Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer

Chapter 159: Trade Secret

A few minutes had gone by, and thanks to Xu Fg's amazing massaging skills, he managed to convince Fiona to give out the borrowed weapons for free.

At the same time, he ev got a bargain to purchase some more in the Storage Room with a 30 perct discount.

Although the equipmt was stashed in the Storage Room, that didn't mean the equipmt wasn't useful or anything.

It was just that there wer't many people who required them, plus, the materials used to craft them wer't cheap either.

Thus, it was only natural that Xu Fg needed to pay ough money to cover the material and time losses in forging them.

"It seems like the 5 gold coins you returned to me might be going back to your wallet sooner or later, Fiona." Xu Fg teasingly jokes, dropping the politess completely now that they are on fridly terms.

He glanced at the new try of the rapport status and was satisfied.

Rapport Status with NPC: Fiona Forgefire (Blacksmith)

Currt Rapport Level: Fridly

Rect Interactions:

-Completed the materials gathering in a swift time.

-Improved satisfaction by providing her Pyrite Drake corpses.

-An ongoing commission for a Growth-Type weapon.


-Blacksmith Fiona seemed to have tak a liking to you despite your cunningness.

-Wh requesting Fiona to forge something for you, the chances of her accepting it are high, as well as discounts being applied.

Who would have thought Fiona would be the first NPC to be the fridly level in the rapport status?

He had interacted with Receptionist Sandy and Herbalist Elias as well, but still, their rapport level remained Amicable.

'As expected of frank people like Fiona. So honest and straightforward.' Xu Fg thought.

People like Fiona are to be respected and admired. After all, it saved him tons of effort in trying to gain their trust.

Not to mtion, they are rarely the type that would backstab you, making them the ideal type to be frids with.

"Anyway, the price tag of the Storage Room equipmt is labeled on the shelves. So if you do decide to get them, just do the discount calculation yourself and place the money on the table." Fiona said and promptly picked up her hammer, seemingly ready to resume her forge.

"Huh? She's just going to let us pay without inspecting it?" Zhao Kai whispered to Xu Fg, dumbfounded by her arrangemt.

Without personally checking if the price was correct, they could easily get away scot-free. Not to mtion, they could store more equipmt behind her back and feign ignorance afterward.

"Hahaha," Xu Fg suddly laughed before wrapping his arm a Zhao Kai's neck and bringing him to the Storage Room.

Once they were further in the room, he warned sternly, "Control your mouth, and don't ev think about cheating her."

"I wasn't thinking about cheating on her." Feeling wronged, Zhao Kai was just trying to warn Fiona that other bad people might cheat her.

As if he was going to do something sneaky like this and get into her bad mood. The hammer nearly killing him was still vivid in his memory.

"She's not that naive," Xu Fg rolled his eyes.

"It's because she trusts me that she allowed me to do it personally. Otherwise, you think she would just let random people check in and check out themselves?"

Due to their currt rapport level relationship as fridly, Fiona was placing her trust in him.

However, that didn't mean he could relax because one wrong move and the rapport level could easily decrease tremdously.

Rapport-level relationships are never static but dynamic. Each and every one of your actions could easily alter the relationship.

"Anyway, just pick some more equipmt that is to your liking. I bet you have a lot that you wanted to choose but couldn't last time." Xu Fg adjusted his glasses and said, picking up a few armor pieces to inspect.

"Are you paying for me?" Zhao Kai asked cheekily, his hands rubbing together somewhat sinisterly.

"Consider it as my departure gift to you. So pick wisely on what can help you in your advture and mission alone."

"Alright th."

Without ev speaking any further, Zhao Kai already dashed away to other shelves, finding his precious equipmt that he couldn't choose last time. "Haha, this boot is mine." Zhao Kai held the boot in joy and hurriedly changed into it. "Oh, and these armor sleeves could protect me as well."

Helpless, Xu Fg shook his head and allowed him to do as he pleased.

'Sigh, I knew that Kai had a lot of things he wanted.' He waited nearly half an hour last time wh Zhao Kai was fully immersed in the Storage Room.

So how could he not know that he was struggling and debating which one to choose?

Moving on, Xu Fg decided to choose a dect staff for once. After the brawl with the Pyrite Drakes, it was a wake-up call for him to choose a greater attribute staff.

'The beginner staff isn't bad, but the attack power is just too low.' Xu Fg furrowed his brow, wanting to find a staff that had higher attack power.

Aside from weapons, he also needed new armor to increase his defses.

That way, he wouldn't run out of mana quickly from healing himself too much.

"By the way, Fg. Wh did you have 50 gold coins?" Zhao Kai suddly asked.

Ever since he heard the conversion rate of the gold coins to real-life currcy, he was astounded by his wealth.

He couldn't ask earlier because of Fiona's presce, but now that they were alone here, he found the opportunity to inquire.

Zhao Kai thought he would get an answer, but to his dismay, Xu Fg remained tight-lipped and cheeky.

"It's a trade secret," Xu Fg responded, not disclosing the information.

"Huh, what kind of trade secret made you rich by 50 gold coins higher?" Zhao Kai exclaimed in shock. To his knowledge, the currt wealthy player in the ranking only had gold coins, and that person was Gtle Wind.

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