Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 670 Battle Of The Spouses.

Seeing his wife in such a compromising position, a lot of thoughts ran through Rody's mind... And those thoughts only got worse and louder when the said man looked at him and smiled.

In that smile, Rody felt like he could see something dangerous... Especially since he could not sense or detect this young man's cultivation and thus did not have an accurate gauge of his capabilities.

There was a sort of intimidating factor to the Blue-eyed young man's smile but Rody was far too gone in his life and much too battle-hardened to be so easily intimidated.

Not to mention that he refused to believe this young man had strength that warranted any worry on his part.

That said, the day no longer seemed as wonderful as before... His anticipation had been watered down and while he remained visibly calm, his mind was in turmoil and he was going through scenarios that involved making that young man regret touching his wife.

The sweet scent that he had perceived when he entered the room no longer seemed so mystifying and no longer felt like a wonderful addition to the events he was expecting to go down tonight.

Unlike when he had entered the room, Rody was now actively shaking off the heady mystifying feeling to keep his kind as sharp as possible.

How could he have known that the little he had breathed in had contained stealthy amounts of Devil energy now lying dormant in his body?

Any activation at the moment would lead to failure since the Duke was still very much alert and almost definitely at one hundred percent... Hal didn't see a possibility of subverting his will... Not yet at least.

Rody furrowed his brows,

"What is a Doxon doing here, in my wife's chambers?" he asked.

Hal chuckled and thrust his hips forward to push even more of his cock into the Duchess's throat,

"Is it not obvious?" Hal asked.

Raelyn gagged at Hal's cock being shoved into her mouth while she appeared to be attempting to push him back and away from her by his thighs.

These were subtle details that Rody noticed and focused on...

He might not have known exactly the same what was going on, but he believed it was more than clear that his wife was getting assaulted by this strange Doxon man.

He took a step forward just as Hal cackled,

"How do you like that, you bitch? How do you like my cock shoved into your throat?" he asked before he whipped his cock out of her mouth and punched her in the face.

He took barely a second to stuff his large cock back into his pants before he lifted Raelyn only to punch her in the face a second time and send her crumpling to the ground... Ceremonial robe and all.

At this point, there was obviously no way Rody could stand by anymore and he moved, at a speed worthy of the saint that he was, towards Hal.

As he dashed, his brain was working fast in a bid to deduce as much as he could about this opponent of his whose strength seemed quite impressive.

The Duke knew his wife was no pushover being a Cosmic Saint as well and having seen that she had quite a ruthless side and yet, she was practically incapable of resisting the supposed strength whoever this was.

Maybe he should have called for backup, Alina was just outside the door and could be called in at a moment's notice but he also reasoned that he was the single most powerful individual around right now and doubted any of them could handle what he could or could not handle.

He would strike now and bring this miscreant to his knees...

Hal could, of course, not react to his speed, being just at the Cosmic Aurora realm and he also knew that the use of his bloodline would not be enough to win against the Duke, but that was fine... Never had he actually planned to get into a battle with the Duke.

Right before the punch hit him, Raelyn stood from the ground that she had crumpled to after getting punched in the face by Hal.

While she was not as strong or as fast a Cosmic saint as her husband, she still reacted fast enough to put herself between her husband and Hal to take the blow instead.


The blow was hard-hitting as the Duke had not held anything back in his bid to punish that bastard who had the galls to assault his wife but right behind Hal, a portal opened and Raelyn, who was sent flying back, slammed into him and they went through the said portal together.

The portal remained open but Rody did not go through as he looked between his wife and Hal in confusion just as he noticed dark energy attached to his wife's limbs (her hands, her legs) and seemed to be controlling her movements.

In a second, the Duke saw the source of the dark puppeteering energy (Hal) and concluded that the only reason his wife had put herself in the way of his blow was that this blue-eyed bastard made her.

Now, if it was a different situation with different people involved, Rody might have taken care of things quite quickly without care for anyone besides himself, but this was his beloved...

They had their issues, their relationship was far from conventional or perfect and before things got as crazy as they were now, he had been anticipating the evolution of their relationship to how he wished it was... But, despite it all, she was still his wife and the one he had given his heart.

He walked through the Portal and while he would never admit it and did not let it show on his face, he was quite amazed... Especially by the large mansion a good distance from where he, Raelyn, and the blue-eyed bastard were standing.

Amazed or not, Rody still wondered just what or who could be contained within that mansion and he also wondered if they would be involved in... Whatever the fuck was going on right now.

That hesitance he had displayed followed by his determination at the sight of his Wife's apparent distress was exactly what Hal was hoping to see and take advantage of.

He had no reason and no cause to tell the Duke who he was (if he had not already figured it out himself) or why he was here.

For all Rody knew, Hal was just here to cause humiliation to the couple while also flexing his strength.

It was good for Hal that Rody was in the dark as he(Hal) felt that it would play nicely to how he(Rody) reacted in the battle that was to come.

The portal to the Harem space sealed up just as Hal grabbed the Duchess's hair and pulled her head back to say into her ear while she seemed completely incapable of freeing herself from his hold or even fighting against him,

"Get him"  As Hal spoke, the supposed puppeteering tendrils of energy detached from him and all congealed at Raelyn's chest... Further pushing the narrative that she was being controlled.

All this took barely a second and the moment it was complete, Raelyn dashed towards Rody to commence a battle of the spouses the likes of which neither of the two had ever experienced.

As her punch came towards his face, Rody put up his arms in defense...


Rody slid back while groaning at the impact of the blow but his wife was already dashing forward for a follow-up.

"Forgive me, Rody," Raekyn yelled with a good bit of anguish to further sell the idea that she was not in control of herself.

It worked...

"You don't need to ask for forgiveness" Rody groaned as he grabbed her arm to stop the punch from connecting, his large hand contrasting with her delicate and dainty-looking one.

Rody then looked over at Hal who was smiling and looking majestic with the large and beautiful mansion in the background.

"The one who should be sorry is that bastard... And he will be" he vowed but he had been distracted just enough for Raelyn to strike his jaw,


The blow rocked him and before I could react, Raelyn followed up with a roundhouse kick that sent him flying back.

He had not even landed that his wife was descending upon him with a mighty punch from above... She even enhanced her punch further with Cosmic energy.

'Damn, he is controlling her use of Cosmic energy too? Could he have access to all of her abilities? Just how deep and extensive is this infernal control he has over her?' Rody wondered with annoyance while he surrounded himself with Cosmic energy for defense.

The more moves he and Raelyn exchanged, the more expressive her attacks became to the point where she summoned her Cosmic Armament and then summoned the three stars of her sainthood to bolster her strength.

Not having the will to hurt his wife who he believed was not acting of her free will, Rody was mostly pulling his punches while doing his best to defend against hers.

Of course, despite his defenses, more than a few of Raelyn's blows still hit but the Duke shrugged them all off with a bit of difficulty as he still had the upper hand in cultivation, as well as Ordinance of which he had two Elemental Ordinances and she had none.

He could come out on top whenever he wanted but he was saving up his annoyance for the bastard who had started it all.

All he had to do was to kill the blue-eyed bastard and he would free his wife of the infernal energy controlling her.

Little did he know that his wife served as a carrier for the Dark energy on her chest and for every blow she successfully landed on him, there were bits of the energy getting snuck into his body...

... Totally without his knowledge.

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