Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 811 The Thunderpool Serpent Bloodline Awakens!


Six pillar made out of runes rose from the six vertices of the hexagon rune pattern inscribed on the ground. The six pillars were exuding a power that made even Shirong shiver.

"There's no way this is just a tribulation attenuation formation array…" Shirong could't help but say.

In his lifetime, he had seen several tribulation attenuation formation arrays. And while they seemed powerful, being able to resist the heavenly tribulation bolts, it was not actually beyond the Dao Shell realm level.

If a formation of the same level was used for sealing, it would not even be able to seal a Adult Soul stage Nascent soul realm cultivator. This was the best way to compare them.

After all, Tribulation attenuation formations came under the category of sealing and restraining formations.

'Just like the system said, the power will increase after the main array of the Taiji Celestial's tomb is repaired. While it is still damaged a lot, this level of improvement is quite good.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Once the array was completely activated, Lin Wu began his work.


He looked up at the sky, and loosened his restriction over the tribulation.


In just a single attempt, three tribulation lightning bolts shot down from the skies.


All of them struck the tribulation attenuation formation array's surface at once and were quickly redirected.

The lightning bolts were first merged together under Lin Wu's control and radiation manipulation before they were split apart again. But from the earlier three bolts, they had become four bolts instead!

"Let's start with ten percent of the lightning bolts…" Lin Wu adjusted.

The four bolts charged in four spots, heading to the three beasts and Shirong.




The three beasts let out painful cries as their were stuck with the tribulation bolts. But Shirong didn't even let out a grunt. Rather, his expression didn't even change.

"Oh? Didn't expect that." Lin Wu watched as the tribulation lightning bolt was rapidly absorbed by Shirong's body.

Since he already had cultivated the Immortal Sky Shaker art to the fourth level: Lightning attribute spirit Qi adept, which was the highest, his resistance to lightning was also high. That, combined with his earlier experience of being struck by the lightning bolts, made it easier for him to adjust to it.

'This is far easier than I remembered it to be… the pain is also not much…' Shirong thought to himself.

If he were to compare it to something, he would say that being struck with this tribulation lightning bolt was the same as getting a static shock from touching something metallic. The lightning channeled thorough his meridian and disappeared before Shirong could even notice it.

Lin Wu who was observing him with radiation perception, saw the tribulation lightning bolt disappearing as well.

'Hmm… the bolt was assimilated way too fast, even the Dao traces disappeared. Is the bloodline of the Thunderpool serpent already absorbing it?' Lin Wu wondered.

He then checked on the three beasts and saw that they were doing well. Cracks were already appearing on their core as well.

"Guess I can keep this output. Time for more!" Lin Wu said as he controlled the tribulation and let three more bolts down.



Following the same procedure, the three bolts became four and struck the people inside the array.

This continued for six more times before finally it felt like the beasts were about to breakthrough.

"The last one should do it." Lin Wu estimated after checking the cores of the three beasts.

The cracks now covered about 90% of the core surface.


The last tribulation bolt that struck the three beasts was far stronger than before, and the one that struck Shirong was also stronger.


In that single moment, all three cores cracked, and three infant beasts were born from them. The Nascent souls looked like the infant form of the beasts and greedily sucked in all the spirit Qi from the air.


Three vortexes formed in the air above the beasts as the spirit Qi stirred in the air.


But despite them having broken through, the tribulation clouds had still not dissipated.

"This should be the punishment tribulation now… my presence and Shirong's presence is certainly not missed by it." Lin Wu reckoned as his eyes narrowed.

He glanced at Shirong, who was entirely fine. His breathing was normal and so was the spirit Qi waves coming from his body.

"System scan Shirong." Lin Wu ordered.


With his order, a window appeared that showed the internal state of Shirong, as well as some data that the system could analyze.

'Even after nine bolts, his bloodline is still showing barely any effect. Though the harmony of his body is a bit better?' Lin Wu read the information on the window.

Thinking for a bit, Lin Wu wondered if he could actually activate the bloodline in one go.

"Hmm… the current intensity was barely tickling him. But it also didn't impact his bloodline much. Perhaps the punishment lightning can finally fill his bloodline?" Lin Wu decided.

Linking to Shirong's mind, Lin Wu spoke.

"Get ready. I'm gonna increase the intensity. If you're lucky, you might awaken the Thunder Pool Serpent Bloodline in one go." Lin Wu stated.

"I'm ready senior!" Shirong immediately responded.

Originally, he was rather anxious and a bit afraid about the tribulation lightning. He had a bad experience in the past and still remembered the soul stirring pain. But after having taken nine bolts that were basically nothing but light pokes to him, he was a lot more confident.

Lin Wu didn't even reply to Shirong after that and directly got ready for the next part. He first teleported the three beasts away to the side of the mountains as they might get disturbed and possibly even struck by the punishment tribulation lightning if things went aware.

With them gone, Lin Wu could now let the tribulation clouds have their way.

"Time to open the floodgates!" Lin Wu used radiation manipulation and reduced his restraints.


A peal of thunder many times louder than before was heard. It sounded like thousands of bells were ringing at once, as if announcing a big execution!


A white tribulation lightning bolt that had a tinge of purple in the center shot from the clouds. It directly pierced the formation array and stuck Shirong sitting in the center. Stray bolts spread from his body as he trembled non stop.

"UGH!" For the first time, Shirong couldn't help but let out a grunt.

His head felt like it had just been hit with a pillow. While it might not directly hurt him, it the impact still made his head shake.

The stray bolts even tried to reach Lin Wu, but a single gaze from him made them turn back and return to Shirong.

This was normal since the punishment lightning tribulation wasn't just here for Shirong but also Lin Wu.

Lin Wu scanned the man again and also checked with his radiation perception.

'Even the punishment tribulation lightning is following the same path. Though it is a bit more violent on his meridians. The Dao Traces are also aggressive.' Lin Wu assessed.

This was serving as a good opportunity for Lin Wu to actually observe the Dao Traces.

After all, a normal cultivator or beast mostly got to observe Dao Traces when they had their own Dao Embryo. Very few could actually observe the Dao Traces in the lightning, since only tribulations lightning would normally carry them.

At least for the average cultivator who didn't have access to great and rare treasures of the lightning element.

The system was also scanning and recording everything for its data banks.

All this was beneficial to Lin Wu since he couldn't progress directly anymore. He didn't need spirit Qi for the next breakthrough, but rather comprehension. Only after he had a certain level of comprehension would a Dao Embryo be born.

Lin Wu continued to observe and watch as the punishment tribulation lightning bolt was eventually assimilated into Shirong's body.

"Another one." Lin Wu brought forth another bolt.


"Another one," One more bolt descended after the previous one was assimilated.

"And another one." Lin Wu continued to call forth more and more bolts from the tribulation clouds.

It was as if the dark tribulation clouds in the sky had an almost endless supply of these bolts at first. But after Shirong had 'eaten' fifteen of these punishment tribulation lightning bolts, the clouds had weakened greatly.

The dark clouds became lighter and were close to running out of juice!

"Nah! You got at least one more hit in you! I'm gonna juice you dry!" Lin Wu laughed.

It was a fun feeling to challenge one of the natural powers of the world and gave Lin Wu a thrill he had not felt before.

His eyes glowed brightly and his aura rose wildly as the Tribulation clouds were suddenly frozen.

"SHRINK!" Lin Wu started to use radiation manipulation along with wind spirit Qi to condense the clouds.

The light tribulation clouds once again became black, but at the same time their size shrunk by a lot.

The remnant Tribulation energy within them also started to get concentrated, and when there were barely 5% of the original volume, the last bolt was squeezed out.


A thunderclap weaker than any before was heard as the lightning bolt struck Shirong.


And as soon as it was absorbed by his body, a radical change happened.

Purple patterns that looked like thunderbolts spread all over Shirong's skin while his cultivation base started to rise!

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