Return of Mount Hua Sect

Chapter 116: Plum blossoms will cover the sky someday (1)

Chapter 116: Plum blossoms will cover the sky someday (1)

Dawn of the next day.


Why are they here?


How am I even supposed to answer that?

Mount Huas third-class disciples trembled as they watched the second-class disciples approaching in the morning light.

Since Mount Hua is located on a high mountain, the morning air is rather cold. A white fog was created as warm breaths were exhaled against the frigid air. Compounded with the second-class disciples marching forward, the sight of it looked like aged warriors heading for the battlefield.

Are we going to die today?

I doubt that would happen.

Before long, all the second-class disciples came out and lined up across the third-class disciples.

Finally, Baek Cheon slowly walked out and stood at the front.

Is everyone here?

Yes, Sahyung!


Baek Cheon lightly nodded and looked at everyone with a soft gaze before turning his sights to the sky.

No way.

It cant be.

At that moment, the White Plum Blossom dorm door opened, and Chung Myung came out yawning.

Ywan!! Why is it that I can never get enough sleep?

Then just sleep in!

Why dont you just skip a day!? How can you complain like that and still train every day? Everyday!

Chung Myung trudged out and approached Yoon Jong. As if he had been waiting for this, Yoon Jong quickly clung to Chung Myung and asked,

Chung Myung. Why are they out here?

Ah. Sasuks.

Right. The sasuks!



Chung Myung reached out and put his arm around Yoon Jongs shoulder.

You must have gone through so much trouble.

Whats this all of a sudden?

I know very well just how hard the sahyungs have suffered and been bullied by the sasuks.

No, theyve never done that.

If weve ever been hit, it was always by you. Why are you suddenly dragging the sasuks into this?

But you can relax. From now on, well live in a beautiful world where all people are equal, at least during training.

A place where all are equal?


Isnt that what happens in hell?


That sounds plausible?

Yoon Jongs face contorted.

In the end, he even got the Baek disciples.

This mans beastly hands stretch out without end. How long had it been since he first drove the third-class disciples to hell? Now you are saying that he even has the second-class disciples in his hands?

Whats going to happen to Mount Hua?

While Yoon Jong suppressed his rising sadness, Chung Myung went to the center.

Youve all worked hard getting here this early in the morning.

This instructor is very moved to see everyone voluntarily participating in the training like this.

Conscience-less bastard!

When was the last time you let someone rest from training? Hell is going to have a grand time punishing you!

The third-class disciples bit their lips, but the second-class disciples surprisingly didnt show much of a reaction.

Train hard. If you feel refreshed and rewarded after youre done, then it cant be called training. As soon as training ends, you will gasp, curse, and you wont even have the strength to lift your chopsticks. You need to be prepared to shove your face onto your plate just to eat after experiencing real training.

What encouraging words.

There is no gentle path to becoming strong. Pushing harder and harder with your best effort is the only way to become strong. If you trust and follow this instructor, you will become strong. Do you understand?

Yoon Jongs face contorted.

No, he cant act like that to the seniors it will sting him back!

It was then!


The loud response from the second-class disciples made the third-class disciples step back in shock.


What is wrong with them?

Being taught by someone, a sajil at that, who might be the age of their younger brother, must be embarrassing. But that didnt seem to bother them at all.

It would be a disgrace if we fall behind the third-class disciples!

It was shameful to receive Chung Myungs training, but the thought of becoming weaker than all of the third-class disciples was frighteningly shameful.

But it was happening.

The second-class disciples were still stronger for now, but the third-class disciples would likely stand above them in a few years. How would they retain their pride and dignity if they allowed themselves to fall behind their juniors?

I cant allow that to happen.

Id rather die than see that.

The eyes of the second-class disciples were bloodshot.

Sometimes a persons spirit is ignited the most by impure motives. No, to be precise, the more impure, the greater the motivation.

A pure desire for strength alone wouldnt result in the second-class disciples going this far. Their pride and insecurity pushed their backs and moved their feet forward.

And lastly.

I dont know how. But if we learn from that guy, we might be able to defeat the Southern Edge Sects second-class disciples.

No, we can do more than that.

It is better to be looked down on in the sect than to be ridiculed out in the world for being weak.

Look at them.

As he received the sparkling gazes of the second-class disciples, Chung Myung said,

This is it!

They were eyes that craved to learn!

Chung Myung was proud to see the second-class disciples burning with passion for learning while holding back their complaints. It was a refreshing change from the third-class disciples that were always gloomy and bitter.

Of course, the third-class disciples used to be brighter and more optimistic before he arrived, but Chung Myung didnt think much about such things.

Well then.

Chung Myung smiled.

The basics are important in anything. Lets start with strength training. Sahyungs? What are you doing? You need to teach the seniors how the strength training is done.

At those words, the rest of the third-class disciples also smiled.

Ah, right.

Ahem. I will do my best.

The third-class disciples eyes were gleaming in madness as if screaming, You should get a taste of it too.

You thought this training would be good for you, didnt you?

If they try it once, their screams will be heard for at least three months.

Their cries will make a wonderful song!

The third-class disciples bore sinister smiles that made the second-class disciples anxious.

But unexpectedly, there was someone who came forward amid the impending crisis.


Chung Myung tilted his head when he saw the person standing in front of him.

What now?

To learn.

Learn from the kids over there.

No one came to me.


Chung Myung tilted his head while looking at Yu Yiseol.

No, why would no one what are the sahyungs doing?

The disciples heard Chung Myung and quickly turned away, looking at the dawning sky.

To feel awkward just because shes a woman wait. Wait, come to think of it, why dont we have any girls in our class? Why do we only have men? There are a lot of women among the Baek disciples.

Chung Myung turned to Yoon Jong and said,

No, Sahyung. Did you only accept men as disciples for our class? Thats why our dorm is so dark and gloomy.

Chung Myung.


Yoon Jong looked at Chung Myung and spoke with an expression that seemed as if he would cry tears of blood at any moment.

There are some subjects in the world that shouldnt be touched.

Chung Myung looked at Yoon Jong for a long time and bowed his head.

I was wrong. I apologize. Please forgive me.

be careful from now.

I will.

After apologizing, he looked at Yu Yiseol.

I wont think of you as a woman.

Thats what I was hoping for.

Even if you cry, I wont go easy.

That wont happen.

No fear.

Promise me one thing instead.


If I endure this, will you teach me how to make the plum blossoms bloom on my sword?

Everyone is saying such strange things.

Chung Myung spoke with a stiff face.

If sahyungs and sasuks are the disciples of Mount Hua, you shouldnt be aiming to make plum blossoms. Thats just a part of the process. What you should be aiming for is completion.


Well, right. Then

Chung Myung shrugged.

First, lets build the foundation for enlightenment. Lets go!

Seeing the second-class disciples moving, Chung Myung smiled wickedly.

In the past, I only cared about my own skills and didnt pay attention to my sajaes or sahyungs.

Back then, Chung Myung took it for granted, but not now. Had he not realized it at the end? After all, Mount Huas opponent wasnt just one strong man but an entire sect.

There were limits to what could be done alone.

What if one day they become strong enough to support Chung Myung?

Kuhahaha. Itll be done. A strong team, and then Ill draw plum blossoms on the heads of the Shaolin.

The disciples of Mount Hua, who thought they heard something they shouldnt have, decided to close their ears and turn their heads.


Un Geom let out a pleasant sigh as he looked at the disciples of Mount Hua immersed in training.

Now its the Baek disciples?

Well, this was bound to happen. After what they had seen, they must have had some complex feelings.

Un Geom remembered the conversation he had with the sect leader yesterday.

- Leave him alone.

The sect leader continued.

- He is a child that we cannot restrain regardless. Interfering with that child may instead hinder his path and get in the way of what he has planned. Were old. What we must do is make sure that the children are able to grow and shine in the future. So, well leave it at that. That child is on the path of Dao, so I believe that he will never lead the others down the wrong path.

Hyun Jong believed that Un Geom shouldnt poke around and make the child wary or question his intent for no reason.

Un Geom also agreed to it.

Chung Myungs plum blossoms, incomprehensible skills, and unknown origins obscured the child in many mysteries. There were numerous questions, but Un Geom didnt want to ask.

Path of Dao.

The path of the Dao is to go with the flow and embrace what may come.

There was no reason why Chung Myung couldnt have his way as long as he was a disciple of Mount Hua.

The path of a Dao is known to be large.


Should I learn it too?

After observing the children for a long time, Un Geom slowly turned away with a bitter smile.

Im being greedy.

Even if he could become stronger, Un Geom knew that it would be better for him to focus on his current task. He was already old now; it would be difficult to try and become stronger.

It was fortunate that the Baek disciples were still young enough to learn.

But I cannot just stay still and watch.

How can he be lazy when the children are trying so hard? Even if he left teaching to Chung Myung, he should help teach them as much as he can.

Mount Hua will grow stronger.

The Southern Edge Sect isnt the end.

Mount Hua had changed since Chung Myung arrived. Un Geom also recently realized that he was being pulled into that flow.

Now, the atmosphere of the elders had begun to change.

At least these children shouldnt be burdened. He had to do everything to help them.


When the day comes that those children complete their martial arts path, the world will see the second coming of Mount Hua.

It was a far-off goal.

Un Geom turned his head slowly.

Straighten your back and practice! Waist too! If you still have strength to breath, then you shouldnt have a problem training! What? Its fine! Its fine! You wont die from this! Have you ever heard of anyone dying from training? Just train!

Un Geom trembled.

Enough? Enough? Aigoo. Are you really saying that? Just because you mastered a little bit of martial arts? Maybe we should take a look at those martial arts of yours? Come on! Lets see if its quicker to die from the training or from shame!

Having seen the third-class disciples rush in to stop Chung Myung and assist with helping the others train, Un Geom stared off into the distant sky.

Maybe it isnt that far-off after all.

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