Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Dormant Dragon Now Stretches (4) >

The onlookers couldn’t comprehend the current situation at all.

Clearly, it was Theo’s sword that had broken.

This meant there was a significant gap in skill and strength between them.

Yet, Wellington had declared defeat?

Could it be that Theo was exhausted from the previous duel and responded in humility—

“That’s not it, you idiots.”

The onlookers’ thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a voice from behind.

Hurriedly, they turned their gazes backward.

Step. Step.

“Evelyn… the Supervisor?”

Those who recognized her were startled.

It wasn’t the appearance they were familiar with.

Her white uniform highlighted her sharp figure.

The epaulettes on her shoulders gleamed beautifully, and the golden dragon-engraved buttons seemed ready to burst into flames at any moment.

With every step she took, the rapier at her waist clinked rhythmically.

Her empty left sleeve fluttered, yet that only added to her elegance and grace.

It was the white ceremonial uniform, issued only to senior members of the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.

In that moment, the onlookers were utterly overwhelmed by the aura Evelyn exuded.

Standing there was the very idol every swordsman of Ragnar aspired to become.

“If he had infused magic power into it? If he had overlaid aura on it? What do you think would have happened?”

Whether they paid attention to her or not, Evelyn’s gaze remained fixed on the training ground.

“If you still can’t figure it out, just throw away whatever you’ve got perched on your shoulders.”

Evelyn passed by the onlookers and approached Theo and Wellington.

It was only then that the onlookers understood her words, and none of them could speak.

Theo and Wellington’s clash had clearly been simultaneous.

But the problem lay in the reach of the swords.

Theo’s Zweihander was much longer than Wellington’s.

And Wellington had stepped into that range.

On top of that, if they considered the weight of the weapons?


Cold sweat trickled down their foreheads at the thought.

‘He moved that fast, even with a Zweihander?’

‘That fast, even rivaling the speed famous in the House of Narcio?’

‘If he could use magic power, just how much faster could he become?’

Only now did the onlookers begin to perceive Theo as a monster.

—The rumors weren’t exaggerated. No, if anything, they were lacking!

That thought crossed their minds simultaneously.

And then.

“What are you talking about? It was my sword that broke. This is my defeat. It was an honor to share such a fine duel with you.”

Theo bowed his head as he observed the formal sword etiquette.

His demeanor was filled with discipline and grace, completely unlike the arrogant persona he had displayed earlier.

Thump thump!

The primal emotions of the swordsmen began to stir again, causing their hearts to race.

The intensity of Theo and Wellington’s competitive spirit, the heat from their rivalry, and the respect they showed each other afterward with their mutual acknowledgment—all of it, coupled with their fierce gazes, made the onlookers feel a strange urge.

They wanted to be part of that scene, to join them in that world.

The chivalry of swordsmen, the kind they had once only dreamed of, was right there in front of them.

* * *

“The sword Lord Theo was using had already worn down from several duels, hadn’t it? Furthermore, you were thoroughly exhausted. This match is clearly your victory.”

“In a battlefield where stray swords and arrows fly from every direction, who’s going to take all those circumstances into consideration? A swordsman who loses his weapon will inevitably be defeated.”

While they exchanged words in a not-quite-argument about who had truly lost, Theo was reviewing the results of the ten matches he had fought.

His Luck stat had increased by a whopping 10.

His other stats had also improved modestly, contributing to his overall growth.

‘As expected, I still have a long way to go.’

At the same time, a new concern weighed on his mind.

After his bout with Wellington, he had become painfully aware of his own weaknesses.

‘I’ve now memorized the forms of these secret sword techniques. I can connect them, even apply them in various ways. But I can’t go beyond that.’

Secret sword techniques are usually divided into two parts.

The form (形), which consists of the stances and movements.

And the essence (意), the deeper intent within those forms.

The form is, as the name implies, just the shape.

Anyone who isn’t a fool can memorize it. Once the body has become accustomed to it, it’s even possible to modify the structure—this is what’s known as application.

But the essence is different.

Like the yolk packed with nutrients inside the hard shell of an egg, the essence contains the true mastery of the secret sword techniques.

If one fails to grasp it?

Then it’s no better than a superficial understanding.

The secret sword techniques Theo had borrowed from the library were so remarkable that even the elders would one day be impressed.

The problem was that Theo didn’t yet have the insight necessary to fully comprehend these techniques.

Something else was needed to delve deeper into them.

‘A teacher.’

Theo swallowed dryly.

‘I need a teacher who can guide me on the right path and give me instruction.’

But would there truly be such a teacher willing to impart their knowledge to someone like him?

No, to be clear, there was no one.

The main reason was because of the poor image that “Theo Ragnar” had built up over time.

Even though this recent opportunity might allow him to improve his reputation, those around him were also outcasts who had fallen behind in Ragnar. Simply defeating them wouldn’t immediately create a favorable public opinion.

This was an issue that would require a long, slow process to change.

And even if there was someone who could become a teacher, they had probably already aligned themselves elsewhere because of the Blossoming Ceremony.

‘In my heart, I’d love to meet with Master Newitz, but… it’s impossible since I can’t leave Winterler until the ceremony is over. Besides, he’s more of a scholar who approaches martial arts from a theoretical perspective rather than a practical one.’

Above all, he wasn’t set to truly appear for another five years, so it wasn’t the right time to meet him anyway.

After considering all these factors, only one person remained.


But Theo shook his head.

Julius still held a favorable opinion of him, so if Theo asked, he would likely help. However, making such a request after having already refused Julius once didn’t sit right with him.

If he were going to ask, he’d need to seriously consider joining the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.

‘In the end, I have no choice but to figure it out on my own.’

With five months remaining until the Blossoming Ceremony, Theo figured that if he continued sparring regularly, he might eventually come to understand the essence of the techniques.

Just as he was thinking that—

“You’re mistaken. It’s not the essence you’re lacking.”

A voice seemed to pierce directly into his thoughts.

Startled, Theo whipped his head around.

Standing there was Evelyn, dressed in her formal uniform, a sight unfamiliar to him.

Before he could ask why she was dressed like that, another thought slipped out of his mouth.

“How did you know what I was thinking…?”

“Well, at this stage, the worries of people like you are always pretty much the same.”


Was that a compliment, or a veiled insult?


Evelyn let out a small chuckle as she watched Theo staring at her, dumbfounded.

“If I’ve been rude, I ask for your forgiveness.”

“…No, it’s not that. Just tell me more. What do you mean I’m mistaken?”

“What do you think the essence is, Lord Theo?”

“The hidden mastery within swordsmanship, perhaps?”

“Then what do you think mastery is?”

“What swordsmanship strives to achieve…?”

“Then what does that striving entail?”

“The creator’s intent?”

“And what is that intent, then?”


The endless string of questions, one following the other.

At some point, Theo found himself at a loss for words, feeling blocked.

“The essence is, after all, the core of swordsmanship.”

“The core…”

“But when you break down that core, it’s actually not as grand as people make it out to be. Some might dress it up, saying it captures the blue of the sky or imitates the majesty of the sea, but in the end, it’s just a combination of simple actions—thrusting, striking, blocking, cutting, slicing… things we already know.”

It was then that Theo finally understood what Evelyn was trying to say.


His grasp of the basic moves, those practiced by beginners when they first start learning swordsmanship, was lacking.

“You’re quite peculiar, Lord Theo. You don’t have a solid grasp of the fundamentals, yet somehow, you seem to know more secret techniques than I’ve ever seen.”


“Oh, of course, I’m not asking where those techniques came from. I’m merely pointing out that the order is wrong.”

Evelyn’s gaze was calm.

“Can a child who can’t even walk properly learn to run just because they’re taught? Can a fledgling bird, who can’t even control its body, truly fly just because it’s taught to flap its wings?”


“Yes, I understand. You want to say that you’ve sparred well up until now and that there haven’t been any problems, don’t you?”

Theo nodded.

“But that’s only because you’re a ‘Ragnar,’ isn’t it?”


“The body of a Ragnar is blessed—it allows a child who can’t walk to fly, and lets a bird that can’t even steady itself bite the throat of its predator. And you, Lord Theo, possess an even greater talent, allowing you to soar through the skies after devouring your foes.”

He had relied on his talent all along.

No, to be more precise, he had relied heavily on the Dragon’s Heart.

“That’s why you need to correct your fundamentals before you rely further on that talent. If you lay a solid foundation, you’ll be able to climb higher without worrying about what’s beneath you.”

Theo fidgeted with his fingers.

Something seemed to be tickling at the edge of his consciousness, just out of reach, like he was on the verge of grasping something important.

How could he seize it?

The answer was clear.

‘Whether I’m on the wrong path or making poor decisions, I need someone by my side to correct me.’

A teacher.

Not a fraud like Rendon, but a true teacher.

Someone like…

The person standing right in front of him—



“Would you be my swordsmanship teacher?”


There was the sound of sharp intakes of breath from the onlookers—the onlookers.

Even though Evelyn was retired, being able to learn swordsmanship from someone who had once been in the White Armored Dragon Cavalry was an incredible honor.

Even Wellington, who had been standing a step away, was now looking in their direction with a curious gaze.

But then—

“Do you notice what I’m wearing?”

Evelyn suddenly brought up something entirely different.

“Huh? Oh, right. Are you going back to the White Armored Dragon Cavalry?”

“Yes. I’ve returned temporarily.”

Across both his past life and this one, Theo had shared many interactions with Evelyn.

But she had never once brought up her past, not even in passing.

And now, she had fully rejoined the unit?

Was this some kind of butterfly effect?

But he hadn’t yet made any major changes to his past, had he?

“Temporarily, you said?”

“It’s just as I said. The commander has set a condition.”

“A condition?”

“Yes. He instructed me to become Lord Theo’s swordsmanship teacher.”


“He said it’s something you’ll need the most right about now.”


The people around them stirred even more.

– What? Is this real?

– A member of the White Armored Dragon Cavalry as a swordsmanship teacher…?

– And not just any member! It’s that Evelyn, the commander’s right hand!

– Isn’t this essentially being re-scouted?

– Unbelievable… Is this for real? A man being courted twice by the White Armored Dragon Cavalry?

– Still, private lessons even before the Blossoming Ceremony? That’s insane!

– But isn’t it understandable?

– Yeah, if he’s on par with Lord Wellington… it makes sense.

The way people looked at Theo was gradually shifting into one of admiration.

…Their eyes seemed to be sparkling a little too brightly.

‘Julius… Did he foresee this entire situation from that brief meeting? Is this what it means to be truly exceptional?’

“If this is some kind of condition for my entry—”

“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. The commander said it was entirely a gesture of ‘goodwill.’”


“Yes. He called it an investment. For the future.”


Theo scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

At this point, he couldn’t even begin to fathom what was going on in Julius’s mind.

But there was no need to refuse this offer.

After all, it had been his own desire to have Evelyn as his swordsmanship teacher.

“Thank you. Then, I’ll humbly ask for your guidance.”

“Very well. Now, draw your sword.”


“The commander is the commander, but I still need to test whether you’re qualified to be my disciple, don’t I?”

She wasn’t wrong. Theo, caught off guard, instinctively reached for his Zweihander, only to remember a moment later that it had broken.

“Then I should at least switch swords—”

“Didn’t you just say a little while ago? That in real combat, those are nothing but excuses.”


“Now, defend yourself.”


‘She’s fast!’

It was hard to believe she had any physical limitations or that she hadn’t wielded a sword for years. Her strike was as fast as a flash of light.

Theo squeezed the Dragon’s Heart with all his might, trying to follow Evelyn’s movements.

Just as he was about to adjust the angle of his Zweihander to block—


Wellington’s sword suddenly slid between Theo and Evelyn.


“Your sword is broken, so I figured I’d complete the missing part. Combining my sword with yours seems like it’ll be just the right length.”

Wellington glanced over at Theo with a grin.


Theo smiled back and immediately fell into step with Wellington.

Theo moved from the left, Wellington from the right.

Swish! Swish!

As if they had planned it all along, their movements were perfectly synchronized, sharp and precise.

“You both have good instincts.”

Evelyn, far from being displeased by the sudden intervention, actually seemed impressed, responding swiftly to their combined assault.


In an instant, the three swords clashed, filling the air with the chaotic sound of metal on metal.


The onlookers—no, they were no longer just onlookers. They had moved beyond merely acknowledging Theo. Now, they had become his followers, entirely absorbed by the heat of the battle he exuded.

Their cheers echoed across the training ground, raising the energy even higher.

And with that—

Thump thump thump thump!

Everyone present could feel their hearts pounding wildly in their chests.

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