He also sensed the vitality permeating each of his cells.

"No wonder… I'm hungry!" Lin Wu understood.

He quickly withdrew the emergency food from his storage and started gorging on it. Of course the emergency food was just beast corpses and some spirit fruits, but it was fine for the moment.

The avatar's body was far too hungry to care about the taste. Thought it wasn't like it didn't taste bad to him anyway.

While eating it all, Lin Wu noticed another thing.

'I can eat even faster in this form… guess the tentacles attribute to this.' Lin Wu thought as he saw the tentacles around his mouth tearing up and picking food faster.

His teeth were also grinding it down quickly and swallowed it down. And when the food entered his stomach he sensed the new organs.

"How many stomachs do I have?" Lin Wu discovered that he had more than just one stomach.

And it wasn't like they were linked in a series either. But rather they were parallel!

Lin Wu counted them and found there to be around ten full sized stomachs and several more smaller ones.

"Why does the avatar have multiple stomachs system?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: Each of the stomach is optimized for a specific kind of food type. Your body will automatically sense the right one and route the food to it.


Seeing the system's answer, Lin Wu tested it out in real time.

He had already seen one of the stomachs being used and knew what kind of food triggered it.

'This stomach is taking in beast meat, lets try some spirit fruit and spirit herbs now.' Lin Wu thought and ate them.

Surely, in the next few seconds, he saw his body react. After the food entered through his gullet, it went to a small chamber which had multiple valves. The valves were similar to the valves in the heart, but a lot more firm.

In fact, the coverings of the valves looked like solid metal instead of any organic membrane or tissue.

In the chamber, his body would sense the food type and open the right kind of valve, allowing the food to travel to that stomach. In the current case, Lin Wu saw the spirit fruits heading to one of the different stomachs, and the spirit herbs to another.

It was a surprise to Lin Wu.

"Oh? Aren't they of the same type? Plant based, why did they go in different ones?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: Spirit fruits are more optimized for direct consumption and are thus easier to digest. But the spirit herbs are not so and often need some processing for the right absorption. Thus the two stomachs are separate from it.


"I see…" Lin Wu felt even more interested in his new body now.

Lin Wu tested out different kinds of things, even eating soil, stones, metals and other non-food items. Since his crystalline form could digest it, he was sure that this one should be able to do the same.

His crystalline form digested things by bombarding it with radiation until they were broken down into absorbable forms. But that was more of a molecular breakdown rather than a digestive type of breakdown.

And just as he had guessed, the effect for the avatar's bloodline was indeed different.

The metals and other minerals headed to three different kinds of stomachs, depending on the type of material. There, they were broken down with multiple digestive enzymes and quickly sent to the next part of the guts to be absorbed.

Since the Chimeric Fiend Worm bloodline made use of multiple aspects of many beasts, it allowed it to use materials that weren't inherently found or used by beasts.

Some of these metals directly migrated to his skin and enriched the small scales he had. While some went to his tusks, strengthening them even more.

Though a majority was sent to the system's storage that was linked to his body and kept for future. It could be utilized to make many things that were allowed by his new Chimeric Organogenesis innate skill.

Having made all these discoveries, Lin Wu felt satisfied. And not just that, with the hunger of the avatar satiated, he felt it becoming a lot more comfortable too!

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