Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Dormant Dragon Now Stretches (2) >

[Tutorial Quest ■ #8]

“Escape the title of ‘Crippled fool of Ragnar’s blood.’”

· Difficulty: E
· Reward: ■■■’s Bracelet
· Failure: ■■

[Player’s authority has risen, redisplaying the information.]

[Tutorial Quest #8]

“Escape the title of ‘Crippled fool of Ragnar’s blood.’”

· Difficulty: E
· Reward: Beginner’s Anklet
· Failure: ■■


“Player, quest, beginner?”

For the first time, all the information appeared without any noise.

Since it closely resembled a ‘game’ in its functions, the unfamiliar terms didn’t feel strange at all.

The penalty section was still obscured, though.

Thanks to this, his mind felt as if it had cleared up all at once.

“Come to think of it.”

Theo’s eyes gleamed as he alternated his gaze between his information window and the message window.

“Didn’t [Luck] go up when I gained Julius and Evelyn’s recognition?”

A good idea suddenly came to mind.

Though whether it could truly be called ‘good’ was uncertain.

‘Still, if I succeed, the impact will be huge. I could kill three, no, even four birds with one stone.’


Theo lightly shook the bell on his desk, and a butler, waiting outside, entered the room.

“Summon all the available servants currently staying in the Rose Palace.”

* * *

The next day, precisely at 6 a.m.

As usual, Theo headed to the Fourth Training Ground.

The only difference was the Zweihander strapped to his back, a sword larger than he was.

Every time he walked, the tip of the sword dragged across the ground, leaving a long, deep groove behind him. The sight was somewhat comical, yet it also evoked a strange tension.

“Hey, look over there.”

“That guy…?”

“Yeah, it’s him from the Rose Palace.”

“He looks really small, doesn’t he?”

“I heard he still hasn’t mastered the . So how did he take down a 2-Star Swordsman?”

“That’s what we’re here to find out, right?”

The scene at the Fourth Training Ground was also quite different from usual.

A considerable crowd had gathered, pretending to warm up lightly while discreetly watching Theo’s every move.

All these people had gathered directly to ‘confirm’ things after new rumors about Theo spread rapidly the night before.

“Not only did the ‘Cripple of the Rose Palace’ defeat a 2-Star Swordsman, but he also received an offer to join the White Armored Dragon Cavalry.”

“But he refused the offer, acting like he didn’t know his place!”

Of course, most who heard this rumor had scoffed, dismissing it as nonsense.

But still…

“Even if, by the slimmest chance, it’s true?”

“We can’t just stand by and do nothing!”

That was the conclusion the swordsmen had reached.

Any swordsman who served the House of Ragnar deeply respected Julius. Rejecting an offer from someone like him was akin to disgracing his name. It was something that should never have happened.

Thus, they had decided to quietly observe Theo’s training and judge for themselves whether the rumors were true.



Suddenly, Theo unsheathed the Zweihander from his back and drew a long line on the ground of the training yard.

More precisely, it was a line that separated Theo from the onlookers.




Of course, the bewildered observers, not understanding his intentions, could only tilt their heads in confusion.

Theo then motioned with his hand, beckoning them to step inside the line.

“You all came here to watch me, right? I don’t want to deal with you one by one, so come at me all at once.”




“What are you waiting for? Not coming?”




Seeing them still hesitating, a cold smirk curled on Theo’s lips.

‘Looks like the rumors are doing their job perfectly.’

In fact, the source of the rumors that had spread rapidly the night before was none other than Theo himself. He had instructed the servants to spread the word about what happened at the Fourth Training Ground as widely as possible.

Unlike the other swordsmen, who treated the servants poorly, Theo had a good relationship with them. On top of that, he had offered them a small reward, which motivated them to act enthusiastically.

‘There are four things I’m aiming for with this opportunity.’

The first was to draw attention and raise his [Luck] by increasing his fame.

The second was to gain experience through consecutive duels, allowing him to level up.

The third was to become more proficient in the swordsmanship he had just started learning.

And the final, fourth goal?


Theo didn’t want to be just another forgettable person like in his past lives. He wanted to carve out a name for himself and seize the seat of power within the family. To do that, his name, “Theo,” had to burn itself into people’s minds like a blazing fire.

Like flames.

And the people standing before him?

They were the perfect kindling for that fire.

In fact, the faces of the observers, now humiliated by Theo’s provocation, were flushed red with anger.

Even though Theo was a direct descendant of Ragnar, his actions clearly mocked them, and that was something they could not tolerate.

However, despite their anger, the onlookers hesitated, merely exchanging glances, unable to recklessly step over the line Theo had drawn.

– If we gang up on him here and mess up…

– The rumors will blow up like crazy.

– Damn it, but we can’t just sit here after being insulted.

If adults ganged up on a kid simply because they were provoked—especially a child who had only held a sword for a few days—it would lead to nothing less than social ruin, utter disgrace.

Yet, as swordsmen of Ragnar, ignoring such a provocation was unthinkable.

Eventually, one of them decided to take the lead and stepped forward.

“I am Sybil Dreigh, a gatekeeper swordsman of the Southern Inspection Post.”

A gatekeeper swordsman—a position reserved for at least a 2-star swordsman.

“May I ask just one thing of you, young lord? Should we take your current behavior as an acknowledgment that the suspicions and rumors spreading are true?”

“That matter was between me and the Captain of the White Armored Dragon Cavalry. I am not obligated to answer you, am I?”

“Then why this provocation…!”

“I’m busy preparing for the Blossoming Ceremony and training on my own. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to clear away any distractions ahead of time?”


Sybil’s face flushed red, but this time it wasn’t due to anger—it was from embarrassment.

Theo’s words had a deeper meaning:

– No matter what excuses I give, you won’t listen, right? You’ll just stick around here and cause a commotion.

– But I hate being distracted during training. So, I’m planning to get rid of you in advance. What’s wrong with that?

Sybil found himself at a loss for words because, in truth, he had no intention of leaving the Fourth Training Ground until his curiosity was fully satisfied.

“So, are you coming or not?”




The problem was that responding to such words made it difficult for them to act. If they charged at him now, they would be admitting they were petty, vindictive.

Did he purposely provoke us to seize control of the situation?

Sybil began to wonder if the rumors about Theo were entirely wrong, as Theo’s current attitude was nothing like what he had heard.

“If you’re not coming…”

Theo gripped the Zweihander and took a stance.

“Then I’ll come to you.”


A sudden shiver ran down Sybil’s spine.



In an instant, Theo crossed the line and charged directly at Sybil, who barely managed to draw his sword in time from where it was hanging at his waist.


* * *

Until Evelyn pulled out the chest hidden in the farthest corner beneath her bed.

Until she carefully wiped the dust off the lid and opened it.

She questioned herself over and over.

‘Is this really the best choice?’

‘Am I falling for the Captain’s cunning schemes again?’

‘What if my trauma from back then resurfaces?’

‘What if I can no longer perform at the same level as before?’

‘Even if it was my left arm that was lost, having only one arm is so different from having two. Did I really not forget my swordsmanship?’

‘Is this really okay?’




A flood of demons whispered in her mind.

Anxiety, worry, restlessness, anger, sadness… Every emotion was packed tightly inside.



The sound of the lid opening filled the silent room, and in that moment, the whispers of the demons vanished completely.

‘It’s beautiful…’

The rapier inside the chest was stunning.

Though it had no elaborate decorations, the sleek blade alone was its pride. And that simplicity struck Evelyn deeply.

So this is what I wielded so recklessly in the past.

I treated this sword so poorly.

Lost in thought, Evelyn slowly reached out her right hand and gripped the hilt of the rapier.


Her hand shook.

The sword trembled.

Likewise, her heart… trembled.

“I didn’t accept your resignation because you couldn’t hold the reins anymore. It wasn’t because you couldn’t hold a sword.”

“So why not reconsider wielding the sword again? Isn’t it time to rise once more?”

The Captain’s words echoed in her ears.

“I had a feeling that the young man’s fighting spirit could reignite the flame in your extinguished heart.”

With those words lingering in her mind, Evelyn gripped the rapier tightly and slowly stood up.

‘By now, he’s probably at the training ground, isn’t he?’

Could Theo really ignite the fire in her cold heart?

Could he make her heart beat again?

She wanted to find out for herself.

* * *


Sybil snapped back to reality as a sharp pain shot through his wrist, making it feel as though it might fall off.

It’s real! He’s truly made up his mind!

It’s said that skilled swordsmen can read their opponent’s intent just by crossing blades.

That was exactly how Sybil felt now.

The intensity of Theo’s fighting spirit was overwhelming.

It was as if he were facing a battle-hardened warrior on the battlefield.

Has this man, who’s never even set foot outside Winterer… really…?

Clang, clang, clang!

After exchanging several rapid strikes with Theo, Sybil quickly pulled back, putting as much distance between them as he could.

Ziiing, ziiing—

His sword hummed as though it might break at any moment, with scratches and nicks all along its blade.

No matter how heavy the Zweihander was, such damage was impossible without skill. At this level, Theo could undeniably be called a swordsman.

‘…So there was a reason Julius scouted him.’

Sybil suddenly felt deeply ashamed of himself.

It had already been ten years since he had become a gatekeeper swordsman. Yet he had never progressed beyond the rank of 2-star.

That truth had been gnawing away at Sybil for a long time.

I once dreamed of proudly donning white armor, standing at the forefront of the battlefield, showcasing the glory of Ragnar…

Do you know the pain of someone whose dreams are drastically out of reach in reality?

If you haven’t experienced it, you’ll never truly understand.

The peers Sybil had once laughed and joked with had now become respectable seniors, shining in their accomplishments. Meanwhile, he remained stuck in place, left so far behind that he couldn’t even be seen in their shadows.

The crushing despair of realizing the limits of one’s abilities is immeasurable.

Perhaps that was when it all began—the habit of seeking out those he deemed lesser and belittling them to feel better about himself.

One of those people had been Theo.

Theo Ragnar? Oh, that pale prince of the Rose Palace? How could anyone compare me to him? He’s a useless noble with no drive, no talent. But me? I’m different, right?

To Sybil, Theo had been nothing more than a spoiled child who had the fortune of being born into Ragnar’s bloodline.

That’s all he thought of him, until he heard the rumors last night.

What? But now he’s caught the attention of Julius? Impossible! Why would someone like him? There must be some mistake. It has to be.

He hadn’t wanted to believe that the very person he had dismissed and looked down upon had gained the recognition of the one he admired.

Maybe it was the fear of being left behind that he couldn’t bear.

That’s why Sybil had gathered with some of his friends and sought out Theo. Most of the onlookers who had come with him were in the same position as Sybil.

They, too, had once lived with grand dreams, their hearts full of ambition, but had been forced to give up due to their lack of talent and the harshness of reality.

They wanted to see for themselves.

To confirm that Julius had made a mistake.

No matter how perfect someone may seem, even a person like Julius could make a mistake once in a while.

And they wanted to punish him—the arrogant fool who dared to reject Julius’s offer without knowing his place.

But now…

‘That wasn’t it.’

Look at the fierce determination Theo was exuding. This wasn’t the attitude of a pampered noble who had simply been lucky enough to be born into Ragnar’s bloodline.

This was the will of someone who had struggled desperately not to be trampled upon, someone who had gritted their teeth and endured, swinging their sword tirelessly in places where no one could see them.

It was a tenacity born of relentless perseverance, something only those who had fought to survive could possess.

Something even Sybil himself lacked.

That kind of willpower.


Sybil felt an overwhelming urge to crawl into a hole and hide.

But doing so would only mean running away—it wouldn’t correct the mistake or disrespect he had shown.


Just as Theo was about to take another step, Sybil quickly lowered his sword, covering his right hand with his left, and bowed his head deeply.

Sword Salute.

A gesture of apology and respect recognized only among swordsmen.

“What are you doing?” Theo asked, narrowing his eyes as he stopped in his tracks.

“I wish to apologize for my mistakes and disrespect.”

Sybil’s voice was calm, but his heart was racing.

“I looked down on your skills and dared to interrupt your training. I know it’s hard to forgive, but I felt I needed to express my regret, even if it’s late. Once again, I sincerely apologize for my rudeness.”

His head remained bowed, waiting for Theo’s response.

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