Rise Of The Demon God

Chapter 1381 - 1381: Useless World

Chapter 1381 - 1381: Useless World

Two more months passed. Throughout these years, Long Chen traveled through the world, killing anything and everything that he saw along the way.

The land he walked had rivers of blood flowing in them by the time he left. Carnage and destruction were everywhere. Before long, almost all life in the world had been wiped, leaving the world completely barren.

Only one life still existed, flying high in the sky.

It was none other than Long Chen, left alone in this world. There was a calm expression on his face as if nothing big had happened.

However, what was really surprising was the killing aura around him. After wiping the entire world, his killing aura was so fierce that it was spreading for miles and miles nonstop.

Long Chen had a bottle in his hand, which he observed carefully.

"I've searched the entire world twice already. No other city or town left. But still, this bottle isn't completely filled. What am I supposed to do now?" He wondered, frowning.

He was hoping that the world was going to have enough lives for him to finish up the bottle, but it looked like he still lacked some. According to him, there was still one droplet of blood needed to fill.

He just needed to destroy one small town to be finished, but even that wasn't here.

He scratched the back of his head, wondering what he could do now.

"I can't just kill myself now. And even if I did, the bottle wouldn't fill! What am I to do to finish this trial?" he asked, looking at the ring in his hand.

"Did I really understand this trial right? What if it wasn't about taking lives? If it was, why didn't this bottle fill up? Or am I missing something? Some town that escaped me?"

"But that can't be. I checked the entire world! I checked the land and the sea. No place is left unchecked! Where is the town?" Long Chen asked, frowning.

"Come on!" He glared at the ancient ring, yelling.? "Get me out of this freaking world! Or tell me what I have to do to get back!"

There was no response from the ring.

"Man, I get it. You're trying to get your revenge since I took Xun from you. Isn't it?"

The more he talked to the ring, the more he grew impatient. He was so sure that he could get out of this world after finishing this world, but now that he was stuck with no way out, his rage grew in desperation.

He raised his head and yelled like crazy, "Arghh! You freaking Tian Shen! I will kill you for trapping me here!"

There was no reply even after that. The ring was just like before.

"Whatever! If you don't get me out of here, I'll leave myself! It doesn't matter how long! I'll find a way back! I just need to fill the bottle. It doesn't matter if there are no lives in this world! I'll find another world and fill it up! And if even then it doesn't work, I'll destroy you as well!" He roared.

He started flying high in the sky. At the same time, he surrounded his body with the Spatial Aura so it couldn't be affected by the chaotic energy of space.

He left the atmosphere of the world, entering the dark space outside the world. He selected one random direction and started flying towards it without any aim.

Since he was so upset, he kept destroying all the stars he saw along the way. Wherever there was a star in his path, he didn't avoid it. Instead, he simply destroyed the star without stopping.

Long Chen continued flying for hours and hours, straight, trying to find another planet that could have some life. All he needed was a couple thousand more people that could help him fill the bottle, but he knew it was hard.

The universe was vast, and it was hard to find a world in it. Fortunately, there were over a thousand worlds.

All he needed was to find one more world... Just one...

On the way, he actually found another world after flying for twelve hours straight. He landed inside the world and observed it.

"Faak!" He exclaimed, frustrated. The world was empty as well. There was nothing in this world, no life force. There weren't any plants or greenery as well. The world didn't even have water.

"Useless world," he exclaimed, stomping his foot on the ground.

A deep crater was left in the place where he stomped.

Frustrated, he left the world.

After Long Chen left, the crater he left in the world started increasing. A crack in the ground kept increasing slowly, reaching the depths of the world before long.


As the crack reached the core, a loud explosion took place. The world blew apart. Its pieces flew everywhere. Long Chen had already left this place and wasn't here to see it, but if he were here, even he would have been surprised by his strength.

All this killing had actually helped his strength even more. His physical strength had increased massively, and so did his bloodline, even without him realizing it.

Long Chen continued his search, unaware of how much he had changed.

It wasn't just because of the killing and the killing intent. It was also because of the bottle which he was carrying. The bottle, which was filled with all the life essence of billions of people from the last world, was transferring this essence to Long Chen slowly.

That blood essence was what was making his body so strong without him realizing it. It wasn't just a trial for his bloodline awakening.

Instead, it was also an effort by the Bloodline Temple to strengthen Long Chen's body so that he couldn't die prematurely without awakening his bloodline entirely, as that would have wasted all the effort of the Fake Bloodline Temple in awakening Long Chen's Bloodline slowly.

The only reason it was doing this trial now was because it was only now when Long Chen was strong enough to actually be able to finish the trial and take all the essence.

Long Chen searched all around the galaxy, trying to find another world. Fortunately, he was the master of space, so he could breathe even in space.

Moreover, he had already collected enough food in his storage ring to last decades before he could actually need to search for more food.

For two months straight, he didn't find any world.. He had been in this trial for six months already! He was going crazy floating in this crazy space.

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