Reincarnated into a Werewolf, the Demon Lord Servants


Capturing the Trading City Ryun (prologue)

I didnt remember my previous life. Not that I feel the need to remember it.

My current name is Raito. Everyone shouldnt worry much about how to pronounce it, since Im now a demon.

(Tl note: his name is called Vu~aito but It is impossible to leave it like that right? Ahahaha)

Raito-san, the infiltration is complete.

Alright, the advance team has sent the signal. White assault team, wait for my instruction.

Im now a werewolf race, a demon that is able to transform from human form into a wolf form. Before the transformation, Im looked similar to my previous life. However when I transformed, Im a black werewolf that is feared by human. Im confident that I look cool. I wonder, in many races to reincarnated, I hit the jackpot to be reincarnated into this race.

The current me is a servant of the demon lord. Demon lord army third division commander. That is my title now. It may not be much but I lead several people under me. I have fifty six people were wolf to command and two hundreds Inu race engineer loaned from another division.

The mission given to me is to attack a frontier trading city. It is surrounded by walls and the population is around three thousand people. The city is called Ryun castle.

Right now I will attack the city from the forest on the back. Currently Im overlooking the city at the bottom of the hill. The Inu race messenger now is giving me live report.

The enemy stationed is around two hinder people and patrolling around the city.

Is that info reliable?

The messenger that looked like a beagle then puzzled.

The info is reported from the wolf corps that is infiltrating the city. I cant confirm it with my own eye.

That is true.

However I need to be sure since the mission given to me is not annihilation. My mission is taking control.

While walking, I issued an intstruction.

All Inu corps, began to march, were starting the mission.

After the messenger conveyed the order, we began to walk towards the city. On top of the wall, there are guards monitoring all the time. Although they wont notice that Im a demon from my appearance alone. I didnt look any different from normal human boy. My look is like a teenager boy with black hair.

The guard with a simple helmet and short spear in hand stopped me when I arrived.

You there, I couldnt see your face.

My face is hidden while I am carrying luggage.

Ah sorry about that, Im here to deliver some toys to the shop.

I take out from the boxes, a small whistle in the shape of the bird. I blow on it and a silly supyorororo sound is emitted.

That is funny.

Isnt it interesting?

Seeing me smile, the guard smiled too.

Alright, you may come in.

Thank you very much.

Just when the gate is opened, a noisy sound can be heard.

There are monsters!


It comes from a peddler group inside the town.

There are monsters?

The guards then looked confused before regained his sense.

They looked like dogs. Their face is those of a dog and they carried weapon.

There are a lot of them.

Quick, you need to help.

The guards then looked at each other and immediately do what they have to do.

Ring the bell three times.

Ill contact the other gates guard.

Ill close down the gates. Everyone enter!

Although the travelers that are lining up to enter the city are panicked, the guards on the other hand seemed to be well trained. There is no wasted motion, leadership, morale, they are good.

Upon entering the town, I take out another whistle and blow on it. The sound couldnt be heard by normal humans but for the werewolf, it is clear as day. It is a sign to move to the next stage. Without anyone being suspicious of me, I headed towards the city square in the center slowly. After a while, there is another commotion.

Theres the monster!

Its demon dogs!

Of course it was the werewolf corps that has infiltrated in advance. They seemed to have started their action.

However there are still guards that is watching from on top of the wall. They conveyed another information.

The city, it is surrounded by demons too!

Another dog monsters.

Guard, dont worry, stand firm.

Can the guard protect us?

Surely, there is Inu race that looked like cute dogs, but my race is werewolf. Were demons, not monsters.

After confirming that the time is right, I also transformed. I take a deep breath and shouted Uooo loudly.

Of course, transforming to my werewolf form is exhilarating. My strength increased tenfold, moods uplifting, this is exciting. Of course the people around me didnt think so.


AAAh, another one!

Seeing the people around me fell into panic, I can only smile and showed my fangs in the progress sending some intimidation.

(ps: as I said this is double chapter post,, yeay)

Capturing the Trading City Ryun (part II)

Dont worry, I wont eat you.

However no one listened as I left alone. The people are busy fleeing from me. Casually, I jumped to the top of a building. It was only three stories high but I was able to overlook the city.

As planned, the werewolf corps has surrounded the count mansion. Only a few guards surrounding it so it looks pitiful.

I said that they should hold back and didnt kill but I wonder

Werewolf strength is difficult to hold back.

I run along the roof and approached them. Just in time when the reinforcements guard arrived.

Protect the count.


Soldier incoming with their sword brandished at me. I only need to kick lightly to the one on my back and turn my body around. I blocked a sword with one arm and shove it away. Since even my claw could mistakenly kill them, I only send a light jab to incapacitate them.

Is it too much?

With a leg sweep, I send another three guards on the ground. I can hear their bones creaking; Ill make sure to treat them later. While thinking so, I talk to the five people.

Ill treat you later, for now just go to sleep.

When I look towards the mansion again, I noticed that there is a room on the second floor that appeared to be the master bedroom. I break in trough the window that the thickness isnt able to block me.

I examined the room and sure enough this should be the counts room.


I was surprised since what I saw there is only a woman. Around twenty years old, dressed like a man, with a saber hung down from the waist. There are no other people escorting her. My ear and nose didnt detect any other presence inside or outside the room.

I have to be careful so this isnt mistaken as sarcasm while bowed.

I am the demon lord army third division leader, Raito. Are you perharps Count Airia-dono?

Yes. Count Airia nodded. I can tell her lip is trembling and couldnt say any other words. Although she isnt suitable to act as an emperor, at least she is the perfect vessel for us to use. At least, her appearance is above me. Now we will begin the negotiation.

Our army has taken control of the city and we have surrounded it too. Any resistance would be meaningless. Therefore I will be asking you to surrender.


This city, Ryun is such a strategic point. Therefore we hope this could be the first alliance city. I think my words means nothing for her.

Just kill me.

Although she said that, she is frightened and her whole body is trembling.

That was expected. As I am a werewolf, I could easily tear up knights in armor, whats the trouble in breaking such a delicate lady. I take a step forward but she still shows her hostility.

For the honor of the family name, I choose to die fighting. Now, taste my sword.

She put her hand on her waist and takes out her saber in a hurry. But she barely holds it as she is engulfed in fear.

I,I, am the count of the city

Even if she drawn her sword, this is still couldnt be called a battle. I bare my fangs and howled.

The window glasses tremble and broken into pieces. At that moment, she screamed and dropped the saber.

I will not surrender

No matter how hard you try, your enemy is a werewolf. If it was the old me, I wont even raise a finger against you but I have a mission.

I am now moving closer to the count that is sitting on the ground.

Do you think you could defeat a werewolf with such saber? Even if you defeated me, do you think you can save this city? Give up.

Airia then with trembling hands pick up a saber and pointed it towards herself.

If thats the case

Wait, wait, wait!

I urgently moved and seized the saber from her hand. She is ridiculous.

There is no point even if you committed suicide. Cant you use your head a little bit more?


She is now looking at me puzzled like an idiot. Maybe she was shocked because I use such words.

You know, the demon lord army only wants to take over of the town. We have no intention of hurting anyone. Do you understand that far?


Like a child, Airia nodded.

Were going to dominate humans, but we dont want to kill them nor enslaved them. Thats is why we still need the leader.

Do you mean me as the count?

Yes, in order to prevent confusion we just need you to compromise. You will surrender and cooperate with the demon lord army. At some extent, you can make request to us in return.

Are you telling the truth? If you guarantee the citizen safety, then I accept the offer.

You have to be thankful that this city take over plan is entrusted to me. You can imagine if Beelzebub is the one who come. Dont worry, I guarantee it.

Airia stood up and held out her hand. Is she asking for her saber? I returned it and she accepted it with both hand, however she held out her hands again.

I am, Airia Ryutte Aindorf, the count of Ryun city, officially surrendered to the demon lord army. I am thankful for your generous offer.

Thats a deal then.

Thus, the plan to take control of the city ended smoothly.

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