Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 680 PiggyBacking Skill.


Guys, I absolutely apologize for this clusterfuck of a situation but I will say that the blame should go to webnovel who duplicated my chapter for no reason I can think of.

I have been working my butt off to fix the error and I am really annoyed especially since they will claim it was all my fault even though it absolutely wasn't.

Anyway, I apologize again...

Today was supposed to be a one chapter release but I am forced to upload a second because of this Error so please consider this chapter as a bonus...

P.S I really hope no one unlocked the chapter before I fixed it.

On to the Chapter now;


This group of theirs was as neutral as they possibly could be and that would be further proven by the fact that the bloodshed would not end with the death of Dystopians.

Even at the moment, there were still Haronians standing, and not all of those who had been struck down so far had died... They were overwhelmed for sure and had been fighting a losing battle but they were still very much alive.

Alas, they were all going to die... Every last one of them.

If not by the hands of the Dystopians who were still attacking them, then by the hands of Hal and his group.

It was especially so after the declaration that Sassy just made.

Anyway, maybe because of what Sassy said or maybe because the female Dystopian just wanted to finally be serious, the tempo of the battle picked up significantly.

The arrow that Sassy shot flew towards the female Dystopian who then showed off an impressive reaction speed as she spun around and used wind to deflect any bit of poisonous mist that should have hit her by that arrow.

The arrow exploded against the wind funnel that the female Dystopian formed around herself and the funnel also sent the dispersed poisonous mist away from the Dystopian whose instincts instantly warned of danger should she let any bit of that mist touch her not to mention the obvious danger of breathing it in.

Not breathing in any of the mist was something the Dystopian could avoid since as a cultivator that she was, she could very well hold her breath for long periods but when the battle really heated up, she realized she might have underestimated the difficulty.

The female Dystopian was at the mid-stage of the Pagoda beast realm and while Sassy, sharing Hal's cultivation, was at the Peak of the Aurora beast realm, the Dystopian was soon treated to the difference of strength between them.

A difference that could be very well-referred to as being because of Hal.

Hal's battle prowess was the like that no one in the hall presently could ever hope to compare with and his Familiar could not possibly be too worse.

While not on Hal's level (Nobody is), Sassy had battle prowess that put her well above her Dystopian opponent, and the said opponent experienced this difference the more exchanges they had.

Blow for blow, Sassy always came off as being physically superior and adding this to her poisonous mist which she seemed to be ready to strike with at any time, she was an opponent that the Dystopian was finding hard contending with.

Meanwhile, Valerie, while not having an impressive transformation which she could burst out for an attack on her opponent, had her trusty dual-wielding Armaments and even stronger cultivation due to further unlocking of her inheritance's abilities.

She had a broadsword in one hand and a large Warhammer in the other and she used them to deflect attacks from her opponent while managing to impose physical dominance that her Dystopian opponent did not expect.

That said, the Dystopian still found time to sneer at her and say,

"I will crush you"

"You can try," Valerie said but alas, it seemed like she had been much too quick with her words as her opponent began to swell and hulk out until he was two feet taller than he already was.

A monstrous armor formed around his body and only little points were open and vulnerable to attack.

The Dystopian took a second to laugh out in mockery at the look on Valerie's face before he struck down at her... Moving astonishingly fast despite his size.

Valerie leaped out of his way but he followed up with another attack that she only barely escaped even as it knocked her off her feet.

Valerie fell to the ground and rolled a bit before she tried to stand at which point, her opponent dashed forward, with every part of his large and monstrous Armor shaking with the joy of crushing a human...

Before he could reach Valerie though, a skill circle appeared at his feet.

While Valerie's fall had been real and had been caused by her lack of balance because of the Dystopian lumbering closer, she still had the wherewithal to use it to her advantage as best as she could which was to lay the trap of a skill circle.

Despite the Dystopian straining against the hold of the trapping skill and looking close to getting free, he did not get free fast enough to avoid getting hit with an Exploding skill accompanied by a Cosmic Aurora.


The explosion was point-blank but the Dystopian's armor bore most of the blast which he saw as a perfect opportunity to gloat about ineffective Valerie's attacks were... Especially since he was now free of her trapping skill.

Bit of course how could just two skills and a Cosmic Aurora have been all that Valerie had planned...

She had a lot of skills in her arsenal and while she usually found herself not using them as often as she should, she knew how to use them to her advantage if she really wanted to.

The armor protecting the Dystopian could definitely be broken through but it would take an overwhelming amount of power that Valerie knew would quickly weaken her and she did not want that.

Instead, she would rather use the gaps in the armor to her advantage and while the plan she had was cosmic energy consuming as well, it was not to the extent that an all-out overwhelming attack would have been.

The Explosive skill she had cast had not been cast alone and there was a second skill that had been piggybacking on it.

That skill was now stamped against the Dystopian's back and he barely sensed it and mostly ignored it as the residue of the effects of the Skills that had so far been active.

The piggybacking skill was a dagger skill that for a limited time, at the expense of a lot of cosmic energy, Valerie could control and move to a desired location.

The moment she began to move it, her opponent felt and no longer ignore it as insignificant but it was already too late as Valerie already found space in the Armor and activated the Skill so that it stabbed right through it...

"Arrrghhhhhhh" When the Dystopian yelled out in pain and fell to one knew, Valerie knew this was her chance...

She dispersed her broadsword and summoned her long sword Cosmic Armament instead.

She threw her Warhammer at her opponent's chest and whole it did not damage the armor on his chest, it did cause him to stagger backward which presented an even better opportunity for Valerie to thrust her longsword through a now-widened (because of how he leaned backward) opening in his midsection.

"Arrrggg..." the Dystopian yelled before his anguished sound was cut off by Valerie who stuffed a Cosmic Aurora into his mouth at the same time that she forced her longsword to explode in his midsection.


The explosion caused grotesque destruction to the Dystopians' body and the fact that his size lessened to how it had been when their battle began told Valerie of her successful kill more than his fallen body did.

Alas, there was barely time to celebrate as she was attacked by another Dystopian almost immediately after...

The attack was not from a singular Dystopian though as they no longer seemed content with one-on-one battles with Hal's group who were proving to be a lot more than one Dystopian could handle on his or her own.

The defeat of Hal's group took precedence and it was why they  turned their attention away from the Haronians who were barely keeping up in the first place.

This did not mean that they let the Haronians be free to do however they pleased as they still kept an eye on them and any moves the humans ever thought to make.

The one who annoyed the Dystopians the most was Hal who was surveying the battle so far with a calm demeanor and without making a move to protect himself.

It was as though he was daring them to act and the Semi-Transcendent Dystopian Experts took this especially as an insult.

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