Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 220 Scandalous

Gu Shangyan had a competition today and for that, he had to make a model. Sometimes, he wished that his model was as good as the grades he got in the exam. He knew that he hadn’t done well in the competition and so he was returning home with a cold and bitter look on his face.

Instead of going straight home, he took a detour and walked to the famous park near his home. Since it was daytime, he knew the park would be empty as it was crowded in the morning or evening. He headed towards his favourite spout there, which was the bridge made on the artificial lake. He liked to see swans in clusters. This place was somewhere he usually came when he was extra down.

As he was watching the beautiful scene standing on the bridge on the lake, he heard a scream. Before he could understand what was going on, he saw a figure running at a blinding speed towards him and after the figure was a barking dog.

“Help! Help! Help!”

The running person climbed onto the bridge and the dog was behind her. She tried to jump on him to save herself from the dog but before anything, Gu Shangyan lightly pushed the person. He intentionally didn’t try to push her away. It was just a reflex action on his part. The things or person coming at a fast speed when pushed into another thing or person, created a hurtful collision. Instead of saving her first, the physics lesson came into his head.

He took a step back holding his architecture model as if keeping him and the model safe and the girl fell into the lake with a thump.

The dog barked at the drowning girl who was shouting like a madwoman.

“Save me! Help me! Someone help me please!”Yoona shouted at the top of her lungs. Too bad, there was no one to listen to her cries for help.

Gu Shangyan, who looked at the girl drowning in water, quickly walked down the bridge to the lakeside to help her. He didn’t want to wet his clothes and get sick. He found a long pole that someone might have used for fishing here and extended its one end towards her.

“Take this, ” Gu Shangyan said in concern.

Yoona gritted her teeth when she saw who was helping her. She held onto the pole and pulled it towards her which caused him, who was holding it tightly to fall into the water along with her..

Take it, asshole!

“What the —” Beep Beep.

Gu Shangyan looked at her angrily. “What did you do?”

“Well, tit for tat!” Yoona smiled sarcastically.

“I was trying to help you, woman, ” Gu Shangyan told this woman.

“Don’t call me, woman, ” Yoona said in an angry loud voice.

“Alright, I was trying to help you, man, ” Gu Shangyan said as if it was no big deal.

“You–You–” Yoona had no words for this annoying boy who always put her in trouble whenever she met him. The first time she met him, he disturbed her while reading the book and everyone knew that if she got disturbed once while reading the book and she stopped it, she could never pick it up again.

“You didn’t help me when I needed it, ” Yoona said in a complete sentence this time.

“Well, I was just trying to save myself from the after-effects of kinetic energy, ” Gu Shangyan muttered to himself.

Yoona splashed water on him and he cried.

“Just what on this earth are you trying to do, woman?” Gu Shangyan asked.

“Deal with the aftereffects of hydro energy, ” She said with a wide smile.

“Hey! Who is bathing in the lake again! How many times do we have to tell you that this is not for skinny-dipping!” The guard shouted as he ran towards the lake.

“Run, ” Gu Shangyan asked in a low voice.

“What?” Yoona was still clueless.

“Run! If we are found, they will think we are doing something scandalous here, ” Gu Shangyan said as she grabbed her skinny arm and dragged her out of the water.

“What? Why would I be doing something scandalous in a small lake in a public Park?” Yoona asked in confusion. “Most importantly, why would I be doing something scandalous with you? Eww.”

Gu Shangyan gave her a look and she shut her mouth.

“I know you look like a freaking teenage version of Yang Yang but I am more of a Lee Min-Ho girl, ” Yoona tried to tell him.

“If you don’t want to spend the night at the police locker, run!” Gu Shangyan said for the last time.

“What?!!” Before she could say anything more, she was running with him. They didn’t realise how they were holding each other’s hands and running together.

Since the park was big enough to not be caught, they hid behind the bushes.

“Do you think we will be caught?” Yoona asked in a whisper as she looked at the teenage boy who was drenched just like her.

“The probability of something happening like is 50-50–“

“Wait, first kinetic energy is now probability. Can you talk in human language?” Yoona asked her in irritation.

Gu Shangyan blinked his eyes and pointed his finger at him, “I’m not talking in human language?”

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ “No!” Yoona said with a scoff.

“Maybe you should have paid attention to classes in school and you wouldn’t have to be confused with human language, ” Gu Shangyan said with a straight face.

Yoona was rendered speechless. She realized that she wasn’t a match for this boy at all. She would rather focus on calming her inner soul and ask the universe to provide her with a lot of patience at the moment. This made her wonder why she was engaging in the argument with him in the first place? She hated bickering and arguments in the first place. Why would she engage in any kind of verbal fight with him?

Also her after five minutes…

“Hey, is the guard gone now?” Yoon asked as she poked his cheek with her finger.

Gu Shangyan gave her a cold look and she withdrew her finger and used it to pick up her nose.

“Why don’t you check yourself?” Gu Shangyan asked her.

“I want to but I don’t want to get caught, ” Yoona said in a small voice.

“Wow, what kind of logic is it?” Gu Shangyan asked with a sarcastic smile.

Yoona looked at the grass on the ground and pulled it with her finger as she muttered, “If you had saved me then, I wouldn’t have been caught in such an embarrassing situation.”

“Excuse me?” Gu Shangyan reacted in disbelief. “If you hadn’t dashed towards me like a mad woman on the run, you wouldn’t have fallen in the lake. Not only this, you even pulled me into the lake with you when I was only trying to help you.”

“I wasn’t running like a mad woman on purpose, ” Yoona argued. “The dog was running after me. If I hadn’t run, it would have caught me and I would be in the hospital, getting a rabies shot. As someone who got them in childhood, let me tell you, the experience is horrible.”

“Dare I ask, why was the dog running after you?” Gu Shangyan asked.

“Look I was reading a book in peace while walking to this amazing shady place, ” Yoona narrated. “I had no intention of stepping on its tail. It was completely unintentional. You have to believe me I didn’t want to hurt the dog. It’s just…the universe is plotting against me.”

“Do you think the Universe is idle enough to plot against you?” Gu Shangyan snorted.

Yoona hugged her legs and placed her head on them as she said in a whisper, “If it wasn’t plotting against me, why would I be here? I don’t even like this country. I had to leave my studies, school and a few friends who talk to me just to come to this horrid place where no one likes me. I can’t even ask my parents when we are going back home because it means wishing my grandfather would die soon.”

Gu Shangyan could not imagine why someone would hate this beautiful country. Even An Xiulan who spent all her life in USD loved China.

“Where is your home?” Gu Shangyan asked her in a soft voice.

“London, ” She replied.

He snorted. “You are hating this country for the one where the sun plays hide and seek with you all your life?”

“Hey, I will get offended by it. I’m British, ” Yoona said with a huff.

“You don’t look like one to me, ” Gu Shangyan said.

“Why am I talking to you in the first place?” Fiona muttered to herself.

“Right back at you, ” He retorted.

“I seriously want to beat you up now, ” Yoona had an urge to beat him. Her nose flared and she pulled her wet sleeves to form a punching posture.

Gu Shangyan didn’t know why but this scene looked very cute to him. He couldn’t stop his lips from twitching at this sight.

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