ReLife Player

Chapter 843

Relife Player 843

[Chapter 211]

[Chillma (3)]

Eunpyeong-gu Hana Bank Yeonsinnae.

Donghae Clan special advisor Jeong Geum-jeon stopped by the bank on business that day.

But why are you following me?

I’m trying to keep an eye on the young master to see if he doesn’t do anything different like last time.

What is it? Is your sister my secretary? No, if you are a secretary, you should assist me like a secretary. Does it make sense to say that you are monitoring me?

Surveillance is also the secretary’s job.

It wasn’t just the money transfer that went to the bank.

Secretary Lee Se-hee also followed.

In fact, it was ambiguous to describe myself as a secretary now.

It is because after Noh Eun-ha married Lee Yu-jeong, she and her grandfather’s backsliding could not be overcome.

Anyway… take care of it.

By the way, Bitch.


I heard the news a while ago, and I heard that Lady Lee Yu-jeong of the Luminous Group is pregnant.

also? It seems like it hasn’t been long since I heard that the little boy is pregnant. Does that old kid do nothing but play nights on fictitious nights? Hey, the power is good too.

Iknow, right. It’s very different from the young boy who lives there.


It was a strange stabbing sound.

Jeong Geum-jeon glanced sideways at Lee Se-hee.

She averted her gaze.

Jeong Geum-jeon made a sullen face.

Then he sat down waiting for his turn.

Then she questioned.

Should I wait for a number? The branch manager would come out and take care of our business anyway.

…Aren’t you sorry for those people? Let’s keep our order.

You don’t want to finish work and go back to the Clan Hall. …….

Phew…. Okay. Sometimes you have to take a break like this.

Fortunately, Lee Se-hee allowed it.

Jeong Geum-jeon let out a sigh of relief and hugged the money bag tightly.

Inside, there was a lot of money that was worth a billion won.

If you add up the money bag that Lee Se-hee had handcuffed, it was 2 billion won.

I had to be very careful not to lose my money bag.

It would have been much more convenient not to trade in cash.

I can’t help it. Because there is no escaping the underground market transaction if possible in cash.

A recent development in northern Gyeonggi Province.

Donghae Clan found a lot of artifacts while developing the northern part.

Accordingly, the Donghae Clan assigned what the clan needed to its members to its members and sold the rest in the underground auction market.

This is because I was able to make much more money than using market auctions.

It was a tactic often used by clans.

Instead, the transaction was made in cash to block transaction tracking.

Give the clan members a bonus and put the rest into the Fine Page Cash. Even if you do a cash draw, only 100 cash comes out every day


Because this is a mystery

Jeong Geum-jeon giggled.

Just in time, the story came out. Jeong Geum-jeon decided to wait for his turn while reading a web novel.

I’ve been so busy these days that I couldn’t read and put off quite a few works.

I should use this spare time.

It was time for him to choose his work.

Lee Se-hee muttered displeasedly.

In the meantime, I didn’t know because I had met the branch manager in person, but the bank management is not very good. uh? What are you talking about?

I noticed a while ago, but there are a lot of flies flying around.

fly? huh?

Only then did he realize the golden war.

Flies were flying.

Not even fruit flies.

Thumbnail-sized flies were flying around, making a shivering sound in the air.

here and there too.

There were flies all over.

Really why are you doing this? Did the food waste explode?

Even if food waste explodes, it won’t be this much. I can’t. Master, let’s get out of here. I can’t stay in a place like this anymore.

After that, let’s go. I’ll have to say something to kid Yu later….

This isn’t even a garbage dump.

Why are there so many flies?

Jeong Geum-jeon sighed and stood up.

I decided to look for another branch.

I didn’t want to be in a bank where dung flies were flying around.

That was then.

Do you think that person is the cause?

…There are a lot out there.

The waiting number has decreased by one.

A woman wearing a dress that you would only see at a bar headed towards the staff.

red dress red shoes.

and black sunglasses.

The woman made the sound of her shoes and showed off her proud gait.

However, it was not because of the woman’s beauty that people’s eyes were directed.

It was because there were enough dung flies flying around to wake her up from her beauty.

Didn’t you go to the bathroom and come out without wiping your back?

I can hear you, Bocchan.

Or that you’re spraying perfume that dung flies will love.

Just go bro.

Jeong Geum-jeon grumbled.

I thought that woman was the culprit.

He only eavesdropped on what the woman was doing at the bank.

Let’s turn off your nerves and go. Somehow I don’t feel good.

Uh-huh, don’t put up a flag. So, who’s going to die? Bocchan…

Okay go go go!

Lee Se-hee was particularly agitated.

Jeong Geum-jeon had no choice but to turn away from the woman.

Still, he kept his ears perked up.

The story came sporadically.

your guest. I came because

I needed money. A lot.

…yes? If it’s a loan business, use the window over there…

Loan? I’m not here to borrow money.

So why did you come here because you needed money? How many times do I have to say it?

Isn’t that crazy?

The conversation was just random.

Jeong Geum-jeon was ridiculous.

He just stopped walking.

I was very curious about the face of the woman who drove the dung flies.

Jeong Geum-jeon turned around and looked at the crazy woman who was embarrassing the employee leaning against the window.

And I realized

That women are not human.

bank robbery. I don’t know? I’m here to do that. I’ll use that money to go to a paddy later. I’m going to paint it pretty blue.

What is that…

Oh, I want to stop doing this. Can’t I just do what I want from now on?

Dozens of hundreds of flies were born and filled the surroundings.

A swarm of flies covered the teller and sucked his blood in an instant.

The married couple, Jeong

Geum-jeon, was fascinated by the unrealistic scene.

Well, just take care of the money. As a bonus, I am also making friends in Paris. From now on, consider it an honor to be a slave to Beelzebuth.

Luminous Hall, Mapo-gu.

The Artist Fall Live Festival was in full swing.

However, the festival was going in a totally unexpected direction.


I hear the music.

The crucible of frenzy was unfolding according to that sound.

thump thump thump.

People shook their bodies.

Beads of sweat splattered everywhere, and it colored the people around them with enthusiasm.

The artists on the stage screamed with all their might and went mad.

However, only one woman was not shaken at all even in the atmosphere of being faithful to her emotions over reason.


Rather, the woman let out a snort and laughed as she watched the scene unfolding in the audience.

A man who has lost his reason is a beast.


it’s a pig

Dogs and pigs are entangled there.

People who pretended to be noble and expensive on the outside and bluffed are spewing out lust for men and women of all ages.

The woman grew up.

This place can truly be said to be a world without ghosts. A person born of nobility, a person born lowly, going mad just to quench my lust!

Even the laws of human society had no effect here.

People who come to each other are eating together because they have eyes with other members of the opposite sex.

There is no law, no reason.

One person clings to many people, and many more people cling to them.

It’s not hideous and it’s really dirty.


Eventually, the monsters born from their emotions prey on humans.

Or stick with humans.

Humans are indulging in pleasure as to what it is good for.

While conceiving monsters in their wombs, regardless of gender.

Then a man came up on stage and approached the woman.

A woman… a woman…

a disrespectful bastard. If you really want to eat with me, make a body and come to me.

The woman kicked the man who rushed at him as if he was displeased.

That was the end.

It was a light kick.

The man’s head was blown off.

A man with a blown neck collapses


Humans rushed at the man saying that that was good too.

The man’s body is torn to pieces.

It was a disaster that occurred when humans who could not stand their lust tried to occupy men with each other.

That was then.

A song was heard.

Gift < Beast >

Mode: Diva Siren

Live On! ──The

magic of becoming a person who

wants to see me

every morning ♪

The movements of the humans who heard the song stopped for a moment.

They are trying to find the opposite sex.

The woman turned her head.

The entrance door was open and the players were coming in.

five people.

A pink-haired woman in the lead was singing into a microphone.

What a stupid year. Trying to immerse your feet in this pleasure.

Chillma Lilith.

And Pandora Hearts, a 5-member idol group who attended the live festival late.

they cheered up

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, Jongno-gu.

The police, who had received reports of ubiquity, were also trying to help the players.

But instead of helping them, they went out of the building and were busy arresting people in sight.

It was basic to hit with a bat, and in severe cases, a firearm was used.


People freak out and run away.

The cops giggle and chase them all over Seoul.

They ignore the traffic lights and drive to paralyze Seoul’s traffic.

A traffic accident occurred.

Even after the accident, the police continued to act like zombies as long as their bodies were moving, causing terror.

I don’t know if the other guys have no idea… If they’re going to cause terrorism, they’ll have to destroy the infrastructure that affects social functioning. Well, maybe that’s why they became new people.

Chillma Mastema.

The man with the name of a demon who corrupts humans clicked his tongue.

The young man with the piercing put himself in the seat where the chief of police had been sitting.

Everyone in the police station had already been brainwashed.

Monsters need to be subdued. But how will humans deal with it? Is there really enough manpower to catch the guys scattered all over Seoul?

Mastema shrugged.

In the future, security will seriously deteriorate and suffer from long-term problems.

he got up from his seat

The police in charge of traffic will be here too… I guess I’ll have to stop the traffic.

Terrorism is just the beginning.

Just like how Samael was loud, it’s just the debut day.

They will cause terrorism all over the country, starting with Seoul.

Mammon appeared.

That meant that other demons also started terrorism in earnest.

I’m not the only one thinking about that guy.

The Kuma terrorism is happening all over Seoul right now.

Eunha clicked her tongue.

I knew it would happen someday, but when the terrorist attack happened, I became nervous thinking that there would be a lot of damage.


Phoenix’s Wings

Demon-type monsters attacked.

Their average rank is the 5th rank.

Monsters that boasted larger bodies than humans, were well versed in magic, and were capable of aerial combat were quite tricky.

Moreover, the power of Pandaemonium is added, raising the risk by at least half.

Average 5th tier overrank.

They appeared all over the National Cemetery and their numbers continued to grow.

Sonic Wave

The galaxy flew into the air and quickly identified the monsters with detection magic.

Currently, the number of people who have appeared is 26.

A lot have appeared.

Even if the players in the Cemetery fight together, it will be difficult.

Considering the growing number, the power was quite insufficient.

In addition, the galaxy did not know the skills of the players fighting below.

Even more so, there were also ordinary people.

Players had to fight while protecting them.

It was then.


A pure white demon was in the sky.

He was shouting and casting some kind of magic.

A sphere created from two hands.

Even if he couldn’t figure out the true nature of the magic, he knew that if that sphere fell, the whole area would be devastated.

Is it Blanco Demon?

Annoying bastard jumped out.

Eun-ha figured out the guy’s identity.

It is the 4th tier Blanco Demon.

The galaxy flew straight to him.

Hamper Wave

First, cancel his magic.

Jamming worked.

The guy failed casting.

Where did you just fail?

When the magic that was on the verge of completion was canceled, the reaction hit him.

He couldn’t use magic properly and was crouching in pain.

Eunha did not miss that moment.


Blast Counter

Blaze Crasher

Galaxy accelerated.

As his magic disintegrated, he stimulated the scattered mana in the air.

Mana caused a violent explosion.

The guy was caught in an explosion.

Eunha boldly entered the explosion and cut down the Blanco Demon.


he can’t even resist and disappears.

Eunha quickly turned her body.

The most dangerous daemon has been dealt with.

The rest was just hoping the players would somehow counter it.

In the meantime, he confronts Mamon.

What should I do from Pandaemonium?

As long as it exists, demon-type monsters will continue to appear.

Demon-type monsters eat up a lot of mana in the process of appearing.

So they move in individual units, not in groups.

Pandaemonium provided an environment where those who acted as individuals could move in groups.

So I had to get rid of it from the environment.

To get rid of that environment, I had to kill Mamon, who created this division.

Chet I have no luck. I must have thought that he was here.

Around that time, Mamon also noticed Eunha.

The masked wizard cast his magic into the air.

Multiple casting and 8 chanting.

Eight types of magic circles filled his surroundings.

Even if he was able to respond to one magic, seven magics would target him.

The number of magic circles is 64.

Mamon giggled.

Hamper Wave

But contrary to Mamon’s expectations.

The ripples created around the galaxy distorted the magic circle.

Many of the magic circles were destroyed.

Gut…! But there are still!!

The magic recoil is coming.

Mamon managed to shake off the recoil and activated the rest of his magic.

The magic circle radiated light and flew towards the galaxy.


galaxies did not escape.

That didn’t stop it either.

A sub-space appeared before his eyes and he jumped straight into it.

And the galaxy appeared behind Mamon before he knew it.

Blast Cross

Invisible Tracker

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!!!

A spell cast at close range.

The sword strike of flame burned Mammon.

Mammon screamed in the fire.

Mamon’s ability is magic.

But I have the Providence of Ye-Kyung, which is compatible with magic.

Here, the providence of every mouth is added to create a synergistic effect.

It was the reason why Eunha ignorantly charged against Mamon.


Blaze Crasher

On the other hand, I took a lot of coordinates.

The galaxy opened a subspace.

It wasn’t easy to attack him as he was swallowed up in flames.

However, the galaxy was able to attack him freely using subspace.

Conversely, Mamon, who could not take any coordinates, could only defend.


Mammon screams.

He was a tough guy.

It was indeed a magician.

At first, the one who took great damage from the galaxy’s attack gradually began to have resistance.

It was Mamon’s characteristic.

From the second time on, you will have resistance to the magic you received once.

yes yes boy…!!

Furthermore, Mamon broke the magic.

The one who escaped from the continuous shelling quickly widened the distance.

The magician’s clothes were burned and his bare body was exposed.

It was not a human body.

Skin as if made of steel.

The one who spread the wings of the devil and flew up gasped for breath.

Sheesh I can’t help it. Pandaemonium has no choice but to give up.

His body was in tatters.

The arm was half off and tissue was scattered in the air.

While recovering his body, Mamon had no choice but to restore the power that turned the area into Pandaemonium into his body.

Pandemonium collapses.

The area is back to normal.

Demon-type monsters lost their power and started running away.

Mamon also turned around.

I will never forget today.

Mamon growled.

The galaxy did not pursue him.

The Wormhole

Blast Cross

still had coordinates.

The galaxy attacked Mammon by pouring an attack into subspace.


While healing his body, Mamon loses his balance in the air and falls.

He manages to give strength to his wings and soars high into the sky.

Eunha clicked her tongue.

I don’t know if it was Divine Crimson, but it wouldn’t work with Blast Cross. I want to pursue it, but I still can’t….

It was a situation that took up time while fighting with Mamon.

Besides Mamon, other demons should be causing terror right now.

We had to stop them from terrorizing them.

Eunha decided to contact the Clan Hall to find out the situation in Seoul.

Still, I’ve confirmed that with my current power, I can hit Mine.

Meanwhile, Eunha was relieved.

In previous lives, dozens of players had to gather to face one mine.

However, it could be said that it was a very encouraging achievement that he overpowered Mamon by himself.

It must have happened because Mamon didn’t get along well with me.

Anyway, he decided to stop the other demons from terrorizing him.

People may not be able to properly cope with the sudden terror.

Hyunah Seo.

[Is it because of what is happening now? The convocation order from the mana management organization has fallen, and the blue uncle and Han Chang-jin oppa have been put into the terrorist scene. Other clan members were also put in.]

Eun-ha called Han Seo-hyun.

Seohyun Han immediately told Eunha what she was curious about.

It was as expected of Eunha.

The terror of Samael Abaddon Lilith Beelzebuth Mastema took place.

Coincidentally, it is said that there were Pandora clan members at the site of their terror.

It is said that the Pandora Clan sent troops to rescue them.

Eunha frowned.

Is Seona dealing with Abaddon, Ariel and Illya dealing with Lilith, and Gayeon dealing with Samael?

It’s embarrassing…

There are three mines that the clan members are dealing with.

Even if they prioritized retreat rather than repulsion, they were running out of power to send their clan members to the three sites.

But I couldn’t help it.

I had to save the clan members who had encountered the demons even if it was too much.

[Just now, Yeonhwa unnie was also put in. They seem to have given up on their mission.]

…Thank God.

Soon, Eun-ha was relieved to hear that Ryu Yeon-hwa’s party was heading straight to the scene.

Han Chang-jin, Jinpa and Ryu Yeon-hwa.

It seemed like what would happen if the three people split their powers and put it into action.

But in case you don’t know, please support other clans as well.

[I’m still like that. Clans with jurisdiction in Seoul are also actively moving, so don’t worry.]

Huh…. Okay, okay. But Seohyun, was there any other terrorism?

[Another terror? No, 6 is over. Among them, I heard that the terrorist attack at the cemetery was stopped because of you.]

There were a total of 9 demons who caused terror in previous lives.

Even if it is assumed that in this life Belphegor died and became 8 people.

There were still two missing.

Armageddon and Agares.

Like last year’s encounter with the demons, the future has changed, so even if we assume there is no Agares, Armageddon is empty.

Armageddon, the leader of the demons.

Eun-ha paid attention to his actions.

Armageddon was the first time in a previous life—.

It was then.

Seohyun Han’s voice became urgent.

[I just got a call. They say that a new terrorism has been observed in Nowon-gu. According to the information, it’s an old man with a cane…]

It’s Armageddon.

Although it was delayed, he caused the same terror in this life.

i’ll go there Please contact me right there.

[Okay, good luck.]

Eunha spread her wings.

Nowon-gu Zenith Clan Hall.

Armageddon stood in front of the hall holding a staff.

The old man gave off such strong aura that people involuntarily felt fear.

Who are you to spread momentum in someone else’s front yard? Are they possibly related to the terrorists?


This was an obvious challenge.

The Zenith Clan members felt the momentum and took up their weapons and went out.

It was the same with Ji Yong-hyeon, the 12th seat of the Zenith Clan Road.

Sensing an uneasy aura, he intuited that he could not carelessly look at his opponent.


The old man smiled at the clan members who surrounded him in a circle.

This is this. It’s a little disappointing.



The old man tapped the floor with his cane.

Then one person fell.

The man who grabbed me by the neck collapsed and struggled.

The man passed away just like that.

It only touched the soul a little, but it died from something like this…

while the players were surprised.

The old man clicked his tongue.

Uh oh oh oh…

Eventually the fallen man got up.

It is necromantic.

Magic that controls the soul.

The faces of those who witnessed the taboo of Manahak were wary.

Ji Yong-hyeon saw the scene and stepped forward.

What is the purpose of your coming?

It’s a pretty good choice to figure out the opponent’s skill and judge that you can’t deal with it hastily. Sungwoon said he taught well.

…Nebula? Knowing Master…

what does that matter? The fact that I am your enemy anyway is an unchanging fact. ……. Did you ask what the purpose of your visit was? I’m here to see what the strength of the clan, said to be the strongest in the country, is. I wanted to see you more than anything.

The old man tore his mouth open.

The thicker energy began to take the breath of the clan members.

The nickname “The First Sword” has several meanings. It is said that there are < Yamma >, < Thunder God > and < Cardinal >, but you, who carry on the legacy of < Shinchang >, are the symbol of the people of this country. Maybe I should call it pride.


So you can clearly show it to the world. Just how strong the new race is. Above all else—.

-Your death will greatly reduce the morale of the people of the world.

Armageddon chuckled.

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