Regressing as the Reincarnated Bastard of the Sword Clan

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Relic of the Ancient Dragon (5) >


Theo couldn’t understand for a moment.

‘Mother? Kirsion?’

As far as Theo knew, Cecilia was a lone orphan without any family.

Because of that, her position within the family wasn’t particularly favorable.

Yet now, she was calling the owner of the Vasque Workshop “Mother”?

It didn’t make any sense.

Moreover, Kirsion, while obsessed with money, was still an elf in name.

And from what Theo knew, she was one of the few remaining ‘High Elves’ on the continent.

There was no way she could be Cecilia’s mother.

Whether Kirsion was aware of Theo’s confusion or not, she casually responded to Cecilia’s title, as if it was no big deal.

And she didn’t seem pleased.

“Mother, you say? Do you really think of me as your mother?”

“Even if you only raised me for half a year as my foster mother, you’re still my mother.”

“You wretched girl. You didn’t even bother to show your face most of the time.”

“Or should I just call you ‘old hag’ or ‘wrinkled prune’ like usual?”

Theo thought Cecilia’s way of speaking was quite sharp.

“That mouth of yours…! Just get out of my sight. The bond between us ended a long time ago.”

Kirsion, her voice filled with anger, started to turn away.

It was then that Cecilia threw the three ceremonial swords she was holding in her hands toward her.

“What are you doing?”

With her left hand, the one not holding her pipe, Kirsion swiftly caught the swords with great skill.

It was as if the wind followed her will.

‘Her abilities are just as remarkable as her blacksmithing skills,’ Theo thought, his eyes gleaming.

One of Kirsion’s eyebrows twitched.

These were the very swords Cecilia had pestered her to make last year, claiming they were a gift for her son.

“I’m here to return them.”

“This is absurd. You dare to return the swords that I, Kirsion, personally forged?”

Theo let out a dry laugh.

He had thought they were just high-quality ceremonial swords.

But Kirsion had personally forged them?

“Even if that’s not the case, who on earth accepts a return after more than a year has passed?”

“If it’s a defective product, of course, it should be returnable, no matter how many years have passed. I believe the Vasque Workshop’s slogan mentioned something about trust and sincerity.”

“Defective, you say! There’s no way something I’ve made could have a flaw!”

“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you check for yourself?”

Kirsion frowned deeply, clearly displeased with Cecilia’s unwavering confidence.


As soon as she drew the sword, her expression hardened.

The same went for the remaining two blades.

Kirsion was at a loss for words.

“……This is.”

“Are you still going to claim these aren’t defective?”


Kirsion silently examined each sword one by one.

The worn state of the blade,

The impact marks on the sword’s body,

Even the balance of the sword—everything.

Soon, she finally looked up with a serious expression for the first time.

“Who used this sword?”

“Who else would have? Naturally, it was my son.”

“That guy behind you?”

“Watch your words. He is the one who will lead Ragnar in the future. He is also the one who will be the star of the upcoming Blossoming Ceremony in five days.”

Theo felt embarrassed by Cecilia’s gilded praise, but he maintained his composure and respectfully bowed.

“I am Theo Ragnar of the Camellia Palace. It is an honor to meet the renowned master of the Vasque Workshop.”

“Theo Ragnar… I see. I’ve heard rumors about you among the younger blacksmiths. They say you cut off Hanabi’s son’s right arm and turned the second son of House Ranke into a bloody mess.”

“It’s just an exaggerated reputation…”

“Didn’t I tell you? He’s the promising talent who will rewrite Ragnar’s future.”

Cecilia raised her chin with pride again.

Now, Theo just wanted to hide from his mother’s blatant bragging.

“My son was using those defective weapons. But imagine if he had participated in the Blossoming Ceremony without realizing their condition. Would you be able to endure the ridicule he would have faced? The reputation of the Vasque Workshop, and your own title as Master Artisan, would have been severely damaged.”

“These marks… they’re not from that…”

Kirsion started to say something, but then shook her head and turned away.

“Enough. This isn’t the place for such discussions. Follow me.”

* * *

Clang, clang, clang—

Theo and Cecilia followed Kirsion as she led them through the workshop’s interior.

Despite the late hour, nearly a hundred blacksmiths were bustling around, hard at work.

It seemed they were struggling to keep up with the backlog of orders due to the upcoming Blossoming Ceremony.

As a result, no one paid much attention to Kirsion’s unexpected visitors.

Thanks to this, Theo finally had a chance to ask the question that had been on his mind.

“What is your relationship with the Master Artisan?”

A smile appeared on Cecilia’s lips.

“Just as you’ve heard.”

“Then, are you truly her foster daughter…?”

“It’s a brief connection of less than half a year, but yes, she was a mother who took me in.”

She smiled softly, as if reminiscing about old memories.

“You’re aware that I was an actress before marrying into the Ragnar family, aren’t you?”

“Yes, you mentioned it before.”

“I met my foster mother back then. She loves anything beautiful—whether it’s jewels, gold, art, music, or theater.”

Cecilia added softly,

“Or even people.”


“So, she took me in as her foster daughter. Apparently, she found me quite pleasing. For me, it wasn’t a bad deal either, as having someone like her in my corner was a good thing.”

Theo could feel the deep affection underlying Cecilia’s words, despite her casual tone.

Perhaps those six months they spent as mother and daughter held fond memories for her as well.

‘It seems Mother’s keen eye for art was influenced by Kirsion.’

“But what made you leave her side?”

“Around that time, I caught the eye of the Lord.”


“The Lord was truly remarkable back then. Handsome and dignified… I fell for him completely.”

Her foster mother had been opposed to it, though.

Theo pressed his lips together, hearing the words Cecilia added.

– No, you mustn’t.

– But Mother…!

– If there’s anything else you want to do, just say the word. I’ll support you however you need. You mentioned wanting to start your own theater troupe, didn’t you? How much would it take? I’ll fund it for you.

– That won’t be necessary anymore. As long as I have him…!

– Nonsense! You’re just blinded by something at the moment! You’re dazzled by the light of the Ragnar name!

– But still!

– Do you think you’ll be treated well if you go there? That place is a jungle full of people who are barely human. I won’t send you to a place like that!

– If you keep opposing me, I’ll have no choice. I’ll have to make up my mind.

– What… What are you planning to do?

– Thank you for raising me, Mother. For everything.

Memories of that time flashed briefly through Cecilia’s mind.

A past that was now hard to recall.

“I hadn’t been in touch for almost all that time until I returned last year.”

– Why have you come here? After all that time?

– I need a sword.

– A sword?

– Yes. It’s a gift for my son. Would you make it for me, for old times’ sake? I’ll pay for it.

– ……Fine. Do as you please.

“Those three swords were created then?”

“Yes. But who would’ve thought she’d make them that way? I intend to confront her and find out if she made them so poorly because I’m her estranged daughter.”

Theo scratched his cheek with his index finger.

He could sense both affection and resentment in his mother’s feelings toward Kirsion.

In truth, he knew very well that the swords Kirsion had made were not defective.

‘The damage on the blade was caused by Drake scales… How should I explain that?’

With restrictions on discussing dungeons, he was uncertain how to broach the subject.

Still, he couldn’t just let Kirsion continue to bear the blame for something that wasn’t her fault.

‘It seems the Master Artisan still cares for Mother, too.’

As Theo watched Kirsion’s back, still trailing faint wisps of smoke, he wondered,

‘But… why didn’t she show up at Mother’s funeral in my past life?’

* * *

“I’ll reforge the swords. No matter how much I explain, to an estranged foster daughter, it will only sound like excuses.”

As soon as they entered the main office, Kirsion spoke to Theo and Cecilia with a hint of finality.


All the while, white smoke continued to drift from him.

Cecilia waved the smoke away with her hand, frowning.

“I appreciate the gesture, but could you do something about this smoke?”

“However, there’s one thing I need to ask.”

Kirsion cut her off, preventing her from launching into a lecture, and she turned her attention to Theo.

“Do you possess any relics of the Ancient Dragon?” she asked through voice projection.

Cecilia’s eyes narrowed as she glanced back and forth between Theo and Kirsion.

Although she had only mastered basic breathing techniques, as the wife of a famous swordsmanship family, she was well-versed in martial arts.

She knew Kirsion wanted a private conversation with Theo.

Stepping back, she subtly gave them space.

「Ah! You haven’t undergone the Blossoming Ceremony yet, have you? In that case, just mouth your words. I can understand that much,」 Kirsion conveyed silently.

Theo nodded quietly and moved his lips without a sound.

‘Do you mean the progenitor of our guardian dragons, the Ancient Dragon who protects the main family?’

Kirsion frowned.

「You’re not aware of the relic?」

‘I’ve heard the “legend” that our ancestor placed the treasures of the Ancient Dragon throughout various locations for the Ragnar descendants, but…’

Theo couldn’t make sense of what Kirsion was getting at.

Was she referring to the folktale every Ragnar child knew?

It didn’t seem that way.

「Legend? A legend, you say! Ha! So that’s all you know? Don’t play dumb with me.」

Kirsion, visibly irritated, drew one of the swords.

「If you don’t possess a relic, then how would you explain the traces left on this sword?」

The marks that Kirsion pointed to were mostly traces of strikes against a Drake’s scales or direct bite marks.

“This unique pattern can only be left by those who have awakened a relic!”

Theo’s eyes widened.

Right now, Kirsion’s words implied that she knew about the dungeon!

Thump, thump, thump!

Theo’s heart pounded wildly.

However, Theo remained calm.

It wasn’t yet the time to reveal anything.

‘The marks left on my sword are merely from the intense training I’ve been doing.’

“You intend to play innocent to the end, don’t you? Well, I suppose I can understand. It’s not easy to reveal secrets to someone you’ve just met today. I’d probably do the same.”


Kirsion took a deep drag from her pipe before exhaling, filling the office with smoke.

Cecilia glared at Kirsion but held back from disrupting the atmosphere.

“However, I’ll tell you this one thing. Opening a relic isn’t something just anyone can achieve.”

Kirsion’s gaze sank deeply.

It was a stark contrast from the irritable, money-obsessed demeanor she had shown before.

Theo began to wonder if this might be Kirsion’s ‘true’ self.

“Many people wish to open them, but most can’t. No, almost all can’t.”

A smirk lifted the corner of her mouth.

“But you seem to have managed it… Shall we see if you can gain the approval of another relic?”

Without waiting for Theo’s response, Kirsion suddenly clapped her hands.


Soon, the office door opened, and a secretary who had been waiting outside entered.

“You called for me, Chairman?”

“Bring ‘that’ from the warehouse.”

“‘That’…? But Chairman, that item—”

“Just do it.”


The secretary looked suspiciously between Theo and Cecilia before leaving the room.

Cecilia asked, “What did you tell him to bring?”

“Didn’t you accuse me of giving you faulty goods? So, as compensation and to prevent any rumors, I thought I’d give my newly-met ‘grandson’ a little gift.”

When Kirsion bit down on her pipe with a broad grin, Cecilia frowned.

The emphasis she put on the word ‘grandson’ was suspicious.

She looked over to Theo as if asking for his approval.

“I’m fine, Mother.”

“There, you see? Our grandson says he’s fine. You’re just being overly sensitive.”

Theo smiled calmly, reassuring Cecilia of his composure.

‘Another relic… I’m not sure what exactly Kirsion intends to do, but if this is true…’

There was a risk that the secret message he had painstakingly hidden could be discovered.

However, Theo felt it was worth taking a gamble.

‘If she truly cares for Mother, then she might be someone I can trust to some extent.’

As Theo’s gaze grew more intense, the secretary returned.

“I’ve brought the item as you instructed. Then, I’ll take my leave.”

The secretary set down the item and hurriedly exited the office as if escaping.

The item was a long, wooden box.

Its appearance was peculiar.

The exterior was tightly wrapped in chains, and the lid was secured with a rusty padlock.

Aside from that, there weren’t any distinguishing features.

Cecilia tilted her head, wondering what on earth it could be.



Theo’s eyes trembled slightly as he looked at the wooden box.


A faint blue light was seeping out from inside the padlock.

The storage room in the Camellia Palace.

It was just like the light he’d seen when he opened the door to the dungeon.

“So you can see it, too. I can’t see a thing.”

Kirsion’s laughter echoed in his ears again.

“This is something I once tried to open but couldn’t. Something I wanted to possess but never could.”

Theo looked at Kirsion as if to ask what was inside.

“What I wanted was a demon sword… No, it would be more accurate to call it a Yo-Gom, a sword containing a specter. In any case, it’s a blade supposedly forged from the fang of an Ancient Dragon during the distant mythic era, and that very sword lies within.”


Kirsion exhaled a dense cloud of smoke once more.

“It’s called Wolbaek-gom, the Moon White Sword.”


Theo’s eyes widened.

He knew the name very well.

– Why is the Black Dragon’s sword here?

(E/n: yes, the black dragon and the dark dragon are different people)

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