ReLife Player

Chapter 899

Relife Player 899

[Chapter 223]

[Miracle (3)]

24 years of history.

Noh Eun-ha is now 29 years old, and it has already been 9 years since the clan was founded.

The best clan in the country.

It was a time when people in the world took it for granted.

Now, no one has dared to underestimate Pandora Clan.

Any student graduating from the academy would dream of joining Pandora Clan at least once.

And in March of that year—.

─Hello seniors! Starting today, I am called No Abenir, who joined Pandora Clan! I’m really happy to be able to fight alongside my seniors! Good luck in the future!

“i look forward to!!”

Players who graduated from the academy officially joined Pandora Clan.

Among them, there was also a No Abenir who had poor written grades but excelled in the practical test.

Boasting a height of over 190 cm, he was the tallest among the clan members.

In the case of female clan members, most had to look up at him.

So you’re saying he’ll be like Uncle Bruno when he gets older?

Kang Si-hyung said to himself while looking at the 30 cm taller Avenir.

It was hard to believe that the innocent and young-looking Guardian would change like Bruno in a few decades.

Others were also impressed by the growth of Avenir in one year since last year’s practice.

how tall are you Me? 198cm yo!!


About 2m.

As it turned out, it was not a 30cm difference, but a 40cm difference.

Kang Si-hyung was frustrated by asking for nothing.

Meanwhile, the clan members also couldn’t hide their surprise.

The twins added.

sister sister So wouldn’t being 2m tall mean he’s also tall?

oh wow awesome One more time later…. You guys, please keep your mouth shut. Newcomers are watching, are you saying something like that? ouch! Clan Road! There are newcomers, so what if they hit you like this?

that’s right! Can’t you see that my brother and I have a lump on our heads? What do you mean you don’t look dignified… Do you want me to hit you one more time? Or would you just shut up? Zip up your lips. take me too But the younger brother’s squeak sounds like a rabbit… Sihyeong squeaks? oh my gosh Why do they trip over me when I’m still? Those are very…

Eunha sighed.

Although the name has become the best clan in Korea, the twins’ consciousness has not changed.

where are they alone

The clan was full of clan members like twin sisters and Jinpa.

hey! Did you curse at me just now!? That brother has a good sense of humor.

Somewhere Jinparang shouted.

Eunha ignored Jinparang’s cry and approached the new clan members.

They got up and posed.

Perhaps it was because he had just joined the clan, and his discipline was well established.

Urbaneer, unlike before, was now distinguishing between public and private.

Eunha smiled at them when she saw them nervous.

Everyone came in well. For the next three months, you will roll under the guidance of seniors and advisors in charge of education. As soon as the training is over, they will be assigned to places where they need them according to their specialties. So don’t be lazy and work hard. “all right!!”

Fifteen new recruits joined Pandora Clan this year, including Abenir.

Also, there were 5 players who transferred from other clans to Pandora Clan.

That’s 20 people in total.

As soon as a certain period of time passed, they were scheduled to be sent to parties that each needed.

Five of those with poor grades will be sent to Uijeongbu.

Even while the entire nation worked hard to create a new world, the development of northern Gyeonggi Province did not stop.

Pandora Clan also had a certain stake in the development of northern Gyeonggi Province.

In the next few years, when Uijeongbu was fully open to the public, a third Clan Hall was planned to be built there.

As a result, there were not enough clan members to work in the northern part of Gyeonggi.

That’s why Pandora Clan was thinking of sending some of its new recruits to Uijeongbu.

It will continue every year.

Of course, Avenir was an exception.

and Aveneer.

oh brother! No Clanlord.

Did you know that you have overtime as soon as your scheduled work is over?

Yes please roll it!


Amid the clan members sticking out their tongues.

Avenir laughed heartily.

As an exception, Avenir had a specific task in charge.

He was Ha Baek-ryun’s escort.

Don’t forget to sparr with me after work. I’ll check for myself to see if you can really protect Baekryun.

A dealer who was nicknamed < Diamond Fist > before returning.

Eun-Ha, who knows Avenir’s talents and skills, thought he was the right person to be Ha Baek-Ryun’s escort.

Did you say that you were called the second me when you were in the academy?

It’s not that the words are wrong.

Representative of the next golden generation.

Eunha smiled as she recalled the modifier that accompanies Avenir.

The future of Pandora Clan was very bright.

The best clan in Korea.

That sign won’t go anywhere for the next ten years.

Training of new recruits has begun.

Technical advisor Bruno and magic advisor Shin Seo-yeong taught them harshly.

Wake up. No matter how hard it is, what if you cancel casting while casting magic? Once mana was pulled out of the body, what should I say even if it means letting go of the string of consciousness?

Unlike when he was an academy instructor, Shin Seo-young, who became a magic advisor, was scared.

As she promised to Eunha, she rolled her clan members to death.

Sometimes even Eunha shook her head after seeing her education.

Dad, Seoyoung, are you mad at me?

I’m not angry. Proof of hard work.

Seoyoung noona Musher…

For some reason, this day was relaxed.

So Eun-ha showed the newcomers training with Noh Yoo-seong, who said he was bored.

I thought I just showed you.

Apparently, the appearance of the newcomers rolling was not good for Noh Yoo-seong’s education.

In particular, Noh Yoo-seong seemed shocked to see Shin Seo-young, who was fond of him, with a cold face.

But is Yoo Seong-ah the older sister of Seoyoung? Didn’t you originally say you were a teacher?…

Seoyoung noona said Seoyoung noona!

That older sister… asked me to call her older sister, and how did she tell the child… what did you say now? …….

Eunha kept her mouth shut.

The wind was blowing in the training ground.

There was no way that she, who was good at manipulating the wind, would not have listened to him and Noh Yoo-seong.

Eunha flinched.

Shin Seo-yeong was glaring at her from afar with a smile on her face.

And Noh Yoo-seong, who knew nothing, was waving at her as if he had never done that.

Stop interfering with Seoyoung-noona’s work and let’s leave. Come on, you have to be quick.

Seoyoung’s older sister Papa.

Eunha decided to leave the training ground.

Noh Yooseong greeted her.

Shin Seo-young, who had heard the greeting from a distance, sent wind.

Yes, Yooseong is also a papa.

There was no greeting for Noh Eun-ha.

It must have looked like a pout.

In response, Eunha put her hands together, apologized, and left the training ground.

It was time to think about taking Noh Yoo-seong for a walk outside.

Ah Pandora Clan Lord. hello. Hello Yooseong too?

Oh Eun-ah brother. Is there a Yooseong too?

Hello sisters!

I met Ha Baek-ryun Prisis Memory.

It seemed to be the day when Ha Baek-ryun received training from the Presis memory.

Eunha saw the two and welcomed them.

In particular, Noh Yoo-seong really liked Presis Memory.

I missed you sister!

oh so what? thank you.

Yoosung, who am I? Are you going to say that only to Pme?

Sister too!

Noh Yoo-seong suddenly clings to the leg of the Prisis Memory.

Then she just laughs and Ha Baek-ryun becomes jealous.

It was a rare sight.

Eunha smiled.

how is it? Is my son cute?

That’s right. It’s cute. I don’t normally like children, but strangely, I am attracted to this child.

Prisis Memory smiles.

Soon, she stroked Noh Yooseong’s head with her long gloved hand.

Noh Yooseong put his head in his hands to see what was so good.

Anyway, time goes really fast. It feels like it hasn’t been long since we met Pandora Clanlord at Deoksugung Palace when they were elementary school students. Not one, not two, but three.

haha I will

As Prisis Memory said.

Time flowed so fast.

Almost 20 years have passed since then.

Even so, this person doesn’t seem to have changed a single thing.

Eunha thought.

The faces of the people I met in those days were bound to show the flow of time.

However, the Presis memory was the same as when the galaxy first met.

You are out of the flow of time, as if you are living in another time zone.

No, it felt like time stood still.

It was then.

for a moment.

A thought that ran through my mind.

Eunha paid attention to that thought.

< Witch of Time >. yes why are you Is it possible to freeze a certain state as if time were stopped with the witch’s magic?

Hmmm… if it’s a target that doesn’t have mana, it can freeze time almost indefinitely. If it’s a creature, the duration of the effect will be different depending on the target’s mana resistance ability.

……. For what reason? Do you have time?

There is Baekryun’s education… but

is it urgent? Then I’m not in such a hurry, so it doesn’t matter. look at my brother

Thank you Baekryun-ah.

I remembered something I wanted to try.

Eun-ha asked permission from Ha Baek-ryeon and immediately gathered the gift holders of < Miracle >.

Maybe I can fix Yoo-jung’s eyes.

Eunha’s expectations were inflated.

In that way, he called Shin Seo-young, who was training new recruits, and Iri, who was praying, and No Eun-ah, who was going out on a date after a long time.

The reason Lee Yu-jeong couldn’t see the future in this life could be said to be the cost of using the Gift of < Miracle > before returning.

Eunha wanted to find a way to open her eyes somehow.

So, I asked Illya, who has a good understanding of the healing ability, and asked Eun-ah, who had the same gift, to treat Lee Yoo-jung.

But the results were not satisfactory.

‘I don’t know why the third angel’s eyes have magic that can only be seen in the natural world. It is daunting just to read and follow the formula. It’s not a sheep that can do anything alone.’

‘that’s right. If you look at the formulas one by one, there is nothing that cannot be solved even in the natural world. But it’s hard for me and Riya-sister to solve that massive formula. And the structure of the formula changes as soon as it is recognized, but there is no way to do this.’

The two couldn’t solve the magic engraved in Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

Even if Cha Eun-woo and Yeo-bi joined, they did not reap much income.

The two of them were overwhelmed by the amount of magic and suffered from overload.

In the end, the conclusion he came to was—

—Are you saying that only those who have the Gift of < Miracle > can see and understand the spells in Yujeong’s eyes and read them for a long time?

That was it.

In that sense, this was also the reason Eunha suggested Shin Seoyoung as a magic advisor.

Of course, Shin Seo-yeong became a magic advisor and had been asked by Eun-ha to look into Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

‘If I can fix the formula that changes the structure at the moment of recognition, I think I can solve it…’

Shin Seo-young commented.

The other two agreed.

It was to a certain extent closer to how to open Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

But no further progress could be made.

How can we stop the magic that exists in the natural world?

Is that possible?

It was impossible with common sense of the galaxy.

The three of them were saying the same thing, and I decided in my heart that it was impossible.

A story that could only happen in a dream.

And there was no way that Lee Yu-jeong could not have noticed their hesitation.

‘Thank you, but I’m fine.’

It is impossible to open your eyes.

Lee Yoo-jung grew up listening to such sounds from a young age.

As a result, she was resigned and intimidated by people’s attempts to fix her eyes.

Quickly grasping the atmosphere, she ended the topic with a lonely smile.

The best way to avoid getting hurt is to not do anything that could hurt you.

Since that day, Lee Yu-jeong was reluctant to try to treat her eyes, and Eun-ha could not rush forward.

As a result, Eunha’s attempts often fizzled out.

But this time it will be different.

You can fix Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

Eunha could be confident.

Theoretically, nothing was impossible.

So… you’re trying to manifest the myth and reduce the world’s will to interfere as much as possible, right?


Lee Yoo-jung, Lee Riya, No Eun-ah, and Shin Seo-young.

And the Presis memory Ha Baek-ryun.

Eunha summoned them into her office and explained her plan.

Shin Seo-young was at a loss for words after hearing Eun-ha’s explanation.

And then she also shook her head.

Nothing is impossible. Yes, that’s what I saw too.

Might it be worth a try?

Do you think it’s possible?

Soon, Shin Seo-young, Ilya, No Eun-ah, and Pricis memory were lost in thought.

They were drawn to a plan suggested by the galaxy on the fly.

I will be handed down the myth from Baek Seo-jin, and my myth will no longer be touched by anyone in this country.

So even the world’s will won’t stop Yu-jeong from fixing her eyes in my world.

The plan was simple.

First of all, the galaxy manifests the myth.

The Presis Memory stops the time of the spell in Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

And Iriya, No Eun-ah, and Shin Seo-young unleash her spell.

“Do you think you’re okay?”

At first, the three people, who showed an embarrassed look, spoke in unison.

The plan worked.

All he had to do now was get Lee Yu-jeong’s permission.

If you manifest Shinhwa… isn’t Eunha putting too much strain on your body? I can just live like this…

I’m not overdoing it. Don’t worry, nothing will happen if you just do Hyun Hyun and stay still. … Really? I’m not going to lie. Don’t worry.

Eun-ha held Lee Yoo-jung’s hand tightly.

I was actually lying.

Shinhwa puts quite a bit of burden just by manifesting.

Especially if the level of mythology is great.

Even so, Eun-ha insisted that she be considerate of Lee Yoo-jung and not to worry.


And Yoo-jung said you wanted to see Yoo-rin’s face at least once. …….

I wish you could see my daughter’s face.

Maybe I’ll fail again, maybe I’ll get hurt by doing that.

Lee Yu-jeong was troubled.

Eunha persuaded her.

No matter how much I persuaded her, she didn’t come over. As soon as her daughter’s name came out, she changed her mind.

I beg you. help.

In the end, Lee Yu-jeong lowered her head.

People smiled warmly.

All of them hoped that Lee Yu-jeong would be able to see a beautiful world when she opened her eyes. Revival

of Shinhwa


Thus, the plan to open Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes began.

The galaxy manifested a myth with the Clan Hall as its territory.

Time Anchorage

Prisis memory activated magic in Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

Magic that fixes the state of time.

Her magic worked.

The magic of the natural world stopped changing.

you can do it.

Noh Eun-ah immediately began to unravel the spell in her eyes.

Shin Seo-young and Ilya also joined.

The three of them moved their eyes quickly and played with their hands while sweating.

Each spell is released.

After a long time -.

─How is it?

All spells have been released.

By then, the galaxy had reaped the myth.

Then he looked into Lee Yu-jeong’s eyes.

Ah… “…….”

The sound that fell without making sense.

Yujeong Lee opened her mouth.

She was speechless with her mouth open.

Her eyes widened greatly.

Eyes were shining.

Soon she spoke in a watery voice.

I can see everything…


this is what it looks like

A stream of tears flows down.

Lee Yoo-jung reached out and carefully placed her hand on Eun-ha’s cheek.

ah…! is it the galaxy?

Thank you so much! Thank you so much everyone!!

At that moment, Eun-ha rushed at Lee Yoo-jung.

Whether Lee Yoo-jung is embarrassed or not.

Eunha was so excited that she hugged her tightly.

Lee Yu-jeong is now able to see.

Upon hearing the news, the clan members abandoned all work and went to Eunha’s office to see Lee Yu-jeong.

what!? Yoojung can see ahead!? It’s a festival! It’s a banquet! I’m going to shoot big today, so let’s drink big! and! and! Eat dew! After all, alcohol is the best for joy! But look! yoo jeong yoo jeong! do you know who i am

A mess ensued.

Clan members crowded around to show their faces to Lee Yu-jeong.


Lee Yu-jeong was quite unfamiliar with the face she was seeing for the first time.

Moreover, Eunha did not let go of her and hugged her tightly.

Yoojung is confused. Everyone come later. Don’t make Yoo-jung tired…

as if she wouldn’t give it to anyone.

Eunha waved her hands while hugging Lee Yu-jeong.

Then the clan members booed.

Anyway… you look very happy. Well, I’m this happy too, how happy Eunha’s heart must be.

Noah saw the sight and laughed.

It was worth working for a long time to solve the spell.

The day had passed, but I was satisfied that Lee Yu-jeong was able to see her eyes.


Then he paused.

Eunah Noah raised her hand involuntarily.


The hand had become translucent.

It wasn’t just the hand.

Both arms were translucent.


didn’t seem to be tired.

Eunah Noh blinked her eyes to see the change that had happened to her.

Then Eunha called her.

sister! Come here quickly. Yoojung says she wants to see her face.

uh? Oh yes! I’ll go now!

Noah suddenly came to his senses.

By then, her arms were back to normal.

Because we don’t know what happened…

Let’s not tell Eunha yet.

I like Yoo-jung so much now that she can see, but I can’t worry Eun-ha for nothing.

It won’t be a star.

Noah decided to take it that way.

Couldn’t ruin the fun time.

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