Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Chapter 149 Those With Skin That Flickers (2)

"We do not know this army you speak of, and we do not accept help from outsiders," the creature responded just as bluntly, its skin still flickering as it attempted to camoflage.

It was obvious that these creatures were not going to trust him easily, and quite frankly he didn't have time to be forcing issues right now. So for now having them take advantage of their operation was all he was aiming to accomplish.

"By tonight your enemies will be in turmoil, I will hand them to you on a silver platter. All you have to do is lead your armies straight towards their base, the rest I shall take care of. Once a blue light pulsates from the moon, you will know it is done," Lucius replied after some thought.

"You speak of the moon's wrath as if you are its herald. What authority do you have to say that such a thing will happen? Even the king's shamans do not claim to know such a thing," one of the creatures shouted in outrage, his comrades shushing him a moment too late.

"The moon's wrath?" Lucius asked, a little amused at the fact they were calling his little party trick that.

"You're right, I am its herald. I am the herald of both the sun and the moon," Lucius claimed. It had worked for the shrooms, could it not work for these creatures as well?

Funny enough a few of the creatures broke out into laughter, while some of them just stared at him with incredulous gazes.

"The sun will melt the skin of your body and the moon will erase you from this forest. To claim such a thing," one of them said mid laughter. It would seem they now perceived him more as a lunatic than an enemy to be wary of.

"W-What is your name, mighty herald of the sun and moon?" the leader of the creatures asked.

Lucius thought for a moment, if these creatures had a concept of names like the shroom golems, wouldn't that mean that 'Lucius' would also be seen as a weak name?

"My name is Havon," Lucius said finally, taking on the moniker that Crenog had given him.

This only served to make the creatures laugh even more, even those who had once looked at him in shock broke into laughter.

"Blasphemy," one of them said mid-laughter. "To name yourself after one of the gods of the forest. So... Havon... you would have us believe you have the ability to send our enemies into turmoil?" the creature asked after.

"It will be done, just alert your higher-ups," Lucius replied, before recalling his crux, and galloping back toward the others. Right now they weren't taking him seriously, it would be a waste of breath to continue the conversation.

~Gods of the forest huh? So even these creatures have some sort of creation theory involving the Fae? I wonder if all creatures of the forest have some sort of version... if so, then perhaps it might be easier to unite them after all,~ Lucius thought to himself as the wind lashed against his face.

Once he got back to the others he found that the chieftains and Hannibal were well into their work, having already completed the foundations. Right now they were merely discussing whether they had gotten it right or not.

Alpha on the other hand was still quite far from completing his task. Of course, Lucius had expected as much since it was quite a large task for a single being. However, there was another reason as to why he was taking so long.

"I didn't tell him about shovels," Lucius whispered under his breath, slightly annoyed at how careless he had been. It seemed that Alpha had been digging the hole with his claws all this time, in which case the amount of work he had done was quite surprising.

"Oi, Alpha," Lucius called out as he jumped down from the tree he was hiding in.

"Ahh so it was you," Hannibal called out, sighing in relief. It would seem that Alpha and Pagan had sensed him too as their bodies visibly relaxed.

~Were they watching me as well?~ he thought to himself.

"We were getting ready to fight, but when we sensed that there was no... anger in you, we decided to see how it plays out," Hannibal explained.

"Anger, huh?" Lucius whispered to himself. Perhaps he meant killing intent. That was something that Lucius was always able to pick up, even back on Earth he had a feel for when someone was about to attack him, like a warrior's sixth sense.

"Very good, that was good decision-making," he commented before walking towards Alpha.

"I apologizefor not showing you this sooner," he said, pointing towards the remaining clumps of mushroom and willing a small stream towards him. He then fashioned it into a shovel with a massive bottom blade.

"This is called a shovel, and it can be used to dig way faster," he explained, before thrusting the shovel deep into the earth and digging out a large chunk of dirt.

"Ahh," Alpha whispered, before calling on some mushrooms and creating a similar one after carefully inspecting Lucius's. In just 15 minutes he cleared two times more than he had done in the past hour.

"So did we do it right?" Hannibal came to ask as Alpha and Lucius took a break. Lucius looked at the foundations they had built, and held his right arm out, morphing the parts they had gotten wrongly into their rightful positions.

"Yeah, that should be right, you can begin building the walls. Remember, make them as thin as structurally possible," he instructed, before getting up to continue his work.

It took about 3 hours before all the initial preparations had been completed. The overall structure of the 'dummy' settlement had been perfected, and the ditch they were building was even deeper than they had hoped for which was a good thing.

"Okay boys, let's pack up. I'll send the others from the Fabrication department to finish up the finer details," he said, noticing that everyone was burnt out.

"A good rest under the... Radiant Tree should fix us right up," Alpha commented as they packed up.

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