Reincarnation: Rogue Husband Here

Chapter 66

Chapter 66 - Bad News Spread Far and Wide

Lin Yuxing thought this person must be seriously unwell. Why would he go and apologize to others?

Ouyang Lian tried to grab the sleeve of the person in front of him but missed entirely. His face flushed red as he exclaimed, “Lin Yuxing, how can you be like this? If you don't speak up, my uncles' reputation will remain intact, and even my family's name won't be tarnished.”

His family's man was aiming to take the provincial graduate exam; how could he let the person in front of him ruin it? Many in town knew of their uncle's disgraceful deeds, so if people refused to send their children to the school, their income would naturally decrease.

Lin Yuxing found his words amusing. Perhaps this person had been sheltered for too long and could no longer distinguish right from wrong. “Let me reiterate: their actions are self-inflicted and have nothing to do with me.”

“If they were so concerned about what others would say, they shouldn't have committed such vile acts.”

If it were any other brother, they might not know what to do, and if the situation were severe, lives could be lost. In that case, there would be no need to take the provincial graduate exam; they would definitely end up in prison.

“Aren't you fine now? Why…” Ouyang Lian was cut off before he could finish.

“This has nothing to do with you. Why should I pay for your mistakes? Please step aside,” Lin Yuxing said, his dark eyes fixated on the brother in front of him. If he continued to block his way, Lin Yuxing wouldn't hesitate to act.

Ouyang Lian hesitated, slowly stepping aside. He had thought this person would listen to him, but instead, he ended up the one being wronged.

Lin Yuxing didn't even spare him a second glance. This kind of brother was fit only to be coddled in a wealthy household, and even then, the scraps from a rich person's table wouldn't be left for him.

Ouyang Lian returned to his wife's home, disheartened. Upon seeing his two sisters-in-law, he greeted them and then retreated to his room to hide.

Zhang Xiuyun curled his lips, “Sister-in-law, look at this new disciple. Not only did he not bring anything back, but he also gave us a sour face.”

Back when he returned to his mother's house, his mother-in-law at least gave him a piece of meat. But now, why didn't this younger brother have anything to offer? Even though his younger brother brought back meat, chickens, and eggs.

Lv Suyun laughed and said, “Just because he's a brother from the provincial capital, our mother is rich, and we're just brothers from the countryside.” The meaning was clear—they could never compare to the wealthy brothers.

Zhang Xiuyun scoffed at his words, “If he's so great, why didn't he even return the greeting? Our family may be poor, but at least we give gifts to show respect to our mother-in-law.”

Lv Suyun shrugged, not denying it. “Maybe the customs and habits in the provincial capital are different.” He wasn't fond of this new disciple either.

They had to rise early every day to work on the farm, yet this new disciple, and even the younger brother, did the same.

It should be enough to raise a scholar, so why did they still need to cook for his husband? They all had fathers; how could he expect to be so noble? If he wanted to live like a wealthy man, he shouldn't have married into the countryside.

When Ouyang Lian returned to his room, he began to sob, which made Xiang Qixuan, who was reading, a bit restless. Initially, he had planned to return to his room to discuss with his uncle whether they could move to town, but he never imagined something like this would happen.

In fact, he knew Lian was a brother from the provincial capital, and to leave a good impression, he hadn't mentioned it. But deep down, he knew Lian was from the provincial capital, and he tried to keep a good impression.

“Stop crying. Uncle also said that after some time, the school will reopen,” Xiang Qixuan said sincerely, putting down the book in his hand.

Ouyang Lian looked up at his husband, “It's all Lin Yuxing's fault; he caused my uncle and the others to end up like this.” Even though his uncle's tone was gentle, he knew it was distant. Otherwise, how could he not even prepare a return gift?

Xiang Qixuan recognized the name Lin Yuxing and knew who this troublemaker was. But they were the ones who tricked him into marriage, so he didn't dare reveal the truth. His reputation as an Elementary Scholar was at risk, but he couldn't cause trouble as too many eyes were watching.

Earlier, when he returned, his teacher wanted to block Lin Yuxing and the others, but he didn't object and instead returned home first.

“Uncle also said that this matter should be put to rest. Don't bring it up again,” Xiang Qixuan cautioned. He wasn't foolish; the more this was stirred up, the worse it would be for him. To avoid trouble, he focused on his studies at home.

Ouyang Lian still wanted to say something, but his husband continued, “Everyone has agreed to stay silent on this matter. Stop pestering Lin Yuxing, or people will say we're bullying him.”

Ouyang Lian lowered his head without saying a word. He felt that Xiang Qixuan had changed; before the wedding, he had been so gentle and listened to everything Ouyang said. Now, when Ouyang asked him to stop thinking about the matter, he didn't realize that this whole marriage scam was because of him. His uncle's reputation was ruined, but his husband just made a few offhand remarks.

His family's Ah Yao had died giving birth to him, so he had always treated his uncle like his own Ah Yao. Now, seeing him act like this made Ouyang's heart ache.

Zhang Xiuyun was the first to speak, “Ah Yao, since this younger brother is studying, it's fine, but we can't have him working in the fields. However, now that he's back home, shouldn't we do something?”

As soon as he said that, the atmosphere at the table turned cold, and Xiang Qixuan replied, “Second sister, he's still not familiar with village life. Let him adjust first.”

He naturally knew that teachers in the countryside had to work, but Lian had only been here a few days; it was unrealistic for him to take on work just yet. Besides, he still wanted to rely on his husband's family.

The provincial graduate was in the provincial capital, so they could take care of him when the time came, saving him a lot of trouble.

Zhang Xiuyun laughed, “Younger brother, you really care about your husband. We don't have an easy life ahead of us. Forget about just taking care of the children tonight; we have to wake up early every day.”

His words were clearly mocking Ouyang Lian for only knowing how to eat and drink, without doing anything. Everyone here was a son-in-law; why should he get to stay home and enjoy everything while they worked themselves to the bone?

“Alright, that's enough,” Lee Xiuyu scolded as she looked at them. “From now on, each of you will take turns cooking.”

“Mother-in-law, I…” He had never done this before, not even at his uncle's house, let alone in his own home, where a servant waited on him.

“What is it? Do you have any objections?” Lee Xiuyu glared at him as she asked. This son-in-law was really troublesome. She had originally thought that since he had brought so many gifts to his parents, he would at least reciprocate. In the end, they returned empty-handed, with nothing left.

Ouyang Lian looked at his husband with teary eyes, but the latter slightly turned his head away. He had already pleaded for him before, but since the two sister-in-laws were unhappy, he had no choice.

So, the matter was settled. Aside from Ouyang Lian, who felt cold inside, everyone else was in a good mood.

Lin Yuxing and Xiang Tian rested after dinner, and the next morning, Xiang Tian took Yu to see Yue Niu.

The price of the cow was around 5 taels of silver, which was considered cheap. If they were to buy it in town, it would cost at least 6 taels of silver, so they headed to Lee Village.

Lin Yuxing and the others examined the bull; it was strong, well-built, and in good condition, so they didn't haggle over the price and bought it.

“Isn't this Yu? What? Oh my, you're actually married?” Just as Xiang Tian and Lin Yuxing were leading their cow out of Lee Village, a discordant voice called out.

The veins on Lin Yuxing's forehead throbbed. He had already found Lee Village somewhat familiar, but after hearing that voice, he finally remembered who it was.

“Kid, you even wanted my brother to cancel his engagement with you, do you really have no one else to marry?” Lee Su quickly walked over to them, smiling at Xiang Tian.

Her brother's hair bun was completely different from Teacher Xu's. She had previously heard that Lin Yuxing had married an Elementary Scholar, but later it seemed he had tricked Lin Yuxing into marrying an “orphan.”

Xiang Tian's face darkened. “Aunt, please watch your words.”

He knew his brother's engagement had been annulled, so naturally, he didn't have any good feelings toward this family. He never thought they were actually from Lee Village and would run into them while buying cows.

Lee Su shrieked and then said sharply, “You're defending your husband just like that? But you're right. A boy without any family can only marry a brother like this…”

“Aunt, didn't your son marry a rich man's brother? So why are you, mother-in-law, still in the countryside?” Lin Yuxing retorted, making Lee Su's face turn ugly.

“Oh right, I forgot. I thought you were just a country bumpkin woman, so they left you in the city, didn't they?” The youth continued to mock her rudely.

This was Lee Su's greatest pain, but now someone had exposed it, causing her to feel deeply wounded.

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