Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 169 New teacher

Sir Yun Shao, An Xiulan’s new teacher, was a man in his fifties. He looked too fit and elegant for a man in his fifties whose career had been ruined. Or that was what people used to say behind his back.

An family was waiting in the living room when he arrived wearing a three-piece suit, a hat on his head and a cane in his hand.

“Mr Yun, this is Miss An, ” Gu Yanxi made the introductions as soon as the man arrived.

Sir Yun Shao looked at An Qinyan from head to toe, narrowing his eyes. It was as if he was going to read every line on her face. He finally opened his mouth and said, “If this is the candidate, I’m out. I have no patience for a woman as old as her to understand that Miss China is not for them.”

It would not be the first time that he had come across such a woman. In his career, he had seen a variety of women taking all kinds of means to participate in this kind of beauty pageant.

“I think there is a misunderstanding, ” An Qinyan let out an awkward laugh. “I’m not the candidate. My sixteen years old daughter is.” Taking a pause, she added, “There she is.”.

As she turned to let Mr Yun see the view behind her, he saw a teenage girl descending down the stairs holding two cats in her arms, her gaze on him. He was still assessing her when the cats jumped out of her arms and she fell from the last step on her face.

The cats jumped on An Xiulan’s head and ran to Lu Xuan’s room.

An Qinyan’s eyes widened and she ran to see if her daughter was hurt. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt. Only a small bump on her head.

“What were you doing?” An Qinyan sighed. Her daughter….why couldn’t she spend a day without getting hurt?

“I was casually walking and then…” An Xiulan didn’t know what to say. She made a fool in front of her teacher. Ugh, she wished to bury her face somewhere and cry in embarrassment. Why god? Why?

“As long as you aren’t hurt, ” An Qinyan said and helped her to get up.

Mr Yun looked at An Xiulan and gave a look to Gu Yanxi who just smiled in return. He couldn’t forget how this man forced her to come here. Even if he were to express his dissatisfaction with this girl, he couldn’t. His stupid son got involved in cryptocurrency and wasted all of his savings. He had no choice but to say yes to this man. His costume shop would be auctioned by the bank if he didn’t pay back the debt his wastrel son had created for him.

“We can start the practice, ” Mr Yun announced. “Where is the practice room?”

The servants took them to the room where An Xiulan used to practice.

“What’s your name?” Mr Yun asked the girl.

“My name is An Xiulan, ” An Xiulan replied with a smile.

“Aren’t you too small to participate?” Mr Yun asked as he looked at the girl’s height.

“I’m more than one hundred and sixty-five centimetres, sir,” An Xiulan replied. There are some people who despite having a fair height looked small and she was one of those people.

Mr Yun stared at her and walked around her looking at her body. “Stand erect!”

An Xiulan followed the order.

“You have a terrible posture, “Mr Yun said and shook his head. ” You have belly fat. You don’t walk like a beauty queen. Your language is not elegant enough. You aren’t elegant enough.”

It was as if someone had pricked a needle into the balloon and she shrunk like that balloon. She had been practising so hard for months only to hear this?

“Warm up for a minute and then stand up in tree pose, ” Mr Yun said before he walked out of the room. “Stay in that position until I come back.”

An Xiulan followed his orders and stood in a tree pose. After having fun for an entire week, her legs were shaking while she was in that position. It wasn’t even thirty seconds of her standing in that position when she fell on her butt. Ouch. The embarrassment! She looked here and there in hopes that nobody saw her but as her eye fell out of the window, Han Zixin was sitting on his balcony looking at her while holding a bowl of popcorn in his hands.

She pouted and stood back in the tree posture. Her legs were shaking, and sweat was dripping from her face but she held on.

While she was standing in misery, he was seeking pleasure in her misery.

How could she forget that her best friend was her biggest enemy too?

When An Xiulan was standing in misery, Mr Yun was having a talk with the chefs in the kitchen.

“What is An Xiulan’s diet?” He inquired.

“Miss An’s diet is strictly controlled by the nutritionist, ” The chef said with a smile. “For Missy, we only cook what her nutritionist recommends. Nothing else.”

“Does she follow it?” Mr Yun asked. The girl’s body didn’t look like the one who followed her diet regularly and diligently. Something was missing.

“Yes, our Missy has a great control over her diet, ” The chef said with a proud smile. “Ever since the old teacher told her to control her eating habit, she had been eating very little. Only the said amount in breakfast, lunch and dinner. She hadn’t purchased sweets that she liked in a long time and neither did she touch the snacks we bought for the young master.”

What the chef didn’t know at this moment was how Mise An Xiulan would eat at Han Zixin’s house before the meal time. The snacks and chocolates that she used to buy were now all sponsored by her chasers.

Of course, she followed her diet but only at home. And everyone knew where she spent most of her time.

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