Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 215 Rare scene

Yang Mei knew that she was a born musician. It was a world where Idols were more popular than real musicians. She was offered Idol deals and she was assured that she would be a global hit if she joined a particular girl group but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to live that life. It wasn’t cut out for her.

She was a born musician. It didn’t matter if she was not a big celebrity. She was happy with what she was.

“It will be a shame if a star like you doesn’t shine brighter like it’s always meant to be, “Lu Xuan ended up saying. He didn’t mean to give her opinion but it was a slip of tongue.

Yang Mei ended up smiling at his words. “Have anyone ever told you that you are too nice sometimes with your words?”

“My sister says I’m a bitter guard, “Lu Xuan shrugged.

“I met your sister, “Yang Mei said..

“You know my sister?” Lu Xuan asked her, surprised.

Yang Mei chuckled. “Everyone knows An Xiulan. It was later I found out you are our school celebrity’s brother.”

“Don’t call her celebrity, “Lu Xuan groaned. “It will get to her head.”

Yang Mei chuckled. “It must be fun to have siblings, right? I’m an only child and it gets lonely sometimes.”

Lu Xuan sighed as if he was the most distressed being in the world. “When you have three siblings, it’s always a party at home. My older brother, Gu Shangyan is our third parent, always on our heads to complete assignments. You can say that having an older brother is not good at all. They will force you to study until you are topper like them. If you have only one sister and two brothers, then you should not expect attention because as the most pampered member of the family, she gets it. Last but not the least, don’t ever get a toddler baby brother especially if he is your sister’s sidekick.”

Yang Mei laughed at his reaction. One might feel that he was tired of his siblings but she could feel a swell of pride in his voice. He might look distressed while talking about his siblings but she could feel his immense love for his family.

“I would still say that having loving siblings is a blessing, “Yang Mei said. “They share responsibility and problems. I wish I had another sibling.”

“Actually, you are right, “Lu Xuan said. He couldn’t imagine his life without his siblings. As annoying and frustrating as his big family could be at times, he loved them a lot.

Meanwhile, on Gu Shangyan’s side, he was in the library when he stumbled upon a rare scene. He saw a tall girl sitting on the ladder, reading a book. He blinked his eyes when he looked at the title of the book. Wasn’t it a controversial book written by a German author about Hitler? He was surprised how someone even get their hands on this book?

“Excuse me–”

Before he could say a word, the girl waved her hand as if she was swatting a fly.

“I need to get a book, “Gu Shangyan said this time. He was trying to be as respectful as possible. It was difficult for him to talk to someone when he was studying. This girl was only wasting his time.

“Dude, do not disturb me!” The girl said without bothering to look at him as she ruffled her short hair. She was rocking a boyish haircut.

“Fine, “Gu Shangyan coldly said. “Don’t mind when your bum hits the floor.”

“What the fudge!” She cursed as she turned her gaze to look at him. She was left speechless when she saw such a handsome boy having such a lethal vocabulary. She jumped down the ladder and stood proudly to him as she pulled her cuffs up. “What’s your problem? I was reading something important. “

“Not my problem, “Gu Shangyan said as he pushed the ladder to get a book from the shelf.

“Just an advice– next time be gentle to girls, “The girl advised him nicely.

Gu Shangyan gave her a blank look. “You are a girl?”

“You!” She had a dire urge to beat him but she didn’t know how to. Could she just strangle him! It wasn’t her fault that she didn’t develop anything apart from her long legs in her teenage years.

Her mom was right. If she dressed up as a girl and not a boy, people would not mistake her for a boy. She was already awkward with her tall height and skinny figure and now this boy made her even more insecure.

She stomped on her feet and sat on the desk. She wouldn’t give him the opportunity to mock her more. It was not in her control that she was an awkward tall teenage girl with no other development in any body part. Moreover, she was a freaking tomboy.

Gu Shangyan’s eyes fell on the crestfallen look on her face. He couldn’t understand what he did to make the girl so sad. If his sister found out that he made a girl sad, she would scold him. Since he couldn’t understand what he did, he fired a text to An Qinyan and explained her the entire episode.

Before he could type more, his phone rang.

“Gu Shangyan! Is that what we teach you? Do you know what you did wrong?” An Qinyan burst as soon the phone connected. “You made the girl insecure about her looks. Girls are awkward in this age especially if they are taller and skinnier than average girls. Not all girls with that body proportions feel like supermodel. Your words just hit her most sore point.”

“What do I do?” Gu Shangyan panicked. It was not his intention. He hated mocking someone for their looks.

“You apologise to her, “An Qinyan told him.

“Okay, “Gu Shangyan said. As he turned his gaze to find the girl, she was nowhere to be found. He ran out of the library but she was gone. How does he ask for an apology now?

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